
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


Has Gone Through Suffering and Testing

Since he himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested. Hebrews 2:18 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Many folks feel it is senseless to come to Christ with our worries, hurts and problems because He is the big god in Heaven and does not care about mere mortals.

Yes He does.

There is not one crisis that you encounter that Christ has not been through.

He experienced the death of a good friend, was betrayed by another. He experienced homelessness and hunger. He was rejected by loved ones and was hated by the politically correct, even though He was trying to help them. He helped so many yet so few thanked Him. Even then, it was outsiders that thanked Him and not those in His national family ( the Jews ) . And of course, let us not forget the temptation in the wilderness when He was weak, hungry and exhausted.

No matter the situation, Jesus has been there, Jesus cares and when you depend upon Him, He will guide you through them all. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: It is with the greatest gratitude that I thank you Jesus Immanuel (God is with us John 15:1-27 ) that You have suffered like we do and so much more. Because of this, who better to run to when lifes tragedies come crashing down upon us.

Thank You.

Thank you for always being there.

Thank you for Your gentle, soft reassurance during these difficult times.

Thank you for Your encouragement, strength and guidance in resolving these catastrophes.

It is in Your magnificent loving name I exalt You. Amen May you always run to the loving arms of Christ when calamity comes a crashing through your door. Joseph a son of Jehovah T

his article and photo @ 2021 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

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The gentleness of a

This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Hebrews 4:15-16 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Prayer: Thank you kindly Jehovah Chatsahi (The Lord is my Strength Psalm 27:1 ) for walking amongst us so You understand the trials and temptations, the tribulations and sorrows we experience in our daily life.

As such, when I come to You seeking help You bless ME with: strength where I am weak and the opportunity to use this strength to help others. The mercy to forgive me when I succumb to my weakness and repent of them.

May I extend that to those who repent when they have wronged me. The gentleness of a loving friend to teach others how to be members of Jehovahs holy family when they are uneducated in the proper etiquette befitting such a noble family.

May I guide others to behave in such a regal manner.

I humbly implore You to grant this petition this in Your gracious name. Amen.

May you be blessed with copious amounts of tutoring at the Masters feet to enable you to be a grand example of a noble family and plenty of opportunities to use them.

Joseph a son of Jehovah. This article and photo @ 2021 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.


Oh Jehovah Shalom

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Prayer: Oh Jehovah Shalom (The Lord blesses with Peace Isaiah 9:6, Rom 8:31-35 ) I thank you so much that I can always come to you with whatever is upsetting me. Every time You calm me down with Your gentle loving Divine peace and then softly speak to me and help relieve the stress I am experiencing.

Then You wisely explain the answer to all my questions and stressful situations. I am grateful that You have taught me to always come to You before I take any action.

I praise You in the name of the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ. Amen

Those who pray first, wait for the Lords answer and then be obedient unto His instruction have a lot less stress in their lives. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ 2020 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

May the LORD, calm your anxious heart and the urgent demand for quick results. May He help you to wait on Him, trusting that His timing is perfect.” Joseph a son of Jehovah

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I Know You See The

The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. (Exodus 3:7)

Please Jesus YAHWEH Ropheka ( God our healer Jeremiah 30:17 ) I know you see the suffering of Your children. You hear the cries of Your people. You listened to the Israelites in Egypt and saw their pain. Then You had compassion on them and delivered them from bondage. Lord, Sheppard, please hear the pitiful bleating of Your flock.

Please have compassion and concern for Your loved ones who are sick and in pain. Please smash the debilitating chains of suffering that imprison them. We will all sing joyous songs of hallelujah give you the glory for all the earth to hear.

It is Thy merciful name I humbly make this petition. Amen

May you be blessed with Christ gentle healing touch today. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ 2020 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.


Nothing is too Hard for Him.

 Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.Matthew 19:26 The Holy Bible The New Living Translation

Oh my awesome majestic King, You constantly amaze me with Your supreme prowess.

There have been countless situations where I am at wits end and know not where to turn nor what to do in oh so many difficult circumstances in my service unto You.

Then, I upon my knees, with rivers of tears streaming down my weary cheeks in desperation I call out to You for Your gracious Divine providence.

Then, You compassionately softly answer my prayer, You extinguish the searing sun of frustration boiling in my brain. You either take control of the situation and bring about solutions to these contentious issues or situations or, You guide me on how to resolve them myself. Sometimes, You help me with the resolution or sometimes You have trust in my competency and allow me to resolve them myself when You have kindly supplied me with the wisdom and tools needed for victory.

No matter which method You use my Love, I know Your gentle but firm hand extinguishes the scorching flames with in my mind and replaces them with soft gentle assurance that the situation is under Your control and because You love me, it will always work out for my good.

I thank You in the name of He who always took good care of those under His care (His disciples), Jesus Christ. Amen


Christ blesses us with love, peace and joy. May you be blessed with many opportunities to share these with others today.   Joseph a son of Jehovah 

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2020

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Is a Great Fisherman.


The ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world Revelation 12:9 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

“Satan never sells his poisons naked — he always gilds them before he vends them.” — Charles H. Spurgeon

This is how addiction begins.

Satan is a great fisherman. He makes deadly lures look like delightful delicacies. Sure it feels good to begins with but once he has you hooked you can squirm all you like but you are his. That is addiction

There is only one way to escape his deadly lure. His name is Jesus.

When you repent of your sins and depend upon the power of Christ, Jesus will smash those chains and set you free.

So if the Son makes you free, you will be free for sure. John 8:36 The Holy Bible, The New Life Version

That was the only way I was freed from alcoholism. I was and alcoholic for over forty years. I tried diet, counselling, meditation all to no avail. When I finally surrendered it to Christ the chains were instantly smashed and I have been free of them for ten years now. It was the same experience with smoking.

Prayer:Thank you Jehovah Moshiekh (Isaiah 49:26&60:16) The LORD my Savior for blessing me with smashing the chains of addiction which satan tricked me into enslaving me.                                      Thank you for Your salvation which lead me away from satans wiles and into Your Holy loving sphere that leads me ever closer to You.                                                                                                                     I exalt You in the name of He who defeated satan on resurrection day Jesus Christ. Amen

May you be blessed with peace and joy every day. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2020

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It is Indeed the Coldest and Darkest



Just Before. Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. Matthew 14:25 The Holy Bible New International Version

Being an avid outdoors man all my life I can certainly attest to the fact that it is indeed the coldest and darkest just before dawn.

From decades of experience it seems to me like Jesus always comes to us in our trials and tribulations, sorrows and danger when it is its most intense.

I think the reason for that is most of us chose to face our giants alone being independent.

It is only as they get progressively worse and all else fails that we go to Christ.

One of the benefits of this is our great and deep appreciation for His rescue.

Unfortunately for us the lesson of depending upon Him for salvation must be repeated numerous times before we accept the fact that it is unto Christ that we must always go whenever any trouble comes our way.

Finally learning that lesson and going to Christ first has prevented my storms from becoming full blown destructive typhoons.

Just remember Jesus has been there, Jesus cares. He is always willing to help but we must first call out to Him and then obey His instruction for us. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Since he himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested. Hebrews 2:18 The Holy Bible, New Living Translation

Jesus’ love is the bright healing light that evaporates that darkness of sorrow, worry, pain, loneliness and fear. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah ‘Ori (the Lord is my Light) Psalm 27:1 for blessing me with being the beacon of love, strength and assurance during my darkest hours. I praise You in the name of He who is the light of the world Jesus Christ. Amen

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love fill your heart today and every day. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2019

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Counsel and Understanding are His.


 “To God belong wisdom and power;  counsel and understanding are his. Job 12:13 Holy Bible, New International Version

Where do you go for counseling?

Some go to psychiatrists but they receive their flawed understanding from man. How many of them deal with your problems by pushing drugs on you?

I prefer to go to Jesus. The wonderful thing about Jesus is not only His infinite wisdom and power but because He suffered as we have He has been there and done it He understands everything we endure. Perhaps that is why He is called a wonderful councillor. Now He may guide you to qualified Christian counsellors or through His word and power along with His wisdom He may assist you on His own. I was blessed that He provided me with both.

Some go to these questionable counsellors you see on TV. But can they provide you with the wisdom and power that Christ can or do they go for TV ratings and your pocket book?

Some go to self help books but again, can they and do they give you individual counselling? Do they know you intimately like Jesus does? Do they love you like Jesus does? Can they bless you with power like Christ does?

Whenever I have a problem I always go to Jesus and He has a hundred per cent successes rate with me.

God delights to meet the faith of one who looks up to Him and says,“Lord, You know that I cannot do this—but I believe that You can!” –Amy Carmichael

How about you, where do you go for the best counselling?

Almighty God, who hast promised to hear the petitions of those who ask in thy Son’s Name: We beseech thee mercifully to incline thine ear to us who have now made our prayers and supplications unto thee; and grant that those things which we have asked faithfully according to thy will, may be obtained effectually, to the relief of our necessity, and to the setting forth of thy glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah ‘Ori (the Lord is my Light) for blessing me with lighting the way of life You have chosen for me to travel and for Your amazing wisdom and guidance to prudently resolve all the problems that darken my life. I extol Thee in the name of He whose light guides us to You and our Heavenly home Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


He also Brought Me Up.


He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, And established my steps. Psalm 40:2

mire a troublesome or intractable situation, heavy often deep mud or slush Merriam Webster dictionary

When I was a tree planter and we worked in deep mud it clung to our boots and made walking extremely labourous and difficult. Clay clings to you when wet and hardens like cement when it dries out.

What situation are you in that is clinging to you and dragging you into exhaustion, frustration and desperation? Is it a habit that is destroying your life?

You do not need self help groups or satanic politically correct filth that teaches that if you work real hard you will conquer whatever problem you have in your life.

You need the power of the Holy Spirit which Jehovah abundantly blesses us with when we surrender it unto Him. Now it may happen instantaneously or it may take a while.

When I surrendered the destructive addiction of alcoholism to Jehovah the Holy Spirit instantly crushed it and expelled it from me. When I decided to quit smoking it was a daily battle (at the time of this writing it has been two months and the struggle is still continuing). Some times I gave in and had a smoke but the determination is there to destroy this filthy habit. I know it cannot be done by my own will power but by working with the Holy Spirit we will eventually eternally eliminate it from my body.

For a righteous man may fall seven times And rise again. Proverbs 24:16 Holy Bible, New King James Version

Either way, the Lord will bless you with firm footing to not only destroy the wicked destructive habit but He will bless you with a new firm path that leads you to a deeper love and appreciation for Him. When that happens and you encounter someone else trying to battle a destructive habit it is your duty to give testimony of how Jehovah freed you from your slavery and encourage them lovingly.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-Mephalti (The Lord my Deliverer) for blessing me with delivering me from destructive habits that were too strong for me to conquer on my own by Your mighty power. I exalt Thee in the name of He who is the name we call upon to rescue us from all devastating weaknesses Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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You Healed Me.


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O Lord my God, I cried out to You, And You healed me. Psalm 30:2 New King James Version

It was in my hard times that Jehovah accomplished His greatest work in my life. Joseph- Anthony: Green

At one time there were undesirable traits in me that Jehovah needed to expel from my being before He could use me. They were the most agonizing and difficult times in my life yet I praise Him for them. That may sound crazy but it is true.

Take spitefulness for example. If you crossed me I could be the most evil and cruel soul you have ever encountered. Folks would literally get on their knees and beg me to stop. These needed to be burned away from me before Jehovah could use me which He did. He arranged for some agitators to continuously torment me. I wanted revenge but He told me to stand there and take it. It was more than I could handle so I cried out to Him to bless me with the strength to with stand these attacks which He abundantly did. Through these awful times He taught me to depend upon Him for strength.

The flip side of the coin was when Jehovah extracted His vengeance upon my tormentors which He arranged for me to witness. When His justice was preformed in my site a small quiet voice said to me:” Seek not revenge but leave vengeance in the hands of the Lord for He knows how to perform true justice.” When I saw the Lords vengeance I was terrified of it. Through this process I learned to depend upon Jehovah for strength and for His divine justice to be executed (yes it is okay for Christians to call upon the Lord for justice to be done unto those who have wronged us).

This is but one example of how He burned off the dross of stubbornness, independence, and spitefulness in my life. Burning off the dross is what they do to metal to make it pure. It is put through a furnace and the useless stuff is melted away to leave a pure metal.

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Leo Tolstoy

Jehovah puts us all through the furnace of afflictions to burn off our undesirable qualities to make us pure in His eyes. That does not mean we are perfect. It means our hearts bodies and minds belong to Him and Him alone. Through this process He healed me of a lot deep hurt and anger that was in my life.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. Anonymous

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-M’Kaddesh (The Lord is my Sanctifier) for blessing me with crucifying anything that was worshiped above You in my life and for the blessing of burning off of the dross of all things that impeded my growth into the holy child You have intended for me to be. I exalt You in the name of Your most holy son Jesus Christ. Amen.

May you be blessed in abundance with Jehovahs Devine love, peace and joy today and every day.