
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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Those Who Refuse To

Yes you are to forgive.

As for forgetting, those who truly repent do not throw it their face about past offences.

Those who refuse to repent you remember their offences and learn how to put up wall to protect yourself from being abused by them again. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

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Every morning ask the

Every morning ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of all the blessing Jehovah has given you as well as to ask Him to help you be patient and maintain self control. See how much your life changes for the better. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

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There are Only Two

I will never forget your commandments, for by them you give me life. Psalm 119:93The Holy Bible, The New Living Testament

There are only two commandments in the Bible: love Jehovah and Jesus above everything else.

Love your neighbour as you love yourself.

We are to obey these with our words and actions every day.

The only way to accomplish this holy task is by being obedient unto The Holy Spirits guidance though out the day. Be obedient unto Him and you will be amazed at the numerous opportunities that come your way every day.

When you obey The Holy Spirits guidance though out the day you will be shocked at how much joy there is in your life. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah El Simchath Gili (Psalms 43:4 GOD My Exceeding Joy ) for The Holy Spirits guidance though out the day that leads to great and small opportunities to live by Your holy decree. Thank you that in my obedience I am rewarded with exceeding joy in my life which is such a priceless treasure. I praise you in the name of my greatest treasure, Jesus Christ. Amen

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin ) Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2023

Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent


Appreciates and Loves Me More Than

I am grateful Jehovah answered my prayers and Snowball is okay. Yesterday was a rough one for him

I am grateful there were banana’s on mark down at the store. I made a lot of cookies with them today

I am grateful The Holy Spirit taught me that the difference between Snowball and mom is that Snowball appreciates and loves me more than the relative I am taking care of. Isn’t that disgusting that an animal is more appreciative and loving than a mother who claims to be a Christian?

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The Only Thing We Can Do

People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness. Proverbs 14:28The Holy Bible, The New Living Testament

Christians understand that most times when being egged on by agitators that love to cause fights the only thing we can do is to call upon The Holy Spirit to fill us with the divine power to control our anger and to get away from the trouble maker as fast as possible.

To do otherwise can lead to deadly consequences like killing the offender in uncontrollable rage ( which happens all the time ) or being played like a fiddle for their perverted pleasure.

The only way to control your anger when dealing with agitators is by the power of The Holy Spirit Joseph – Anthony a son of Jehovah

Short tempered men and women are always getting into trouble because they say and do stupid things when they blow up.

Prayer: Please Jehovah ELOHIM YAKOL (God, the Most Able 2 Corinthians 9:8 ) always send The Holy Spirit to bless me with the ability to control my anger when being agitated by the perverts who enjoy causing fights and laugh when they upset somebody. I humbly request this in the of the greatest Mr. Cool, Jesus Christ. Amen indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin )

Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2023 Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent


Is to be Ruled By

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” Plato

Do you understand now how our society has become the cesspool it is now?

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Old Age is an Adventure .

Old age is an adventure .

So many times you go somewhere and forgot why you went there.

So you go home.

As soon as you get in the door you remember why you went there.

You are talking with someone you have known for years but forget their names when introducing them to some one.

No sooner get out the door and have to go pee as soon as you get on the bus.

Go to the fridge to get something and forget what you went there for.

Are talking with some one and half way threw the sentence forget what you were talking about.

Who says old age is boring?

Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah


Four Days Ago I Lost The

Four days ago I lost the house keys.

Fortunately I found a spare set which I lost somewhere the nest morning.

I found another set of keys and decided to make two sets and put them where I would not lose them.

When I went to the store to have another set made, they were lost but I found them in a tiny place in the knapsack.

When I gave them to the lady to make another two keys she got talking with another customer and misplaced the key. When she found it she made another key for me. I politely informed her I requested two keys. Then she had to look for the original keys which she lost.

Finally I had the key and the new set she made for me.

Some of the customers were splitting a gut laughing watching us.

I bought some spray to get rid of the rust on the electric wheelchair and forget it at the store.

The next day I went back to buy a new tarp for the Tabernacle and she gave me the can I forgot the previous day.

The tarp was on sale but when I got home found out it is six feet short of what I need. I am going to keep it anyway. When I went to pay the one key I lost the previous day fell out on the floor.

When I went in to put the laundry in the washing machine this afternoon, there was the first key I lost key laying in the middle of the floor with nothing around it.

I am grateful for Poppa’s sense of humor because the last few days have brought so much laughter to so many.

My question to you is: is there a full moon out this week?

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Then We are Not To

Complete reconciliation and peaceful coexistence require cooperation from two parties. If the other person is unwilling to reconcile or live in harmony, peacemaking becomes impossible.  Then we are not to waste our time with the offender but we are to be respectful , formal with them. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

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There are Two Ways to Read

“There are two ways to read Scripture – the way a lawyer reads a will and the way an heir reads a will.” Alexander Whyte