
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


Turn Away From God’s Love.



Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them. Jonah 2:8 New International Version


Whatever you love more than Jehovah is an idol. Joseph- Anthony: Green

So, what is your idol?

Have you ever heard the saying: “People used to love people and use things. Now, they love things and use people.”

Is that not sad but oh so very true in todays society?

We used to care for our aged parents when they could no longer care for themselves. How many adult children just throw their parent into a seniors home and the only time the parent sees them is when they want money to support their extravagant lifestyle (which is their idol)? Being a volunteer at a seniors home I see this quiet regularly.


Do you think Jehovah will love and bless those adult children?

When a teacher in Asia the parents only wanted their children to study hard so they could get a good job. Of course when the children got the good job the parents expect them to support them in a lifestyle like kings and queens (which is their idol).

Do you think Jehovah will love and bless those parents?

It used to be friends enjoyed each others company and helped each other. Now, you are friends with each other as long as the other individual has something you want. When you no longer need it or cannot get it you drop them like a stone. If they need your help they are a stranger to you. What kind of friendship is that? Is that not making your ego an idol?

Do you think Jehovah will love and bless friends like that?

The current craze is the selfie stick. Where you take your own photo and plaster it all over social media. Is that not making yourself your own idol?

Do you seriously expect Jehovah blessings and love for someone who is obsessed with self love?

The other thing on social media is where they dress animals up like children and talk to them like children. They spend more time and money on their pet than they do Jehovah. Is that pet not an idol?

Do you expect Jehovahs blessing when you love and worship an animal more than you do Him?

Can you think of anything else that can be an idol?

The more you worship things the less you worship Jehovah. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: please bless me Jehovah-Kanna  (The Lord is Jealous) to always be attentive to anything or anyone I place above You. I would never want to sacrifice our loving relationship with temporary things that can never compare with Your divine love. I sincerely ask this in the name of He who exalted You above all others Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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How to Spot the Falsies.


One way to spot false teachers is if they are smooth talkers.

Smooth talkers usually dress flashy. They always try to con you into their way of thinking. If you question them they become angry or accuse you of not having the supreme intelligence they have. They try to make you believe they are doing something for your good when in reality they are just conning you. I experienced this a lot. If you try to get them to get it in writing they try the guilt trip with you of :”What is the matter, don’t you trust me?” my reply is: “What’s the matter, why don’t you want to put it in writing if you are so honest?” They quickly leave me alone. There are many variations like aren’t I your friend? If you do not trust me I do not want to deal with you, this is for a limited time only, if you do not take it someone else will.

They are self centered instead of God centered. They like to talk about their accomplishments instead of what God has done through them or for them. Again they are flashy dressers that say look at me. They are greedy. They want money and fame instead of wanting to advance Christs kingdom and helping others. They pull at your strings to try to con you into giving them money to help others when in reality they take most of the money themselves. If you ask them to show you their accountability in writing where the money goes they accuse you of being stingy.


They always believe they are right. If you question their interpretation of Scripture they  accuse you of challenging their authority and try to put you on the defensive. I just stick to my guns.  They try to put others down so as to make themselves look good. Boy have I ever met a lot of those. When you try to defend yourself they just try to shout you down.

When you see any of these avoid them like the plague.

Prayer: Please Jehovah Rohi (God our Sheppard) please open my eyes to all the wolves in sheeps clothing that lurk around looking for the naive. When I do encounter them please bless me with the wisdom, grace, strength and meekness to defend myself and protect the gullible from their evil jaws. I ask this in the name of He who exposed the wolves when He walked amongst us Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.