
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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Appreciate His Time as A

“After twenty-eight days of torture, I could remember I had children but not how many. 

I prayed for strength.

During long periods of enforced reflection, it became so much easier to separate the important from the trivial. 

My hunger for spiritual food soon outdid my hunger for steak. 

It took prison to show me how empty life is without God.” Howard Rutledge came to appreciate his time as a POW in Vietnam

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Bless Me This Day with Your

Please Poppa bless me this day with Your healing, peace, protection, wisdom and strength to accomplish the tasks You have set out for me to do this day Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah


The Lord Gives

The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace. Psalms 29: 11 The Holy Bible The New Century Version

We all go through hard times and when we are Christians we will go through all lot of even tougher times.

As the world hated Jesus, so too do they hate us and will make our lives as terrible as they can.

When you serve Christ, as every Christian does, you will experience a lot of difficult impossible situations where you fall on your knees crying to God: “ I can’t take this anymore.” Many times you may even be suicidal. That is when The Holy Spirit comes and blesses us with not only peace but strength to carry on. This peace is all enveloping and comforting like nothing else can compare. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Shalom (Judges 6:24 The LORD our Peace ) for blessing me with the most supreme peace there ever is. It is all encompassing. I praise You in the name of The Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. Amen

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022

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But to Protect The

We are to fight for what is right not just for ourselves but to protect the weak and helpless as well. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

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But in the History Books

David was considered one who was close with Jehovah but in the history books he was known as the warrior king. So much for a godly man being a door mat for the wicked. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

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He is Our Refuge City.

Select some towns to be your cities of refuge, to which a person who has killed someone accidentally may flee. They will be places of refuge from the avenger, so that anyone accused of murder may not die before they stand trial before the assembly. Numbers 35-11, 12 New International Version

Just as in the Old Testament times someone who accidently killed someone could and would take sanctuary in a city of refuge.

So too do we have a city of refuge in Christ.

He will protect us from the dangers of the devil and his demons who want to kill our spirit. When they attack us we take refuge in the protection of Christ’s loving strong arms. Oh they may hurt or destroy our body but our spirit will be protected by Jesus.

It is equally important to remain in Jesus’ city because if we do not then we are fair game for the evil ones.

Don’t you think that is why there are so many addicts and murders today?

Because they are not in Christ’s city, they are open to demonic forces that not only destroy them but also many innocent others.

Take shelter in Jehovahs strong arms. It is the safest place to be. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jesus Shammah (God is present) for being the strong undefeatable city we can take sanctuary in to protect us from satan and his minions. Please give me the wisdom and strength to always remain in Your impenetrable fortress. I give thanks and request this in Your strong and mighty name. Amen.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022


Not to be A

Meek means to keep yourself under control not to be a door mat. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

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Because of Their

By your power you save those who trust you from their enemies. Psalms 17:7 The Holy Bible The New Century Version

Although the wicked may make your life a living Hell or may cause physical, mental and or financial grief they cannot destroy those who walk with Christ.

Indeed because of their abuse they make us much more wealthier. We become wealthier spiritually and mentally which no one can take from us. We become richer in our relationship with Christ.

We all suffer but those of us who suffer for Christ become the richest of all. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

In my life there has been so many times the wicked have sought my destruction. For a while it looks as if they are succeeding. They mock me and Jesus saying where is your Christ to protect you now Christian ( I have heard that one oh so many times ) ?

But then, the hand of Christ strikes back at them.

They face a humiliating painful destruction from which they never recover.

I, on the other hand, am healed and rewarded for being loyal through the tribulation. It does not have to monumental but it is always given.

Of course the greatest reward is hearing Jesus say well done good and faithful servant. I am walking on clouds when that happens and it makes all the suffering pale in comparison.

And, in the end, those who trust Christ always live their final years out in comfort and security. I have seen it so many times.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Almakafi ( the lord our rewarder Hebrews 11:6 ) for the confidence that my suffering for You will be rewarded in this life and a hundred times more in Heaven. I praise You in the name of He who suffered so much for me to have this reward, Jesus Christ. Amen

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022

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We Must Suffer Many Things To

“We must suffer many things to enter God’s kingdom.” Acts 14:22 The Holy Bible The New Century Version

After accepting Jesus as your Saviour, best friend and King, satan will do everything he can to destroy this relationship.

He knows you and so he know your weaknesses.

He will entice you to sin and then condemn you and say Jesus hates you because of the sin.

He will try to cause you to doubt the authenticity of the Bible and that it is not Gods word but made up by man.

He will cause you to doubt that Jesus loves you, Jesus cares about you.

He will cause you to doubt about His protection and provision.

We are in a true holy war when we become Christians.

A man and womans character is strengthen and matured through adversity. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

Our ace in the hole though is The Holy Spirit.

When you repent He will reassure you of your forgiveness. He will guide you and supply all of your need. He comforts you, encourages you, teaches you and guides you into an ever deeper loving relationship with Jehovah, Jesus and Himself.

Satan cannot and will never beat The Holy Spirit.

The closer you get to Jesus, the more you are going to suffer. The more you suffer, the closer you get to Jesus. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah ELOHIM YAKOL (God, the Most Able 2 Corinthians 9:8 ) that You bless me with The Holy Spirit to help me endure the suffering that always comes because of Being Your child. Thank you that You are able to reward me a hundred times more than the suffering. I praise You in the name of He who suffered for me on the cross, Jesus Christ. Amen

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022


Because I Trust In

Protect me, God,because I trust in you. Psalms 16:1 The Holy Bible The New Century Version

There has been so many times when I was going to go into battle against bullies and I prayed for Jehovah’s protection.

Most of the time He filled me with power and confidence to stare them down.

There has been just as many times when He either sent angels to protect me or caused Divine intervention to protect me.

There has been so many times when I was caught by sudden storms. There was no place to take shelter. I screamed out unto Jehovah to save me or else I shall die. The only way to describe what happened next is to call it Divine intervention. Another word for it is miracles. The first few times after the danger had passed I would say wow, what a great coincidence. Later, after meditating upon it, Jehovah would reveal to me it was His Divine intervention. I would be in shock and awe. As maturity slowly seeped into the relationship with the Trinity it became more and obvious of Their Divine intervention in my life. Who knows how many times they protected me without my knowledge.

Jehovah, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit are the best protect services there can ever be. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Izuz Wegibbor (Psalms 24:8 The LORD Strong and Mighty ) for blessing me with Your strong and mighty hand to protect me from natural disasters and from the vile slimy hand of the villainous’ hand when it tries to either harm me or destroy me. I praise You in Your loving, protective name. Amen

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022