
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


My Amazing Sevens.



Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me. Psalm 139:10 New King James Version


You will find that sevens are a special number in the Bible. Look at the blessings and curses it Deuteronomy and you will see that the blessings and curses always come in sevens.

When I first walked away from Christ as a teenager in very troubling times in my life it was for seven years.


Then I felt Jehovah calling me away from the farm to the city. There I was blessed with learning of Jehovah and the Law of the Old Testament. As well I learned Natural Medicine which I have been using for thirty years to help people. Another thing I learned in those seven years was to serve Christ by serving others. I spent seven of the most cherished time doing volunteer work in a hospital.

The next seven years was a move to a different city because of racial discrimination against whites in the city I was living in. In this city I again walked away from the Lord and got into the wrong crowd for seven years.

From there the Lord called me to go tree planting. In those first three years I learned how to plant in the forests in the mountains. After that I began to teach rookies while at the same time learning how to plant tree’s on the coast (which is much more difficult and dangerous and another season). After that there was seven years teaching rookie planters and foremen.

This was preparing me for the next move which was to go to China to be a teacher.

It took me three years to learn how to teach them because they learn different from us in the west.


After that was seven years teaching in one city instead of moving from city to city every six months. Here the Lord taught me how to share the Gospel with others.

Then the Lord called me to teach by being a writer, which took me three years to learn everything necessary while honing my style.

Have you ever thought of how the Lord works in sequence in your life?

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Rohi (God is our Sheppard) for all the incredible guidance You have abundantly blessed me with throughout my walk with You on my journey to Heaven. I joyously salute You in the name of the most wise, graceful and meek Sheppard Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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Here is the proof.


But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. Romans 8:9 New King James Version

For those of you who doubt if the Holy Spirit dwells within the Christian here is the proof. The Spirit of God dwells in you.  That is not a maybe but a direct promise and Jehovah always fulfills His promises.


Therefore all Christians have the Holy Spirit with in us.

What does the Spirit do in our lives?

He conquers our addictions which we are too weak to defend ourselves from.

For me it was stubbornness.

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. Romans 8:26 New King James Version

Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Galatians 5:16 New King James Version

The Holy Spirit with in us guides us to what is the right way to live. There have been too many times when I was in doubt about certain circumstances but the Holy Spirit lead me to make the correct ones which prevented a lot of grief.

The reward for this is peace in our lives and joy in our loving relationship with the Trinity.  There are so many times in my prayers that I am so filled with spiritual joy it feels as if every molecule in my body wants to scream out:” I love You my Holy Father, I love You.”

The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17 New King James Version

There have been so many times in my trials and tribulations I wanted to quit but was empowered by the Holy Spirit to continue on the victory.

That you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 New King James Version


The Holy Spirit teaches us about Jehovah which leaves us in awe, respect and a deeper love for Him.


These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 1 Corinthians 2:13 New King James Version                                                                      

The reward for this is a stronger loving bond with Him.

But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. 1 Corinthians 6:17 New King James Version


And finally, He is the best remodeler there can ever be. Looking back I am amazed at how much He was destroyed the old pot of clay and remolded me into a completely opposite creature. Every one of those fruits are in an abundance in my live.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. Galatians 5:22 New King James Version

Now do not expect all of these to occur when you accept in your heart Jesus Christ as your Savior. Some may take years, some may take decades (for me some took twenty years). We go on Jehovahs time not ours. Speaking from experience although a lot of it has been very difficult I humbly thank my Beloved every day for the amazing work over He has accomplished in this lumpy clay. And the thing is, the process continues all of our lives.

The Christian walk is one of constant learning and remolding of our spirits. It does not happen over night, it happens over a lifetime. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-Jireh  (God is our Provider) for blessing me with the most amazing life giving gift of the Holy Spirit who has patiently destroyed the old pottery and skillfully remolded me into the child You desire me to be. I humbly thank You in the name of He whose most precious gift made it all possible Jesus Christ. Amen.


May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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H.O.M.E. Is


I am looking forward to being there.

What do you look forward to experiencing when you go home? What do you think Heaven will be like? I look forward to going home.

H=Home is Heaven. It is where we will be with our beloved family and friends and with our most beloved, Jesus, forever. There we will meet new friends and everybody will share joyous meals together. It will not matter your race, if you are tall or short, fat or skinny, boy or girl. There will be no rich or poor there. We will all be in joyful harmony together. No family fights there.

O= Overjoyed to be where we will face no more sorrow or pain. We shall be constantly over filled with joy every moment for eternity. There will be joy being with Jesus. There will be joy being with old and new friends. There will be joy in a truly fulfilling career Jesus has planned just for us.

M=Meditation, where we can truly sit at the feet of Jesus and share in His marvelous wisdom. It will be a never ending education where we will run to class in eager anticipation of drinking in the wisdom of the greatest teacher. Imagine sitting at the feet of Noah and Moses sharing incredible stories with us. There will be no tests we will be graded on because what we eagerly learn will become a part of us.

E=Employment, this where we will all be employed with a specific career that will be fulfilling and we will look forward to going to forever more. No getting laid off there. No retirement there. Everyone will have a special job suited just for you waiting for you.

Oh how I look forward to going home.

How about you?

However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”—the things God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 New International Version

This is what I believe our home will be like. I can’t even imagine what our mansion Jesus has prepared for us looks like. Just think no mortgage or foreclosure there. No burglars or fires or storms to destroy that home. We will always be safe and secure there.

I have not even got into all the fun we will have playing with all the animals there.

Although we look forward to going to Heaven to be with Jesus when we die, we should work hard to bring as many with us as we can. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Oh sweet Jesus Pryyand (Jesus our best friend) I do ever so much look forward to that special time spent with You and the rest of Your holy family in Heaven.

I long to sit at your feet and listen to Your delicious words of wisdom.

I can’t wait to see what wonderful career You have planned for me in this fantastic kingdom to serve You.

What a privilege it will be to share a meal with all the saints of Your incredible family.

I wait in eager anticipation in the name of our great, mighty and loving king Jesus Christ. Amen.

May you be blessed with Gods divine love, peace and joy.

This articile is originally from another website I used to write on under the name


So Small but So Big



Have you ever laid on a carpet of grass on a warm summers eve and gazed into the night sky

Try as man may with his fireworks , it can not match GODS nightly lightshow

As you lay there admiring the magnatude of the beautiy of it all have you ever felt small and igsignificant

I have

Then a thought gently caresses my mind

It was GOD who made all those stars

HE is so awsome

and you know what?

HE loves us

A feeling of happiness and peace envelopes me

I smile and softly say

Thank you my wonderful Father

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What Is the Difference Between?

God loves each of

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 New International Version

What is the difference between our Heavenly and our earthly?

Our Heavenly Father loves us unconditionally.

Sad to say, I believe there is more dysfunctional families than there is “normal” families.


Our Father disciplines us for our best interest.

How many times do our earthly parents demand we do what they want, not caring what we want?

Our Heavenly Father always is there and always cares about our personal problems.

How many parents are there that you can talk about personal problems with?

Our Heavenly Father heals our emotional pains.

How many parents are there that even care about our problems or are even the cause of them?

Our Heavenly Father knows where we are best suited in life and gives us divine purpose in life.

How many parents talk about their children’s career with them and help them to where they are best suited in life?

Now I am not belittling loving parents, they are to be appreciated, loved and respected.

However, no matter how good they are, they will never be as good as our loving  Heavenly Father.

Now if you come from a dysfunctional family or an abusive one it will be hard to understand and believe this but just keep praying and having an open heart. He will heal your wounds and guide you into the most awesome love affair there is.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Abba (God our Heavenly Father) for the wonderful privilege of being bestowed with the most awesome poppa there ever could be. I exalt you in the name of my magnificent loving big brother Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


The Best Relationship Advice


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding Proverbs 3:5 New King James Version

God knows not only you but the other person as well. There are many things in the other person that you do not see but He does. So therefore it is best to always trust Him in any and all relationships.   It will prevent a lot of heartache, frustration and suffering later on in your life.


That guy may be a smooth talker but in reality is an abusive jerk. Man have I ever met a lot of them.   Personally I have found those who like to dress in luxuriant styles are snakes in the grass.


That woman may appear to be sweet and innocent but in reality she is manipulative, domineering and a self centered emotional thief. They will suck the life out of you quicker that a vacuum cleaner.


That person may seem goofy because they are shy but when you talk with them you discover they are very wise. Many of the wisest men and women I have had the privilege to become friends with I at first thought they were are brite as a burnt out light bulb but were very intelligent,caring, respectful, loving and wise.

That person may seem like a snob but in reality is just a loner (just because we are loners does not mean we have mental problems either). I am a loner yet most people consider me very deep, caring and supportive once they get to know me.

Prayer: Please Jesus Rohi (God our Sheppard) guide me towards those who are loving, caring and respectful and away from the life suckers (those who suck the life out of you). I sincerely ask this in the name of He who was open to the loving ones and closed to the lurking wolves Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.