
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


Are You Beginning to See A

Commit everything you do to theĀ Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. Psalms 37:5-6 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

I wanted to lose weight and fat.

I prayed unto the Lord.

He suggested stop eating processed food.

In three months I lost thirty five pounds and three inches of fat

My cat became epileptic and was having severe seizures every day for two years.

I prayed unto the Lord.

He suggested a combination of herbs, relaxing music and lots of cuddles. He has not had a seizure in about a month now, has regained a lot of weight and is much more content and active.

I am a live in care giver for an extremely abusive mother for ten years of living Hell. Never have I been so abused so much.

I prayed unto the Lord.

He guided me to a site with a Christian councillor on YouTube. Since putting into practice what she teaches almost all of the abuse has stopped. The same principals have been used to neuter the neighbour from Hell who lives beside us.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here?

Are you willing to trust the Lord in every area of your life?

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Jireh ( God provides Philippians 4:19 ) for providing me with The Holy Spirit to offer the best advice in every area of my life.

I praise You in the name of The Wonderful Councillor Jesus Christ. Amen

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin )

Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2024

Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent

As you think so too you are. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah.


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The Lay Out of The

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me on the lay out of the big raised garden in the front yard.

The old clothes line pole represents the cross.

A puppet of a lamb will be placed on top of it representing the Lamb of God ( Jesus).

There will be hanging baskets with red hanging flowers representing the blood of Christ.

White flowers at the foot of the cross will represent the pure sacrifice.

Flowers of different colours will be all around the rest of the garden representing men and women of every colour, race, nationality, rich, poor, men women that receive salvation from Christ’s sacrifice.

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My Heart Dances With

I am grateful The Holy Spirit spoke to me and suggested cuddling with Snowball four times a day.

As he snuggles up in my arms The Holy Spirit reminds me that Snowball represents me and I represent Jesus.

As Snowball finds peace, love and comfort in my loving arms so too do I find peace, love and comfort in Jesus’ loving arms.

Now when I look at Snowball snuggling up in my arms my heart dances with joy , love and appreciation for my loving Jesus and it is a special time between Snowball and me.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested straining off the curry sauce from the Chinese take out yesterday and putting it in the freezer. It is being used for home made chicken soup today in the slow cooker

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Will Not You

The angels of heaven rejoice over sinners that repent: saints of God, will not you and I do the same? I do not think the church rejoices enough. We all grumble enough and groan enough: but very few of us rejoice enough.
Charles Spurgeon


This is the Secret

Ā Let all that I am praise theĀ Lord. I will praise theĀ LordĀ as long as I live. I will sing praises to my God with my dying breath. Psalm 146:2 The Holy Bible, The New Living Testament Version

This is the secret to having joy in your life, singing praises to Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit at every opportunity through out the day.

Try this: thank Him before eating a meal (believe me, you go live in a third world country and you will see how good you have it).

Thank Him for giving you a place to live, I have seen many that live in one room as a family with no indoor heating or cooling.

Thank Him for the water you drink, I have seen many that live off of three litersĀ of water for cooking, cleaning and drinking, try that some time.

Thank Him for living in a secure place, I have lived where it was common in the morning walk to see dead folks laying the street.

Thank Him for the air you breathe. I have lived in places where old folks drop to the ground and choke to death off of the polluted air.

Most importantly, thank Him for blessing you with the greatest blessing of all, a loving relationship with Them and for them caring for you and caring about you. Then, you will find your life filled with joy no matter what your circumstances are.

A grateful heart is a joyful heart. Joseph a son of Jehovah


Prayer: Thank you Jehovah El Simchath Gili (Psalms 43:4 GOD My Exceeding Joy) for blessing me with Divine exhilarating joy that can only be gained by being in communion with You. It is the most special treasure there could ever be. I praise You in the name of He with whom I experience the greatest joy being with Jesus Christ. Amen

May Christ bless you with love, joy and peace today and every day. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2020

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Book of Wisdom

Ā The thoughts and purposes of the [consistently] righteous are just (honest, reliable). But the counsels and schemes of the wicked are deceitful Proverbs 12:5 The Holy Bible Amplified Version

One thing I have learned in my long walk with Christ is that a good name is worth more than a big bank account. There have been times when I was honest even though it cost me a little with local merchants ( Like one time I forgot to pay for an item that cost a dollar and walked two miles back to pay for it. Most folks laughed and thought I was stupid. However, now that merchant always gives me better deals than they do anyone else. Now, they are indignant and ask what makes me so special? ).

The deeds you do today will be rewarded tomorrow. Joseph- Anthony: Green

The other benefit of being honest is that I sleep good at night while the dishonest worry about getting caught ( which they always do ). Most dishonest people suffer numerous health problems and they can all be traced back to stress caused by worry of getting caught and being greedy.

“A godly mind prizes honor above worldly good.” Rembrandt

I know of one man that I asked to help me and he replied that he could not because he did not have gas money to come here to help me and then he went out fishing. Now whenever he tries to scam me ( scamming is where you try to get something from someone without giving anything in return) he is reminded that if he does not have gas money to help me he does not have gas money to scam anything out of me, it drives him nuts.

“All human sin seems so much worse in its consequences than in its intentions.” Reinhold Niebuhr

The greatest reward of being honest is the blessing of becoming closer to my Beloved in Heaven. As a consequence He warns me of those who deal dishonestly.

I have seen many say that they believe that everything that they touch is cursed, but if they reflect back on their life they will see that they were extremely dishonest with others so yes Jehovahs hand is against them. The stupid thing is that they know if they turn from their wicked ways Jehovah will not only stop curing them but will begin to bless them yet they refuse to stop being dishonest.

“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom” Thomas Jefferson

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah ‘Ori ( the Lord is my Light ) for blessing me with Your light of truth and integrity in my life. It has proven the true manner in which to walk in my daily life. I praise You in the name of the Light of the World Jesus Christ. Amen

May the gentle assurance of Jesus’ sweet love encompass you today and every day.


A Heart at Peace.


Ā A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. Proverbs 14:30 Holy Bible, New International Version

Every morning in my prayers and at night when before bed and all throughout the day I say a prayer of thank you to my Beloved for all His daily blessings great and small. A good affect of this is there is no envy of others when they appear to have more than me. When I am grateful for Jehovahs bountiful blessings then I can easily praise others on their success in life and when they succeed in an assignment.

A grateful heart is a joyous heart. Joseph- Anthony: Green

I have seen too many destroy their mental, physical and spiritual health because of jealousy , envy and anger towards other and pity them. Their lives slowly ebb into a daily living hell.

Prayer: I praise Thee oh my Beloved Jehovah- Jireh ( God is our Provider ) for the daily inexhaustible blessings in Your loving grace bestow upon me. I praise Thee in the name of You most awesome gift unto me Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesusā€™ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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He Will Destroy You.


Donā€™t you know that you yourselves are Godā€™s templeĀ and that Godā€™s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys Godā€™s temple, God will destroy that person; for Godā€™s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 New King James Version

Do you see the important part of these verses?

Anyone who destroys Jehovahs temple, He will destroy you.

As we Christians are the temple then it stands to reason that the offense is anyone that does anything to destroy anotherā€™s Christian walk. That includes false teachers and the wolves.

Some examples of false teachers are those who teach that we do not need to accept the fact that Christ died and slow agonizing death while shedding His Divine love for us.

Another example of anti-Christ teaching is that because Jesus loves us we can do what ever we desire with no consequences. Because He loves us we are all going to Heaven, hold hands in a circle and sing come by ya my Lord in Heavenly bliss. This satanic teaching is very popular in todays culture.

An additional satanic teaching is that there is no difference between Christ and the satanic cults of the world like islam There is a false teaching going around that there is no difference between Christianity and muslims. Christians believe Jesus is the son of God, muslims do not. Christians believe Jesus has been with Jehovah for all eternity, muslims do not. Christians believe that it is only through Christs sacrifice on the cross and our acceptance of Him as our Savior that gains us entry into Heaven, muslims do not.

Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall inĀ ourĀ brotherā€™s way. Romans 14:13 New King James Version

The most wicked ones in any church are the wolves. They worship their god satan by driving more people from the church and Christ than anything or anyone else. These filth are the ones that are so high and mighty. They are quick to pounce upon others weaknesses in a superior judgmental way. I have seen too much of these wicked cursed ones in church and been the recipient of too many of their attacks. The perverse thing is that these are the ones that are the biggest sinners.

There are three types of folks that attend church. The biggest should be the smallest and the smallest should be the biggest.

The biggest group is the wolves, those seeking to attack others in a judgmental attitude and behavior. They drive more people from Christ and His church than any other contributing factor.

The next group is the groupies. They are not in church to worship or serve Christ, they are there to socialize in their little groups. If you are a new comer they will seldom welcome you to their group.

The last and smallest group are those who congregate to worship the Holy Trinity and to serve them.

When you attack a Christian, you attack Christ. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer:Thank you Jehovah-Ganan (The Lord is Our Defense) for protecting and defending me against attacks by the wicked ones who knowingly or unknowingly attack Your precious child. Even though it was hard You taught me to depend upon You to defend me instead of foolishly being a hot head and attempting this feat with my own limited power and knowledge. Please bless them my love with seeing how wicked their behavior and attitude is and repenting of it. I praise You in the name of He who will be the ultimate victor in this battle Jesus Christ. Amen.

May Jehovah bless you today and every day with His precious love, joy and peace.


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To Fly Like an Eagle

To fly like an eagle oh what marvelous wonders I would see.

There would be the majestic trees in the forest.

There would be raging rivers exploding to the sea and gentle streams nurturing the meadow.

The meadows filled with amazing colourama of beautiful wildflowers.

Oh what a treat it would be if only mine eyes could see what thou doest see.

Is it any wonder when we see the eagle lift his head to the Heavens that he is praising the Lord above for all His wondrous majesty?

Who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagleā€™s. Psalm 103:4 New International Version

May the sunshine of Jesusā€™ sweet love bless you today and every day.


Shall not Lack

The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek theĀ LordĀ shall not lack any goodĀ thing. Psalm 34:10 New King James Version

Lions devour the righteous. The lions wait in ambush to attack the unsuspecting and take everything they can get.Ā  They are greedy, selfish, arrogant and self centered, proud. They believe they are above reproach. They believe they are entitled are corrupt and uncaring towards the suffering they cause towards others.

Their destruction may come in an instant and then they are begging on the streets next to the homeless they cruelly laughed at.

Or worse, they may watch their blood stained gains slowly fade away. No matter what they attempt to do it does not prevent the slow erosion of their ill gotten gains. Slowly they will find themselves living on the streets and their wealth just a faded dream. Oh what a cruel and painful existence they shall suffer.

On the flip side of the coin are those who seek after a loving relationship with Jehovah and are obedient servants unto our Heavenly King Jesus.


Although they may not eat in the fanciest restaurants or drive the fanciest cars they live comfortable lives and Jehovah always provides for them (in my life He has provided in many unusual ways but always provided for me).Ā  We have the best security possible.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-Jireh (God is our Provider) for promising to always provide for this child who loves you so deeply and fulfilling that vow each and every day of my walk with You towards my Heavenly home. I exalt You in the name of He who always provided for His disciples Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sweet sunshine of Jesusā€™ beautiful love bless you today and every day.