
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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Because They Foolishly Believe

Because They Foolishly Believe But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. 1 John 4:4 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

The Holy Spirit who dwells with in in us is greater that Satan who dwells in those that dance with Satan.

But we belong to God, and those who know God listen to us. If they do not belong to God, they do not listen to us. That is how we know if someone has the Spirit of truth or the spirit of deception. 1 John 4:6 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

This is why it is a waste of time trying to debate or reach consensus with satan walkers.

They know what they are doing is wrong but refuse to acknowledge it because they foolishly believe doing so will prevent them from taking responsibility for their words and or actions.

Whenever wicked men and or women try to manipulate or verbally abuse us, they are in for a hard slap down compliments of The Holy Spirit who dwells with in us. I have personally experienced this numerous times.

Jesus has a rude awakening for them: Disaster pursues abusive men and women, but prosperity is the reward of the righteous. Proverbs 13:21 Berean Standard Bible

Relationships with psychopaths are always exploitative. They only desire to have a relationship with you when they want something, then discard you after they’ve used you. The Christians saving grace is that Jesus is our Lord and King and protects us from these wicked ones and always punishes them for their abuse towards us . Joseph- Anthony a son of

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Maginnenu (Psalms 89:18 The LORD Our Defence ) for sending The Holy Spirit to defend and protect me from the wicked ones. Thank you Jesus that You shall administer appropriate punishment to them for their wicked deeds. I praise You in the name of the Superior Judge Jesus Christ. Amen

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin )

Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2024

Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent As you think so too you are. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah.


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Loads of Sand From The

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested getting loads of sand from the cemetery. Because I got four loads and mixed it with potting soil it was enough to make an old dresser drawer into a raised garden.

I am grateful for the warm weather. The seeds are sprouting in the sun room.

I am grateful to The Holy Spirit’s suggestion on making Snowball’s meals. He has not been constipated for a week.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested moving some stuff around the outside of the garage. Now when the cleaner or PSW comes I can get out with the scooter while their vehicle is parked in the driveway.

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After a Few Rubs

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested gently rubbing Snowball’s head early this morning because he was walking around very agitated. After a few rubs he snuggled up with me in bed and went right to sleep.

I am grateful Jezebel did not lose an eye this morning. Because she was abusive to Little Smokey he does not allow her to get close to him. This morning she tried to get close to him and her clawed her face just missing her eye. Stupid people win stupid prizes. She of course blames Little Smokey and threatened to throw him outside. I told her if she did that I would call the humane society and have her charged with cruelty to animals. He is very lovey dovey to me. Sometimes he will growl at me because he wants to be left alone and I leave him alone. No problems.

I am grateful that a dollar store had headphones. Mine broke and most stores wanted around fifty dollars for a pair I got at a dollar store for five dollars. I need them to drown out the annoying screeches of the cardinals when working outside.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested laying an old carpet around the air conditioner outside to keep the weeds out.

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For Giving Me

I am so grateful to those kind men for giving me sawdust for the garden. Not only will it keep the weeds down but it looks beautiful.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me of long cardboard boxes in the garage. They can be used in the garden. Dig a hole, put them in it, fill it it with dirt. Then, plant carrots. After that cover the area surrounding it with sawdust.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me that Jesus has forbidden me to share the work of my labour with Jezebel. Yesterday I dug up a big bunch of garlic and asked her to give it to a mutual friend who helps us out. Instead she gave it to her friends just to get praise. We got into a huge fight. From now on if The Holy Spirit guides me to share, I am to give it to them personally.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to the Bible verse where Jesus says that a laborer is to be paid their fare wages. The Holy Spirit has strongly informed me that I am not to work in Jezebel’s flower garden. If she has a hissy fit I am to remind her of what Jesus says and that I am forbidden to work in her garden until my ten years of wages is paid

Jesus said: Those who work deserve their pay. Luke 10: 7

Then, to remind her that the wages she owed me she gave to her drunken grand daughter who has done nothing for but to get drunk. You want garden work done, call her, not me.

The ten years of torment are over and now it is time to fight back.

But, I will not be doing the fighting, Jesus is my champion.

Jesus is with me as a dread champion [one to be greatly feared]; Therefore Abusive men and women will stumble and not overcome me. They will be completely shamed, for they have not acted wisely and have failed in their schemes Jeremiah 20:11

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Is Having Regular

I am grateful Snowball is having regular bowel and urinary movements again

I am grateful the Lord has blessed me that the broccoli, cauliflower and peas are coming up good in the raised gardens. The potatoes are a little behind but that is okay

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to sow the lavender, basil, clover and chamomile tea in the garden. I planted two rows of potatoes amongst them

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to sow the flower seeds in the greenhouses ( tents with tarps over them ).

I am grateful the vegetables and herbs are coming up in the sun room

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The Hand of the Lord

Even though it looks like evil is winning the hand of the Lord strikes quickly with no mercy. Then let’s see how arrogant they are. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

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It Shall be Planted With

I am grateful for the great weather. It was cool so a good portion of the one back garden was hand tilled with a twissler. Tomorrow, by Jehovah’s grace, it shall be planted with potatoes, lavender, clover, basil and chamomile. The rhubarb is coming along great but some manure was mixed in with it.

I am grateful Snowball is feeling better and has his appetite back.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to spend cuddle time with Smokey while Jezebel was playing Christian at church.

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Too Bad It

I am grateful it stopped raining during my morning outing on the scooter. Too bad it rained when Jezebel went to and from her doctors appointment.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit had me look up the side effects of Jezebel’s new medicine. The side effects are worse that the condition she was prescribed the meds for. If she would only take responsibility for her behavior she would not need to take any drugs.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested hooking up the rain barrels to the eves troughs to catch the rain water for the garden.

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The Formula Worked For

I am grateful the formula worked for Snowball’s constipation. I am grateful we did not get hit with the lightening. Many in town have had their hydro shut off because of direct hits from the lightening.

I am grateful the rain stopped so I could go shopping for cooking material.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to spend cuddle time with Smokey. He purred in delight.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to pour my urine directly on some nasty weeds to kill them.


Are You Beginning to See A

Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. Psalms 37:5-6 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

I wanted to lose weight and fat.

I prayed unto the Lord.

He suggested stop eating processed food.

In three months I lost thirty five pounds and three inches of fat

My cat became epileptic and was having severe seizures every day for two years.

I prayed unto the Lord.

He suggested a combination of herbs, relaxing music and lots of cuddles. He has not had a seizure in about a month now, has regained a lot of weight and is much more content and active.

I am a live in care giver for an extremely abusive mother for ten years of living Hell. Never have I been so abused so much.

I prayed unto the Lord.

He guided me to a site with a Christian councillor on YouTube. Since putting into practice what she teaches almost all of the abuse has stopped. The same principals have been used to neuter the neighbour from Hell who lives beside us.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here?

Are you willing to trust the Lord in every area of your life?

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Jireh ( God provides Philippians 4:19 ) for providing me with The Holy Spirit to offer the best advice in every area of my life.

I praise You in the name of The Wonderful Councillor Jesus Christ. Amen

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin )

Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2024

Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent

As you think so too you are. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah.