
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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How do You Take Care Of ?


Those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. —1 Corinthians 12:22 New Living Translation.

Now if we are a family of Christ as Jehovah as our Father then there are big brothers and sisters and little brothers and sisters. The big brothers and sisters are the ones that have a deep understanding and experience with God. Their walk with God is strong. The babies are the new members of our family or the ones through no fault of their own are weak.

The big brothers and sisters should not be critical or haughty of the babies. They should nurture them, encourage them and be respectful towards them.   

The more mature Christian is to be loving, patient, encouraging, and mentoring to those who are not as far along the walk to Heaven as themselves. Joseph a son of Jehovah

The babies should listen to and obey their big brothers and sisters. When they speak to them with love about areas in their life that needs to be corrected they should not be insulted or hurt by the actions.

If we all behaved like this in the churches the churches would not decrease. Many churches are losing members because of the mean spiritedness of other members. Those hypocritical members are judgmental and condescending to the babies in the family. The babies are hurt and give the middle finger to the church and walk away. Indeed how many new members of the family walk away from Jesus because of this? I tell you true, their blood will be on the guiltiest hands (yes blood. Because they walk away from Jesus because of you, you are the reason they are going to hell.).

How do you think that makes Jesus feel?

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:10 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Heseh (God is love) for lovingly blessing me with the Holy Spirit to teach me and help me to be the child You desire me to be. Please bless me to emulate Him to come along side those who are not as mature in their walk with You as I am (that does not mean childish but rather inexperienced) and to lovingly guide them to a deeper loving, obedient relationship with You. Thank you for the big brothers and sisters whom You have sent to mentor me and may I emulate them as well. I sincerely request this in the name of the greatest Teacher Jesus Christ. Amen

May the gentle assurance of Jesus’ sweet love encompass you today and every day. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2019


You Do It.


 Let integrity and uprightness protect me Psalm 25:21 The Holy Bible Amplified Version

Integrity means to have a firm adherence to a code of moral values. These will protect you from dishonour, jail and from being scammed. In other words you know what is right in Jehovahs eyes and you do it.

Once I was asked by a foreign agent representing many foreign teachers looking for a placement to give a review of a very bad school school I was teaching at. Because the truth was spoken and it was not very favourable the consequences were instant dismissal and threatened with jail if I refused to recant ( being a white round eye teaching in Asia you can bet that prison would not be a pleasant place to spend time in ) . Yes I was scared but stood my ground. The result was that the federal government became involved. Not only did I not do any time but was absolved of any wrong doing any time, however the owner of the school and his family were sentenced to five years in a federal prison. Later I could see the hand of Jehovah move in these events ( it was highly unusual for the federal government to become involved in a municipal affair. And, it was even higher unusual that a foreigner would be exonerated while a local went to prison).

“A godly mind prizes honor above worldly good.” Rembrandt

It also means not doing the wrong things.

Again, when I was in Asia there was ample opportunity that agents would get foreigners to forge documents for big companies that the quality of the product passes when in reality it is complete garbage. So, let us say that a company is selling dog food and its ingredient are toxic and cheap quality, they can kill the animal if it eats it. A foreigner will sign a document representing a company like say that sounds like Calmart. Then it is shipped out. When it arrives Calmart refuses to accept it but the Asian company threatens to sue because their representative signed the release forms ( when in reality it was a foreigner not even working for Calmart. The Asian agent paid the foreigners a lot of money. Even though I needed the money I refused. The others laughed at me for being a goody two shoes. Eventually the federal government in that Asian country became involved and sent undercover agents in to investigate. There was a huge round up with an enormous amount to foreigners sent to a federal prison for a very long time. My integrity saved me.

Now how do we gain this valuable asset?

We spend time reading our Bibles and requesting Jehovah bless us with opening our eyes to what is right and wrong in His divine eyes and the strength to obey Him, no matter what the cost.

I have seen many scammers get scammed in my life. I have seen many crooked ones fall into total destruction and a slow death in shame and humiliation because of their sin but I have seen many more of those who walk in integrity rise from the ashes into glory. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Tsori ( The Lord is my Strength )for blessing me with the strength to stand firm upon Your firm ground of Holy integrity so as to honour You and prevent certain disaster in my life. I praise You in the name of He who is the most high integrity Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the gentle assurance of Jesus’ sweet love encompass you today and every day.


That I May Not Cause Pain!


“That Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested. 1 Chronicles 4:10 New King James Version                                                      

Think of a loving father that guides his child in how to have mature respectful relationships. That is a good father.


How much more supreme is Jehovah our Heavenly Father?

When we submit to His divine wisdom He guides our thoughts away from evil and towards love and good.


When someone does us wrong our first instinct is revenge. This is a never ending circle of destruction of I get you back, then you get me back even worse. Each time it escalates.


When, instead we pray to our loving Father to take our hand and guide us in the righteous way to handle the matter not only does it prevent a lot of hardship and trouble but it also glorifies Him.

Then there is the unknown.

Perhaps someone did us wrong unintentionally but we take it personally and want revenge. An innocent individual gets hurt. As well, we as ambassadors of Christ blacken His holy name.


This has happened to me on a few occasions and I felt like a fool towards the one I offended and all those present. As well I was deeply ashamed towards my loving Father in Heaven. When the truth came to light I humbly approached them and deeply, sincerely apologized.

We are ambassadors for Christ unto the world. Let our words and actions be done accordingly to bring Him glory not shame. Joseph- Anthony: Green

If we pray for Jehovahs hand to guide us through the situation and are obedient unto His guidance we not only prevent unnecessary harm but bring glory unto Him. Because of this we may be the catalyst to brining lost souls into Jehovahs holy family by our actions.

When we pray for revenge Jehovah is silent. When we pray for wisdom to deal with the situation righteously He abundantly blesses us with holy wisdom. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Please Jehovah-‘Immeku (The Lord Is With You) daily take my hand and guide me words and actions that they bring praise and glory unto You and bring the little lost sheep unto You. I humbly request this in the name of he who led His disciples into becoming wise, meek, humble and gracious unto all Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


Rely on Him.


Rely on Him not you.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing …” (Proverbs 3:5-10 New International Version).

The right way, the only way. Rely on Him not you.

Before I make any decisions I always try to follow a Jewish tradition. That is, to wait three days before making and decisions and pray and read the Bible.

One time a really nice contract was offered to me. I wanted it bad but was told to decide right then and there. I chose to walk away because not being offered the chance to wait and pray. It was crushing. Another teacher laughed and took the contract. For three months he was laughing at me and bragging about how good the contract was. Then, the company started demanding more and more from him and began cheating him worse and worse on his wages (a common occurrence here). He begged me to find some way he could get out of the contract to no avail.

There was a so called Christian preacher that I really liked and wanted to have a friendship with him. Then he started asking personal questions I felt uncomfortable with and decided to wait and pray before sharing this information with him. The answer was to avoid him like the plague which was very difficult as he seemed like such a cool guy. Turns out he was a charlatan and only wanted the information to control and domineer me like he was doing to some others.

We see a little, God sees the complete picture. That is why it is of the utmost importance to always wait and pray and read your Bible, then to obey. It will be hard but from my experience it has resulted in a LOT less grief and trouble.

It is like someone wants to sell you a gold mine but really it is just a swamp. The seller may show you little gold flakes and claim he is too old to mine it anymore but is doing you a favour. Instead of going and asking the local mayor who knows everything and is honest and would inform you the cretin is really a snake oil salesman, you rashly and foolishly buy the mine. You end up with a swamp while the snake ends up with all your money.

Giving it all to Christ is the best and smartest move of your life. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Please Jehovah Jireh (God our provider) always provide me with the patience, wisdom and strength to wait and call upon You before I any decisions. Then my beloved give me the strength to follow through on Your wise choices. I ask this in the name of the greatest councilor Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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The Honour Goes Elsewhere.


In Judges chapter four Deborah sent Barak into battle but Barak refused to go unless she went with him. As a consequence he lost the honour of the victory

because he trusted more in the prophetess than in Jehovah.                                     

How many times do we listen to and worship a God fearing preacher over God?

So when the Lord inspires the preacher to give a message in his sermon that is speaking to you do you give glory and thanks to the preacher without even thanking the Lord?                                                                                                          

So do you not think the glory will go elsewhere instead of to you for the accomplishment the Lord is calling you to perform?                                                        

Prayer: Please Jehovah KalEl (voice of God) consecrate my spirit, mind and body to complete obedience to You. I meekly request this in the name of Your most obedient son Jesus Christ. Amen.                                                                             

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


I Do It His Way.


Pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate. Proverbs 8:13 New International Version


Here is a little game for you to play that you may find very revealing.

Keep a tally of how many times you say I did or I got in a day.

Then see how many times you see how many times you thank the Lord in a day.

Now compare them.

How humble are you?

How grateful are you towards Jehovah Jireh (God who provides).

How many times does He grant you when you do not even thank Him for the blessings he has already given you?

Why should He?

I do it Jehovah’s way with a humble heart and most of my requests are granted.

Here is a good example: It is a forty minute walk to the library. During monsoon season storms can come up in five minutes and they are a downpour.   I humbly ask the Lord to keep the rain at bay during the walk (which surprise, surprise He does). When arriving at the library thanks is given for nice weather. Before leaving for the library I humbly request there is a certain table there the computer can be plugged into and it is relatively quiet. Surprise, surprise, the table is always there even though there is a blocks long line up waiting for the library to open and when it does all the tables are taken in ten minutes. Again, humble and sincere thanks are given for this blessing.

How many times would you have given thanks?

“By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life” Proverbs 22:4 New International Version.


Pride brings shame. Humility brings wisdom. Joseph- Anthony: Green                                                          

Prayer: Please Jesus Pyrrand (God my friend) always bless me with a grateful heart, especially towards you, for the numerous blessings You so abundantly give me every day. I humbly ask this in Your gracious name. Amen.                                

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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Be Careful About Them.


If anyone thoughtlessly takes an oath to do anything, whether good or evil (in any matter one might carelessly swear about) even though they are unaware of it, but then they learn of it and realize their guilt when anyone becomes aware that they are guilty in any of these matters, they must confess in what way they have sinned. Leviticus 5:3-4 New International Version

As you can see, Jehovah takes all vows seriously.

So if you take a vow, even if you are tricked into it and refuse to honour it, you will pay the price.

This I believe is intended to drive home three points.

One: there is a price to pay for disobedience.

Now if you have taken a vow that is detrimental to society, or Christ, you should break it.

Otherwise the consequences will be more severe. So if a friend has nagged you into keeping a secret of how they cheated on an a deal with another company you should break that vow to do the right thing and report it otherwise when they are caught you will suffer the same punishment at them.


The second important thing is to drive home the importance of waiting and seeking council through councilors and prayer to avoid being caught up in these in the first place.

The third one is the one I have been plagued with constantly in China.

Do not make a promise you do not intend to keep.

In China they have a practice of promising you almost anything to get you to do what they want you to do. Once you have done your part they conveniently get amnesia and forget their promises (which in reality they had no intention of keeping in the first place).

This has taught me a valuable lesson.

Now when someone wants me to do something for them and they make extravagant promises I inform them loudly in public that because I want them to prove to everyone how honest they are I will give them the honour of fulfilling their promises first.

It greatly shames them.

Every time I see them I loudly ask them when they are going to fulfill their promises.

This is done as a warning to those who are watching and listening so they do not attempt this filth on me.

It has eliminated a lot of stress in my life and a lot less being made a sucker out of.

Prayer: Please Jehovah KalEl (voice of God) bless me to always depend upon Your Holy Spirits voice to guide me on when to and when not to make promises because they are oh so very serious to You. I know this voice will prevent me from making foolish promises or unattainable promises. I sincerely request this in the name of He who promised to always be with me and has kept His promise Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.