
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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My Wild Turkey Prayer.



But certainly God has heard me; He has attended to the voice of my prayer. Psalm 66:19 New King James Version                                         

I have been praying to my Beloved for over a year to bless me with the opportunity to photograph some wild deer and wild turkeys.                                               

Recently I suffered from an episode of burn out.                                    

 Every day for the past five months I had been involved in strenuous work to improve my aged disabled moms (I am her primary care giver)place.

As well, there was three days a week performing volunteer work which involved continuously moving for three hours each session.                                                                                         

One day I hit the wall.                                                                                     

 I bicycled out to Gods Cathedral (nature) dropped to my knees and cried like a baby while shaking like a leaf in a wind storm.                                

 I cried out to my Beloved to explain what was happening as I did not understand.                                                                                                    

His reply came in two words:” Go camping.”                                                     

 I replied: “My Lord, I just suffered a melt down and You want me to go out camping?”                                                                                                         

Then He explained that I was suffering burn out because I had violated His Law. Six days we shall work and then rest on the seventh. Because I did not do this both my mind and body were exhausted.                           

You can choose to commit the sin, you cannot choose the punishment. Joseph- Anthony: Green                                                                                       

I needed rest and where better to get rest than Gods Cathedral (nature)? So I informed mom I was going camping for three days (mom needs care but it is time for the rest of the family to step forward and help out for once).                                                                            

 Jehovah guided me to a nice place on the side of a forested hill.                            

The next morning while saying prayer the Lord interrupted and told me to go say the prayers on the edge of the forest by the farmers field. I thought this a good idea as it is better to say my prayers in Gods Cathedral (nature) than the inside of a tent. While saying the prayers I noticed a flash of white and took no notice as I thought it was a grouse. As I was continuing to say the prayers the Lord urged me to look to my right. There was a white tailed deer that almost walked into me. I quickly took a photo even thought it was foggy out.                                

 The last day out as I was leaving the Lord urged me to go down a little trail. As it had been cold and rainy all weekend I just wanted a hot bath and warm meal (I fasted on home made fruit juice all weekend) but obeyed. Then He directed me to take a photo of a hill covered in beautiful fall foliage. I did not want to at first because many photos were taken the previous day but am glad I obeyed.                               

When I got home there was something in that photo so it was enlarged. There on the bottom of the hill were seven wild turkeys (do you know that God promises to bless us seven times in the Bible). The photo looks great.                                                                                                  

Not only did my Beloved heal, refresh and renew me that weekend He blessed me with the photo’s I was praying for, for over a year.                               

Jehovah constantly amazes me at the incredible (and even humourous) ways He answers my prayers.  Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Emunah(Jehovah is faithful ) for promising to answer my prayers in Your time and Your amazing ways. You inform us to pray without ceasing, believing You will answer our prayers and You are always faithful to answer them in Your Divine way and Your Divine time. I exalt You in the name of He who came to earth to pay for my sins in Your time and in Your way   Jesus Christ. Amen

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.