
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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Do You Have the Mind of Christ?

Do I see the beauty of a holy life as Jesus saw it? Do I see lost people through His eyes? Do I understand the eternal purpose of God with the same conviction that Jesus had?

The apostle Paul said, “We have the mind of Christ” (I Corinthians 2:16). What are the implications of having that mind?

In contrast to the pagan false “wisdom” Paul sets forth the wisdom from God, “That is found in the righteousness and sanctification and wisdom of God in Christ. God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise.”  Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God. 

In God’s magnificent wisdom, He has been “well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe,” and the message preached is “Christ crucified.”

The unregenerate, sensual person who lives his life as if there is nothing beyond the physical “does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them because they are spiritually appraised” (I Cor. 2:14).

In contrast Paul says the believer in Christ has “received” not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things freely give to us by God” (v. 12).

We have the mind of Christ because we have the Holy Spirit indwelling us.  Therefore, since we are new creatures in Christ, our habit of mental activity needs to be like that of Christ.

The apostle Paul uses the word “mind” signifying the exercise of the mind, including our emotional and spiritual responses creating activity.  It refers to understanding, intelligence, and mental presence.  It is the whole knowledge of Christ including emotions and volitions based on thought.

Perhaps John 17 reveals the mind of Christ in its rare beauty.  “Jesus spoke these things; and lifting up His eyes to heaven, He said, ‘Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son, that the Son may glorify You, even as You gave Him authority over all flesh, that to all whom You have given Him, He may give eternal life’” (John 17:1-2).  That is the passion of God incarnate.  He came to reveal the Father and give eternal life to all who will believe on Him.  In the mind of Christ, we understand the cross.  Only then will the passion our preaching be “Christ crucified.”  “For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2).

The mind of Christ is revealed in the cross.  In the mind of Christ we see “the beauty of holiness.” Christ came to reveal the holiness of the Father and the sinfulness of sin.  The cross of Jesus exposes our sins, and we stand condemned before a righteous God.  The cross reveals the mind of our Savior who knew no sin and became so identified with us that He gave Himself as the substitutionary sacrifice on our behalf.  The mind of Christ reveals an attitude of self-emptying and humility so profound that He would empty Himself “taking the form of a bond-servant and being made in the likeness of men” and give Himself a ransom for sin.  “Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (Philippians 2:8).

Jesus saw everything in perpetual relationship to His Father.  He saw the whole universe related to the Father and for that reason He gave His life in obedience to Him.  The master passion of Christ Jesus was to glorify His Father in saving sinful man.

“We have the mind of Christ” when we see the Father in all of His holiness.  “We have the mind of Christ” when we sin as it breaks the heart of a holy and righteous God.  We have the mind of the Savior when we understand the penalty for sin must be paid in full by a divine, sinless substitute.  “We have the mind of Christ” when we feel the passion of His soul in submission to the will of God, even unto death.

If I have the mind of Christ, I can see the infinite beauty of holiness as He saw it when He clothed me in the robes of His perfect righteousness.  “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Do I have that same passion to see lost people as He saw them?  If I have the mind of Christ, I will pour out my life in obedient sacrifice and believe and trust in Him.

Hear my prayer, oh God. I give my mind to you; let me think the way Christ thinks.  Help me make the choices the way You would choose.  I want to do what You would do and feel as you feel. Help me to obey You—even unto death!Selah!

Message by Wil Pounds (c) 2006

Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it, but it may not be sold under any circumstances whatsoever without the author’s written consent.


Commitment to a Holy Life

Commitment to a Holy Life


It is a dirty word in our day. We are all like little children; no one wants to obey anyone else. The words “obedience” and “submission” are a constant reminder of our indwelling sin. But whether we like them or not, they get to the heart of our problem of living a holy life.

Jesus said, “If you love Me you will obey Me.” It is our responsibility to obey Him. We cannot obey Him unless we submit to His sovereignty. There can be no holiness in our lives if we do not obey Him. “He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me; and he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him, and will disclose Myself to him,” said Jesus in John 14:21.

Obedience is the road to holiness.

Over the years we have developed habitual patterns of disobedience. We have patterns of sin in our lives. Am I willing to give up these habits that keep me from being all that God wants me to be?

Every time we sin we make it easier to keep on sinning. We reinforce these patterns, or habits, until we make a commitment to make a new habit not to sin. Have you made it your aim, goal, passion, not to sin? Have you made it a commitment to live a holy life?

The only way to break old habits is to make a commitment to start forming new ones. God cannot do that for us. It is our responsibility.

In Romans 8:13 the apostle Paul brought out the contrast between a habitually dominated pattern of living according to the flesh, and an obligation to habitually, under the power of the Holy Spirit, be “putting to death the deeds of the body.”

The responsibility of the Christian is to yield to and cooperate with the Holy Spirit in putting to death or destroying the strength and vitality of sin as it tries to reign in our bodies.

The old venerable theologian John Owen observed, “Mortification from a self-strength, carried on by ways of self-invention, unto the end of a self-righteousness is the soul and substance of all false religion.” In fact, it is a pretty good description of legalism.

The only way we can put to death sin in our lives is by submission to the presence of the Holy Spirit in our inner being.

It is our responsibility to obey Him. “The Spirit alone is sufficient for this work,” said Owen. “He is the One who gives life and strength to our efforts.”

How do we break these old habits of sin? How do we destroy the powerful grip of sin?

Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). It is in the heart that the changes must take place. “The heart is the center of the inner life of the person where all the spiritual forces and functions have their origin” (TDNT).

That is where the commitment to an obedient life must begin. If I love the Lord God I will obey Him. I will seek to please Him if I have settled the love of my life.

The world system seeks to squeeze us into its mold by the constant bombardment of temptations to indulge in our sinful nature.

Have you made a once-and-for-all commitment to the Lord to live a life that is pleasing to Him? That is where every true born again Christian must begin. “Lord Jesus I give you my life. I thank you for dying for me on the cross and giving me eternal life. I thank you for forgiving me of all my sins, and cleansing me in your precious blood. I thank you for the indwelling presence of Your Spirit. Lord, I give myself to You and I ask that You enable me to live a holy life.” Make a personal commitment to Christ today.

Commit every day to the Lord. Begin your day with a renewed commitment to live God’s kind of life. “Lord, I want to please You today in everything I do. I give You this day, come and live Your life in and through me.”

Keep your heart sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Spend some time in God’s Word so you will know what God’s will is for the Christian. Living the Christian life will not come automatically. It is your responsibility to love and obey your Master.Selah!

Message by Wil Pounds (c) 2006

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We are Proteges Of

The Lord directs the steps of the godly. Psalms 37:23 The Holy Bible The New Living Translation

In the ancient times when you were a student learning from a master you were to obey his instructions to the letter. If you refused you were booted out on the mean streets.

So too it is with Christians.

We are proteges of The Holy Spirit who is our Mentor sent from Jehovah to direct the steps of His children in their day to day lives. If we are obstinate and arrogantly refuse to listen to and obey His guidance we will walk away and let us stumble around in the darkness from one disaster to another.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Roi (Psalms 23:1 The LORD My Shepherd ) for blessing me with the best Shepard to guide my steps through out the day. I praise You in the name of the best Shepard Jesus Christ. Amen

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin )

Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2023 Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent

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Is Very Scary at First

Faith is very scary at first and is still challenging all of our lives. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

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Equip Me To

 Dear Father,

You are a righteous, holy, and just God, awesome and blameless in all Your ways.

Please lead me in the way of Your righteousness. Please help me my Love to always walk in Your obedience because I love You and have a deep desire to live the life You prefer me to live.















Father, strengthen me to fix my eyes on Jesus when tempted and to emulate Him when He was tempted. Let Your word equip me to follow His example in resisting temptation.

Deliver me, Father, from the sneaky, destructive schemes of the evil one, for only You know how to rescue Your godly ones. Thank you that I can always take refuge in the shadow of Your protective wings.

I praise You that with every temptation, You are faithful to give me a way to escape it.

I sincerely beseech You in the of the conquer of all sin Jesus Christ.

Whatever is beautiful, whatever is meaningful, whatever brings you joy, may you be blessed with an abundance of it this every day this year. Joseph a son of Jehovah Amen

Photo and article @ 2020 Joseph a son of Jehovah

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Dancing with the Devil.

 For He will command His angels in regard to you, To protect and defend and guard you in all your ways [of obedience and service]. Psalms 91:11 The Holy Bible, The Amplified Version

The angels are here to protect you in your service unto our Heavenly King Jesus.

If you have no desire to serve Him, what right do you think you will have to receive His angelic protection?

Or worse yet, if you participate in dangerous activity like sky diving or doing drugs or committing crimes, what right do you expect angels to protect you from their consequences?

You cannot expect the angels to protect you if you are dancing with the devil. Joseph a son of Jehovah

furnace of hell

Prayer: Please Jehovah Ori (Psalms 27:1 The LORD My Light) please bless me to be my guiding light though every waking moment of this life.                                                                                                        When satans temptation of doing anything stupid and dangerous looks like fun please shine Your light of truth upon this wicked deception to prevent me committing injury to myself and or to nay near me.           I sincerely request this in the name of He who never fell for any of satans scams during His temptation trials in the wilderness Jesus Christ. Amen                                                                                          Wishing you a house full of sunshine, hearts full of cheer and love that grows deeper each day of the year. Welsh blessing                                 

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2020


That was Going to Sink.

He saw that they were in serious trouble, rowing hard and struggling against the wind and waves. About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. He intended to go past them, but when they saw him walking on the water, they cried out in terror, thinking he was a ghost. They were all terrified when they saw him. But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage! I am here!”  Then he climbed into the boat, and the wind stopped. Mark 6:45-52 Holy Bible, New Living Testament Version

Do you notice Jesus was walking on the very water that was going to sink His Disciples?

He has dominion and power over everything, including your problems, worries and heartaches.

Did you notice when Jesus entered the boat the waves subsided. So too will your worries, and heartache subside when Jesus enters into your situation.

You must call upon Him in faith- trust- that He will help you.


Not only that, but, you must be obedient unto the advice He gives you in order to conquer the problem, worry or heartache.

If you want the Masters help you must be willing to obey His direction in your life.

Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jesus Shalom (Judges 6:24 The LORD (our) Peace) for blessing me with Your Divine peace when the storms are crashing all around me.                                                                         May I always have faith in Your deliverance from the smallest to the fiercest storms.                                  I exalt You and humbly request this in Your reassuring name. Amen

May you be blessed with peace and joy every day. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2020

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Will Hear Me


But I will call on God and the Lord will rescue me. Morning, noon, and night   I cry out in my distress,  and the Lord hears my voice.  He ransoms me and keeps me safe   from the battle waged against me,  though many still oppose me.  God, who has ruled forever, will hear me and humble them. For my enemies refuse to change their ways;  they do not fear God. Psalm 55:16-19  The Holy Bible The New Living Translation                     

  “So why do you keep calling me ‘Lord, Lord!’ when you don’t do what I say? Luke 6:46 Holy Bible New Living Translation

There is someone in my life that is using me and being abusive towards me even though they claim to be a Christian. Recently my Beloved has directed me to have a formal relationship with them.                                                            

 This morning I asked the Lord for confirmation if this is the path He desires for me to take.         

The first verse spoke to me about my calling out to Him because of the abuse inflicted upon me and the second was about how the one afflicting me is suffering numerous physical ailments.

Take heart dear children. Jehovah loves us and walks with us during our tribulations.


But, He is also a God of justice and will punish our offenders in the appropriate manner in His way and in Him Time.


The second verse informs me that whether I like it or not, I am to be obedient unto my Kings direction in this life of service towards Him.

Jesus is not just my Savior but is also my King. That means I put His will above mine. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah El Gemuwal (Jeremiah 51:56 The LORD GOD of Recompenses) for blessing me with the knowledge that those who abuse me shall receive seven times worse in Your court of justice.

Thank you Jesus Ha-Melech (Psalms 98:6 The LORD the King) for the honour of being Your humble servant. May I always be a faithful and true servant to You.

I praise You in Your majestic name. Amen

The gift of love, the gift of joy, the gift of peace, these are the greatest gifts that can be given. They are given in abundance to all those in Christs family by our Heavenly loving  Father.

May you be blessed with plentiful opportunities to share these with those around you today. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2020


It is Not My Job

christ, will lead To It is not my job to change anyone’s mind.

It is my duty (which is an act of love) to be obedient and do as the Holy Spirit directs me to do in service to my Heavenly King, Jesus.

When feeling rejected or bitter, I am to stay focused on Jesus’ satisfaction and rewards not mans. I obey King Jesus and leave the results to Him.

It then becomes obvious that Jehovah, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and I have a deep loving relationship. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jesus Helech ‘Olam (The Lord our King Forever) Ps10:16 for blessing me with the honour of serving such an awesome King as You and depending upon You and You alone for praise. It is in Your magnificent name I pray amen.

May you be blessed with abundant joy in your heart filled with love and your life overflowing with laughter every day this year.


I Wish They Would Stop It.


jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself Matthew 22:37-39 The Holy Bible New Living Translation

I wish these liars would stop telling folks Jehovah loves us unconditionally. That is like saying that because He loves us we can go out and do what ever we desire and there is no repercussions because He loves us. That is a satanic lie.

As in any relationship there are conditions.

Jehovahs conditions are that you love Him above all else, that you love your fellow man and woman above yourself.

Yes, there are conditions to belonging to Jehovahs family just as there is for every other family. The difference is that His are to be obeyed with no excuses. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Please Jehovah Abba (God our Father) bless me to always be obedient unto the rules for membership in Your Holy Family.I humbly request this in the name of my most loving big brother Jesus Christ. Amen

May your house be filled with joy in the morning and sweet dreams at night. May it be a home where love has come to live. Joseph a son of Jehovah