
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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You will be Shocked At

When you obey The Holy Spirits guidance though out the day you will be shocked at how much joy there is in your life. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah


Appreciates and Loves Me More Than

I am grateful Jehovah answered my prayers and Snowball is okay. Yesterday was a rough one for him

I am grateful there were banana’s on mark down at the store. I made a lot of cookies with them today

I am grateful The Holy Spirit taught me that the difference between Snowball and mom is that Snowball appreciates and loves me more than the relative I am taking care of. Isn’t that disgusting that an animal is more appreciative and loving than a mother who claims to be a Christian?

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There was a Huge Amount Of

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested I go to a different store to get some garden supplies. I saved a lot of money

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested I go to the cemetery. There was a huge amount of potted plants thrown out. All’s they need is to be pruned back and they will come back next year

I am grateful mom went to church even though the care worker did not come to give her a bath.

I am grateful to have been able to duct tape the tarp to the poles for the tabernacle. It prevents them from being blown away in the heavy winds.

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I Got the Last Lot of Them

I am Grateful some Great I am grateful for a fantastic nights sleep

I am grateful some great herbal recipes on

I am grateful to have called ahead for some chicken at the store. Because of a strike I got the last lot of them

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It Did not Look Good.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to a video on social media on the best water purifier and there was on at a local store. When the local water was tested it did not look good. After using the water purifier the water was so much cleaner.

I am grateful my kidney is feeling much better. Last night it felt like it was on fire because I stupidly was out in the cold without proper clothing.

I am grateful for the friendly men and woman I talked with at the store. I do not socialize so it is special to talk with someone.

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There was a Lot of Potted

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to look in the shoe section at the grocery store, there was a great pair of winter boots on sale.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to look in the garbage bins at the end of the cemetery, there was a lot of potted plants thrown away. The old potting soil is used in the raised garden.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to put the fallen leaves in the bottom of the raised gardens. They will be used for compost.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to pick ripened cat tails. The seeds were spread all over some low lying areas of our property.

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A Better Place in The

I am grateful to have gotten two good loads of sand

I am grateful been able to move two raised gardens into a better place in the garden.

I am grateful to have held my tongue when mom started having a temper tantrum.

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When I Went Out to Get

I am grateful the rain stopped when I went out to get mulch.

I am grateful to have met an elderly man out on the trail where I get my mulch. It was great to go down memory lane with him as he is a local boy like me.

I am grateful to have realized the scooter was low on energy so as to not have it die on me and have to push it home when I tried to go out for the third load of mulch.

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To Transform The

I am grateful to have the nice weather to transform the skids that were given to me into raised gardens

I am grateful for the easy recipe to make ketchup. We have an abundant crop of tomatoes and herbs.

I am grateful mom went out for a long electric scooter ride so I could get the house work done as well as my cooking. The ketchup failed but turned out to be fantastic tomato juice instead along with chilli sauce that was made from the left overs. Boy is it good.

I am grateful for the nice weather to cut the grass. With all the rain and hot, humid weather the lawn was starting to look like a jungle.

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Informed Her that Her

I am grateful that Snowball has settled down since administering cbd every four hours. He was having four seizures an hour. Now, he is having one every four hours. It will take him a couple of days for the medicine to take affect and maybe one seizure a week again. Even though he takes his medicine now he will still have seizures. I am giving him dried organic kale in his food now, that is super good for him.

I am grateful that mom met a woman with a cat that has seizures and informed her that her cat has lived with this condition for many years.

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit has guided me to vet. Site that explain how to give Snowball his natural medicine and how long it will take for it to take effect.