
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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Christianity is Christ

Christianity is Christ

There is no other way to say it. Christianity is Christ.

Christianity is centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ. If the focus is on anything else it is not Christianity. That great truth is stated throughout the New Testament. In fact, everything in the Old Testament leads up to that great truth regarding His person and work.

The apostle Peter was one of the first individuals to accept that great fact. Jesus asked the question, who do the people say that I am? (Matthew 16:13). The disciples had been with the people and they told Jesus what they had heard. Some said He was John the Baptist risen from the dead, others that He was the prophet Elijah, some said He was the prophet Jeremiah.

Then Jesus asked the real question. “Who do you say that I am?” (v. 15). Peter spoke up for the whole group saying, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (v. 16).

That is what makes Jesus Christ so unique. He is not just a prophet, or a good moral teacher, but He is “the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus is the Messiah. He is the one who will reign forever on the throne of His great ancestor King David (2 Sam. 7:1316Lk. 1:33Rev. 22:16Rom. 1:3Jn. 7:42Matt. 1:1). The eternal King is the Messiah. Jesus is God’s Anointed One who was sent to do God’s specific will. He is the one promised in the Old Testament.

Jesus is divine. He is “the Son of the living God.” It is an exalted view of Jesus. Peter could not have ascribed a higher place to Him. He declared in his confession that Jesus is God Himself who came to save His people from their sins.

In the original language the statement is even stronger than in English. “You are the Christ, the Son of the God, the living One.” This is a most comprehensive statement of the essential being of our Lord.

This truth is so important for us to understand that Jesus responded to Peter saying, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by the Father in heaven” (v. 17). It is important that we keep in mind that Peter did not gain this understanding by human intelligence or profound spiritual insight. God revealed that truth to Peter; it was received by divine revelation.

We too must understand and accept this important truth in order to be saved. Jesus Christ is “very God of very God.”

One of the disciples of Jesus, Thomas, saw Jesus alive after the resurrection and declared, “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28).

Everything that Jesus did in dying as our sacrifice for sin depends on who He is. If Jesus were not God, His death would be like yours and mine; He would only be dying for His own sins. If He were not God His death could not atone for anyone’s sins. However, because He is “very God of very God” His death on the cross has infinite value to take away our sins as the chosen Lamb of God.

If you believe this great spiritual truth it is because God has revealed it to you by the Holy Spirit. “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

Jesus Christ is the Messiah. He is the Son of the living God. He is the sinner’s Savior. In fact, He is the sinners only possible Savior. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as you shall be saved.” To trust in anyone else is to spend eternity in hell. There is no other way, not because I say so, but because God said it. The Bible says, “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).Selah!

Message by Wil Pounds (c) 2006 Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it, but it may not be sold under any circumstances whatsoever without the author’s written consent.

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Carefully Read the Warning Label


That is not a beautiful word. It means that the corruption of sin has extended to all aspects of our nature, including our entire being. Because of that corruption there is nothing man can do to merit or influence in any way a saving relationship with a holy God.

The fallen person’s relation to a holy God has been radically affected. Because of the effects of the fall, man’s original relationship with God was broken and our entire nature was polluted. As a result of the Fall of man, no individual can do anything, even religious things, that will merit salvation, or eternal life, in God’s sight. There is nothing an individual can do to influence in a positive way a right relationship with God. No action that man does, no matter how good or religious can gain favor with God for salvation.

What was affected by the Fall? The mind (Rom. 1:28Eph. 4:18), the conscience (Heb. 9:14), the heart or inner being were all corrupted spiritually (Jer. 17:9Mk. 7:20-23).

We see the depravity of mankind most clearly in the rejection of Jesus Christ in John 1:11. “He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him.”

Spiritual depravity is demonstrated by the willfulness and spiritual blindness of everyone apart from the grace of God. The cross of Jesus Christ is the response of fallen man to the goodness of God (1 Cor. 2:14).

How far did man fall? The Bible tells us that when man fell into sin he fell all the way to the bottom and there he lies hopelessly lost, blind and spiritually dead, unable to help himself until God reaches down by grace, lifts him up and gives him spiritual life through the new birth (Rom. 3:9-18).

Left to ourselves we are not the least bit righteous. Sinful man has no ability to save himself (Jn. 1:13). We are corrupted by sin and in rebellion against God.

The apostle Paul tells us how our sinfulness affects a holy God. “The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18). The wrath is revealed against us because we are without excuse (vv. 18-32; cf.1:18; 2:5, 8; 3:5; 4:15; 5:9; 9:22; 12:19; 13:4-5).

The reality and terror of the wrath of God is emphasized in both the Old and New Testaments.

The Bible places emphasis on the wrath of God as a strong and settled opposition to all that is evil. This holiness comes from God’s very nature. He is a holy and righteous God.

The wrath of God is that in His character that is in absolute opposition to all that contradicts His holiness.

God does not flare up with red hot anger as human beings do, but His wrath is described in the Bible as a firm, fearful, hatred of all wickedness that builds up and will one day result in eternal condemnation of all who reject His grace and mercy provided through the atoning death of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Robert Haldane said, “The wrath of God was revealed when the sentence of death was first pronounced, the earth cursed and man driven out of the earthly paradise, . . but especially by the reign of death throughout the world. It was proclaimed by the curse of the law on every transgression and was intimated in the institution of sacrifice and in all the services of the Mosaic dispensation. . . . The whole creation has become subject to vanity and groans and travails together in pain. . . But above all, the wrath of God was revealed from heaven when the Son of God came down to manifest the divine character, and when that wrath was displayed in His sufferings and death in a manner more awful than by all the tokens God has before given to His displeasure against sin.”

Biblical Christianity is God reaching down to save perishing sinners, not men and women reaching out to Him. Jesus Christ died for those who deserve God’s wrath. His death is fully adequate to cover all our sins and depravity and to reconcile us to God (1 John 1:6-9Rom. 3:21-265:12-21).

Jesus Christ is our only hope. Be sure and read the label. There is a day coming when men are warned to flee the wrath of God (2 Thess. 1:6-102:11-12Heb. 10:29-31). The coming of Jesus Christ a second time will be suddenly and unexpectedly. Some will meet Him as their Judge and other as their Savior.

If you have never put your trust in Jesus Christ for eternal life I pray that you will right now. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved today from the wrath of God for all eternity.

SELAH! Pause – reflect- just think of that!

Message by Wil Pounds (c) 2006 Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it, but it may not be sold under any circumstances whatsoever without the author’s written consent.


Always in Abundant Supply

Jesus Christ is all-sufficient to meet our every need, but if He is going to meet our needs we must be willing to recognize our needs and call upon Him. There must be a turning to Him for help. He can supply every spiritual need we face in life if we respond to His abiding presence.

At the feeding of the five thousand Jesus provided food in abundance, and it is always that way with God (Matt. 14:15-21Mk. 6:33-44Lk. 9:12-17Jn. 6:1-15). The interesting thing is Jesus initiated the feeding of the people. He knew in advance that He was going to meet their need. He was interested in their welfare. He was able to do it.

What is your attitude toward being fed by God? Do you feed upon Him?

God never ceases granting our petitions until we cease asking. True, He does not always answer the way we would choose, but it is always with our very best in His mind. I thank God that He has not always granted my requests from my selfish, ignorant perspective. He often says no, in order to give me His very best.

Jesus is ever coming to bankrupt sinners and placing His hand on the bank draft of heaven and says to us, “Write on it what you need.”

We have so little faith in things unseen and eternal. We draw so little on the resources of our heavenly Intercessor. “My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.”

Have you humbly asked God to supply your needs from His all-sufficiency? He is able. Jesus tells us He is always willing to fill our empty buckets.

The wise person recognizes his need and asks God to meet every need as it arises.

God has not forgotten where you are. He is fully aware of your need and He is vitally concerned about your Christian life. He will supply all your need according to His abundant resources in accordance with His eternal purpose.

How do the circumstances of your life fit into His will? Is He not committed to your very best? Does He not see the full span of your life and your current life situation?

Has God forgotten you? Indeed not.

He does not base His giving on our merits, yet He invites us to come to Him again and again. His abundant supply never runs out.

“And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).Selah!

Message by Wil Pounds (c) 2006

Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it, but it may not be sold under any circumstances whatsoever without the author’s written consent.


Will be Repaid Many Times Over

Yes,” Jesus replied, “and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the Kingdom of God, will be repaid many times over in this life, and will have eternal life in the world to come.” Luke 18: 29- 30 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

This is the best retirement investment there is.

When we give up everything for Christ, He will give us everything we need to live a comfortable life in our elder years. Joseph a son of Jehovah

I have made plans for my retirement that went up in smoke.

There was land purchased in my younger years that was taken away from me to by the politically correct. I lost all my dreams when I lost that.

Then I fell for what I now believe were scams by an investment company and went broke. Being a slow learner, it took three times before understanding that investment was a scam. Again my dreams were shattered.

When I dedicated my life to service unto our Heavenly King He sent me all over the world serving under very strenuous circumstances with little materially to show for the years of effort. There was deep concern that my final years would be spent living the paupers life with nothing to show for decades of service as old age crept in.

It was taken to my Heavenly Love and He reassured me with Bible verse after Bible verse for about three hours that He would bless me in this life as well as our eternal one.

One night Jesus gave me a dream that I was walking down a dark deserted street and was homeless. Then a rich man came to me and softly demanded I follow Him. He took me to an apartment that had nice clothes in it, the apartment was nice and there was food in the refrigerator and in the cupboards. Then He informed me that as long as I was obedient unto Him I would never be homeless, wear rags or have an empty belly.

He has been true to His word then, I am sure He is good for it now that the elder years are creeping ever faster in this old boys life.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus Ghmolah ( The God of Recompense. Job 11:20 ) that even though it looks like I am being a sucker and many times being abused in my service unto You, I believe Your promise to me to always take care of me including when I am in Your beautiful Heavenly home You have graciously prepared for me. It is in Your wonderful name I thank you. Amen

May you be blessed daily with the faith in our Heavenly provider that He always provides for all your needs. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ 2021 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

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But Some Went To

Many of the people who were with Mary believed in Jesus when they saw this happen. But some went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done. John 11: 45-46 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Even after Jesus rose the dead there were still those who witnessed it that refused to accept Him as the Messiah.

Imagine seeing someone rise out of a coffin and say lets go for a pizza after Jesus commanded them to arise. Would you still doubt that He was indeed the Christ?

Yet, here they were, running like lapdogs squealing on Jesus as if He just did something naughty.

Men and women reject Christ because they refuse to submit to Him. They are afraid of surrendering their life to Him. They fear men more than they do the Son of Man.

Men and women refuse to accept Christ because they are too busy worshipping themselves. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Then, how can we expect those with hard hearts to accept Him no matter how hard we try.

I say, if they will not listen to The Holy Spirit, they most certainly will not listen to us.

So, do not take it personally when others reject you when you try to introduce them to Jesus.

Prayer: Oh my Beloved Jesus Yasha ( Lord my Savior – Isaiah 49:26 ) it rips me heart apart when others reject you and it is so hard to walk away from them knowing there is nothing I can say or do to accept You as their Savior. I weep with You in Your Beautiful name. Amen

May you always be wise enough to accept Christ as your Savior Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ 2021 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

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Foolish Folks Who

The man replied, “It was the woman you gave me who gave me the fruit, and I ate it.” Genesis 3: 12 The Holy Bible, The New Living Testament

I have seen it too many times.

Foolish folks who refuse to man up and confess when they have done wrong whether intentional or not.

At first it used to be so frustrating trying to get them to be mature and admit their wrong. They would tell one lie to cover up for another lie. The whole time they believe they are so smart and you are so stupid. In truth they make themselves look like fools.

Not only that, but they have destroyed my trust so instead of enjoying a loving, mature relationship, now it is a formal one.

As well, if they are parents, they are setting a bad example for their children then get angry when the children do it to them.

“Maturity is not based on age, but on the willingness to accept responsibility.”Dr. Edwin Louis Cole

Eventually, their minds become so distorted they laugh when you speak the truth and firmly believe a lie when it is told to them. This will ultimately cause their downfall.

He who hardens his neck and refuses instruction after being often reproved (corrected, criticized),Will suddenly be broken beyond repair. Proverbs 29:1 The Holy Bible, The Amplified Version

Now, sometimes I make a game of it just to see how many idiotic lies they can make up. It can be quite comical.

Prayer: Oh praise You Holy Spirit Jehovah Emet (God of truth Titus 1:2 ) for blessing me with teaching me the truth and the terrible disastrous consequences of living a lie. May You always convict me when I stray from Jehovahs Divine truth. I humbly request this in the name of He who only spoke the truth when He walked amongst us, Jesus Christ. Amen

May you always be mature enough to walk in the light of Jehovahs truth and avoid the darkness of satans lies. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ 2021 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

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From His Holy Mountain


When we call out in sincerity unto Jehovah, He will answer our prayer. Joseph a son of Jehovah


With Grace and Tact

Starting a quarrel is like opening a floodgate, so stop before a dispute breaks out. Proverbs 17:14 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Have you ever watched water gush over a dam?

Imagine standing under its power. It would be extremely stupid and devastating.

In every relationship there are sore points and unresolved issues. When these sore points are brought up it is opening the flood gates of hurt and pain.

Instead of bringing them up whenever you cannot get your own way the most important thing to do is pray for resolution, preferably with a Christian councillor.

Most times the guilty party refuses to go into counselling, most times it is because of pride. One they do not want to admit they were wrong and two they do not want to take responsibility for their actions and three the injured soul does not want to let go of the hurt, they use it like a crutch and they use it to manipulate.

When the other party begins to go on this stupid wheel of destruction, it does cause deep cuts with the words that are said in the heated battle, just inform them that if they wish to continue the discussion we will do so in a Christian councillors office. If you refuse to do so it is an admission of guilt on your behalf. When you are mature enough and ready for reconciliation let me know and we will go to the Christian councillors office. Other wise this discussion is over. Then just walk away.

If someone refuses to go into mediation with you, walk away. They are not interested in resolution but rather in their favorite hobby, fighting. Joseph a son of Jehovah

It works wonders for me.

Prayer: Please Elohim Ozer Li (Psalms 54:4 GOD My Helper ) please help me to be a wise child of Yours and know how to resolve conflicts with wisdom and grace. When these conflicts involve the spawn of the devil who delight in fighting, manipulation and domineering rather than seeking resolution please bless me with the wise but firm words to inform them I am not playing their perverted little games and until they are ready to behave in a mature manner there is nothing more to be said. I humbly request this in the name of He who quieted the hypocrite Pharisee’s with grace and tact Jesus Christ. Amen

May you be blessed with the wisdom to know when to sit down and work things out and when it is time to walk away. Joseph a son of Jehovah


This article and photo @ 2021 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author

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Prayer: Thank you Jesus Emunah

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ Colossians 3:23-24 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

It does not matter if you are working at a fast food restaurant or are a nurse or if you are a garbage man or a police officer. When you are a Christian, your boss is the same. His name is Jesus.

Now, there are going to be times when you must say no to a physical bosses directive because it goes against Christs principles. To be sure you are going to suffer but it does not compare to the reward Christ lavishes upon you when You obey Him rather than man. It may not be an immediate reward and you may not even be rewarded until you reach Heavens Gate but Christ promises rewards to loyal servants and He never lies.

On the flip side of the coin, you may not be appreciated and even be abused by your employer. Take comfort in knowing that your reward will be just as great by Jesus because you persevered.

Great suffering for standing upon Christs principals is rewarded by even greater reward by Christ in His Heavenly home. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jesus Emunah (God is faithful 1 John 1:9, 2 Thessalonians 3:3 ) that You are true to Your word to this humble devoted servant and I shall receive my reward if not in this life here and now then in eternity with You in Heaven for being Your obedient servant. I praise You in Your righteous name. Amen

May you be blessed with The Holy Spirts guidance and strength to always stand on the solid rock of Christs morals rather than surrender to societies shifting morals.


This article and photo @ 2021 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author

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