
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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Not Just To

  Hot tempered people must pay the penalty.  If you rescue them once, you will have to do it again. Proverbs 19:19 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation          

This applies not just to hot tempered folks but also to those with addictions whether that be substance abuse or whether it be lack of maturity in handling money.                      

If you keep on bailing them out, they will never take responsibly for their action and thus never mature.  You are doing them more harm than good.

Sad to say but it is true that mothers and grandmothers are the worst offenders of this.  

Prayer Please Jehovah Jireth ( Genesis 22:14 – The LORD Shall Provide ) bless me to have faith in Your provisions in my loved ones lives. You will do so in a manner in which they must become more mature children in Your family which will cause my heart to dance with joy.

I humbly ask this in the name of He who provided salvation to those who were willing to accept Him not just as their savior but as their king Jesus Christ. Amen  

May you be blessed with discernment to when to help and when the best help is to step back and allow those to reap the rewards of reckless living. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ 2020 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.


We Are Not To

 After the Lord had finished speaking to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Temanite: “I am angry with you and your two friends, for you have not spoken accurately about me, as my servant Job has Job 42:7 1 John 1:9 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Jobs friends were guilty of giving bad advice. But, they did so out of love for Job. They did so to try to make things right in his life. I am sure he realized this and that is why he asked Jehovah to forgive them.

We all receive bad advice from others who have good intentions.

We are not to hold it against them but rather be grateful to them that they cared enough to offer the advice.

We are to forgive others for their flawed advice and ask Jehovah to prevent us from giving it. When we do give it we are to sincerely repent.  Joseph a son of Jehovah

We are as well, to ask Jehovah to forgive them for the bad advice as we are to forgive them.

On the flip side of the coin we are to apologize to those we have unintentionally given bad advice to as well as ask Jehovah to forgive us and to bless us with the means to reconcile with the offended ones.

Prayer: Please Jehovah El Emeth (Psalms 31:5 LORD GOD of Truth) forgive my well meaning friends when they innocently provide faulty advice to my problems. They are but simple folk compared to Your wisdom. Please bless me with the Holy Spirits guidance to always provide Divine guidance when called upon by others. I humbly request this in the name of the best advice giver there ever was Jesus Christ. Amen

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love fill your heart today and every day. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ 2020 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

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Today and Every Day.

Oh my Beloved El Emunah (Deuteronomy 7:9 The Faithful GOD ), I need You in my life today and every day.

Please bless me with Your gentle healing touch when others inflict me with cruel words or actions today.

Please bless me to be forgiving as You are forgiving unto me.

Please bless me with Your forgiveness when I am cruel in my words and actions today and guide me to repent to those I have offended either intentionally or unintentionally.

Please constantly remind me to depend upon Your guidance instead of foolishly depending upon my own or others flawed intelligence.

Thank you for Your healing balm upon my wounded heart as You are the best doctor there is.

Thank you that there is always a purpose in the wounds and aches and pains that come my way. They are for teaching me, maturing me or correcting me when I am going astray. You allow these because You love me too much to leave me as I am and desire for me to be the child of Yours You know I can be. It is because of these my Lord that my love for You grows ever deeper every day and we grow ever closer every day.

Thank you for that, the best blessing You can give me above all other blessings.

I humbly say this prayer in the name of my best friend Jesus Christ. Amen

This article and photo @ 2020 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

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Prayers for Caregivers-A Prayer to Speak With

loving to each other

A Prayer to Speak with Love and Respect

Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.” Mark 10:27 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

My Love please bless me with the ability to communicate with those You have placed in my care in a manner in which they will understand what I am saying.

Please bless me with the ability to understand what they are trying to communicate with me.

Please my Beloved bless me that You will guide my words this day to bring encouragement and love.

Please strengthen me to bide my tongue to not lash out with hurtful words when disputes erupt. When the fires start to flare when they are being stubborn and obstinate, please bless me to close my eyes and to call out unto You to bring peace into the conversation.

And with the wisdom to know when to walk away because of the futility in the conversation.

Bless me with the ability to come back later and speak with respectful authority to which they must succumb to.

Please bless us to be loving and respectful towards each other as You and I are loving and respectful towards each other.

I humbly request this in the name of He whose speech was always respectful and loving Jesus Christ. Amen


Peevish Discontented Minds

  The whole congregation of the Israelites [grew discontented and] murmured and rebelled against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness,and the Israelites said to them, Would that we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat and ate bread until we were full; for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this entire assembly with hunger.” (To understand Israel’s rebellious behavior, it is important to grasp the contrast between life in Egypt and nomadic life in the wilderness. Despite the hardships of slavery survival was not an issue in Egypt, where they were guaranteed food and other necessities. But the desert wilderness was hostile and unforgiving, and survival was an art. Desert nomads needed to understand the wilderness in order to stay alive; they had to learn, among other things, how to protect themselves from the weather, where to find water and pasture, and how to find and prepare scarce food, or live primarily from what their livestock could provide them. So the Israelites viewed every new problem they faced as life-threatening. Instead of looking back and taking comfort from God’s earlier miracles, they doubted God’s ability and willingness to help them. Their fears and doubts subsequently came to be expressed as irrational anger toward Moses. ) Exodus 16:2-3 Holy Bible Amplified Version

How many of us ask Jehovah for something but are never satisfied?

We ask for a job but when we get one we do not like the work because it is too hard or it is too boring.

We ask for a place to live but it is too far from the bus stop or grocery store or park.

We ask for direction in life but it is not where we want to go.

We desire good Christian friends but can always find fault with them.

I think the real reason we are discontented is because of greed. We want the best and nothing less is good enough for us.

Jehovah blesses with what we need not always with what we want. Joseph son of Jehovah

That is the ultimate insult of ungratefulness and a huge slap in the face to our loving generous Father in Heaven. More so for those of us that have walked with Christ for any length of time and so can reflect back at His previous provisions for us. Peevish discontented minds will find fault with that which has no fault in it but that it is too good for them.

Those that might be very happy often make themselves very miserable by their discontents. Matthew Henry

Prayer: Please Jehovah Heseh (God is love) bless me to always have a grateful heart towards you and those around me for all the wonderful blessings You and those around me share with me every day. I ask this in the name of the greatest blessing of which I am eternally grateful for Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the gentle assurance of Jesus’ sweet love encompass you today and every day.


The Question is, Who Listens?


 Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you to fear the Lord [with awe-inspired reverence and worship Him with obedience]. Psalm 34:11 Amplified Bible

No, that is not your conscience speaking to you, that is the Holy Spirit.

The devil is an expert at twisting the truth into a lie so if you depend upon your “conscience” you are easy prey for Him.

Then how will you know if it is the Holy Spirit or the devil?

The answer is in developing a deep personal relationship with Jehovah by reading your Bible and obeying what it says.

From my personal experience when I am reading the Bible and a verse jumps out at me, that is the Holy Spirit speaking to me. I stop reading and pray for enlightenment. Then he guide me to understanding the Bible verse in context to what He is saying about my life.

Another way is to listen to good sermon like on sermonaudio and reading good Christian books like can be found on sites like goodread and (personally my preference is for the old classics). Of course we should also have godly Christian councilors.

The problem I have sadly witnessed too frequently is that even when others know Jehovah is speaking to them the deliberately chose to ignore Him because he is telling them something they do not want to hear. They want their way, not Jehovahs. That is a sure recipe for disaster. Then when catastrophes occur they go cry babying to Jehovah and ask why He is doing this to them.

God is speaking to all of us, all the time. The question is not, to whom does God talk? The question is, who listens? Neale Donald Walsch

Are you experiencing difficulties in your life right now?

Are you listening to Jehovah as He is speaking to you?

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Rabbi (God our Teacher) for blessing me with patiently teaching me to be wise, gracious, humble and meek like my Beloved King Jesus. Thank you for the tools You have blessed me with to receive an ever deepening of these blessings. I exalt You in the name of the wisest Rabbi of all Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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At Compound Interest.


 One of the advantages of getting old is seeing the hand of Jehovah in others lives during the course of a few decades.

If then, you act with hostility toward Me and are unwilling to obey Me, I will increase the plague on you seven times in accordance with your sins.” Leviticus 26:21 Amplified Bible

I have witnessed many of the proud and arrogant laugh as they foolishly believe they can live their lives as they see fit and are cruel and dishonest with their neighbours. Through the course of time their mental, physical and spiritual health deteriorates until they are living a daily life of living hell all alone. They are angry and bitter. The strange thing is that they know if they repent at least they will have mental and spiritual health but because they are arrogant they refuse, even unto death. At the moment of death they are alone and terrorized knowing that they are doomed to be cast into eternal Hell where they belong. There is a deep sense of doom and gloom in the room and you cannot wait to get out of there. It is a very sad and pitiful site to see no matter how bad they were to you.

“Then it shall come about, because you listen to these judgments and keep and do them, that the Lord your God will keep with you the covenant and the [steadfast] lovingkindness which He swore to your fathers. He will love you and bless you. Deuteronomy 7:12-13 Amplified Bible

I have witnessed those that love Jehovah and are obedient unto Him. They are kind, loving, joyous and generous. They age gracefully and are surrounded with a swarm of others to constantly help them when they need help in their old age. They are enveloped with an aura of peace, love, joy and gentleness. You cannot help but love to be around them and help them. When it is time for them to pass on to the other side they are surrounded by loved ones. There is a peace in the room when they pass on. You cannot help but cry with joy at the honour of being their friend and look forward to being with them in Heaven.

“Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance.” C. S. Lewis

Prayer: Thank you my Beloved Jehovah-‘Ori (the Lord is my Light) for blessing me with Your divine guidance to walk in Your Heavenly light. Thank you that the fruit of this light is love, joy and peace and with the numerous opportunities to share this light with others in a cold, cruel dark world. I praise you in the name of the Prince of Light Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


That I May Not Cause Pain!


“That Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested. 1 Chronicles 4:10 New King James Version                                                      

Think of a loving father that guides his child in how to have mature respectful relationships. That is a good father.


How much more supreme is Jehovah our Heavenly Father?

When we submit to His divine wisdom He guides our thoughts away from evil and towards love and good.


When someone does us wrong our first instinct is revenge. This is a never ending circle of destruction of I get you back, then you get me back even worse. Each time it escalates.


When, instead we pray to our loving Father to take our hand and guide us in the righteous way to handle the matter not only does it prevent a lot of hardship and trouble but it also glorifies Him.

Then there is the unknown.

Perhaps someone did us wrong unintentionally but we take it personally and want revenge. An innocent individual gets hurt. As well, we as ambassadors of Christ blacken His holy name.


This has happened to me on a few occasions and I felt like a fool towards the one I offended and all those present. As well I was deeply ashamed towards my loving Father in Heaven. When the truth came to light I humbly approached them and deeply, sincerely apologized.

We are ambassadors for Christ unto the world. Let our words and actions be done accordingly to bring Him glory not shame. Joseph- Anthony: Green

If we pray for Jehovahs hand to guide us through the situation and are obedient unto His guidance we not only prevent unnecessary harm but bring glory unto Him. Because of this we may be the catalyst to brining lost souls into Jehovahs holy family by our actions.

When we pray for revenge Jehovah is silent. When we pray for wisdom to deal with the situation righteously He abundantly blesses us with holy wisdom. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Please Jehovah-‘Immeku (The Lord Is With You) daily take my hand and guide me words and actions that they bring praise and glory unto You and bring the little lost sheep unto You. I humbly request this in the name of he who led His disciples into becoming wise, meek, humble and gracious unto all Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


He Will Give It To You.


Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22  New King James Version

When you are facing difficulties, no matter if it is loss of employment, relationship problems, health problems or living arrangement problems give it completely to Jesus in faith and He will see you through it.

It does not mean he will remove your problems.

It means he will give you the strength and wisdom to get through it.

When reflecting on how Jesus blessed you with wisdom and strength you will love Him, respect Him and worship Him even more.

Another thing is that through the crisis you learn to draw closer to Him in a loving relationship.


It constantly amazes me the way Jesus works through me problems without me ever realizing it until after the problem has been solved. I am truly amazed by Him and love and adore Him more and more with each passing day.

Each of those problems I mentioned I experienced a severe crisis in and each time Jesus guided me through them.

Some of them were minor little squalls and some of them were full blown tsunamis. Each time at the other end I was blessed with not only getting through them but a deeper loving relationship with Christ.


The offer is available to you as well. Will you take it?

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah El Shaddai (God who is sufficient for the needs of His people) for always providing me with the assistance I need in just the right amount I need. I gratefully thank you in the name of He who blessed the people with just the right amount of fish and bread Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.  

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The More Amazed I Am.


“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope” Romans 15:4 New King James Version


The more I read and understand the Bible the more amazed I am at how reverent it is in my life.


For example since learning in the book of Titus to warn a troublemaker twice, if they refuse to listen have nothing to do with them I have a lot less stupid arguments. I come to understand that they are their happiest when causing trouble.

When reading about Joshua and how he endured forty years in the desert because of the disobedient Israelites he ended up enjoying the gifts of a fruitful life in the promised land.

Whenever I get discouraged and read the Bible the Holy Spirit always leads me to encouraging verses or to situations where people in the Bible endured hardships and prospered.

For example I learned that when the disciples were in the storm and called out to Jesus He rescued them. He allowed them to encounter the storm to teach them to depend more upon Him. That is a great lesson for me.


Truly, the more I read the Bible the more amazed I am how much I see myself in its pages.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Chanan (God is gracious) for the amazing blessing of Your incredible book of knowledge, the Bible. Thank you for being so gracious as to open my mind and heart to the wisdom therein and to understand the experiences of those who have gone before me. I give thanks in the name of he who taught so much by quoting and explaining the scriptures Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.