
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


War Against the Soul.


Abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul. 1 Peter 2:11 New King James Version


If you are older like me you have witnessed the spiraling descension of our western society into a cesspool. In our  music, TV shows and movies morality has taken back seat to the shock effect to addict people to the filth. Look at many of todays singers when they were just starting out and portrayed as sweet and innocent. As that became passé they became more and more depraved to stay on top. 


Society thinks it is cool to emulate them.                                                          

Look at the movies and listen to popular songs. There is so much filth in it that laughingly is called entertainment.                                                            

It encourages premarital sex, why do they not have interviews with people who have contracted syphilis (we have a run for aids why not a run for syphilis which is much more common and much more deadly?) or had abortions and their lives ruined because of this lifestyle? 


Seeking after self instead of seeking to better society. Why do they not talk about how many suicides there are because of loneliness?               

When you surround yourself with yourself you end up with no one but yourself. Joseph- Anthony: Green                                                                        

Materialism which says buy this and you will be happy.                                 

Why do they not have interviews with folks that have had their lives and marriages destroyed by bankruptcy?                                                                     

Indeed is not every society in the world today facing eminent bankruptcy on a scale never witnessed before in history because of this empty “happiness”?                                                                                          

Is not every government in the world facing bankruptcy because their populace lives by the entitlement theory and to stay in power the politicians give the people what they want and not what they need?                                                                      

“We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves to be like other people.”  Arthur Schopenhauer   


On the other hand when you seek after Christ you are in the spiritual world. In this world you experience His love and divine joy which nothing of the flesh can even begin to compare with.      


I would not give up one moment of my Christian life for a lifetime of fleshly desires being fulfilled. Joseph- Anthony: Green                                                                                                  

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Heseh (god is love) for blessing me with the most treasured gift ever possible, Your divine love. I praise You in the name of He who showed His supreme love for me on the cross Jesus Christ. Amen.                                              

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day.

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He is Out of His Mind.


But when His family heard about this, they went out to lay hold of Him, for they said, “He is out of His mind.” Mark 3:21 New International Version

When your family and friends laugh at you, mock you and or consider you crazy for giving up all worldly desires to follow the path Christ has for you in life, just remember, Jesus’ family thought He was nuts too.


If you give up a successful career to go work in the slums or when you walk away from the booze, sex and drugs, when you walk away from the malls and walk toward Jesus of course those around you will not understand. What they do not and cannot understand they label as crazy because it does not fit their idea of normal.

I would rather be crazy for Jesus than be normal and in Hell.  Joseph- Anthony: Green

It will be painful to have to say goodbye to those close to you but Jesus will reward you with a solid loving, respectful relationship with Him and with those in His divine family.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Ropheka (God our healer) for healing me of the wounds inflicted upon me whose words cut deep because of my choice to walk with You. Please forgive them for they do not know what they are doing. I meekly thank you and ask for this forgiveness in the name of He who forgave those who mocked Him as he suffered upon the cross Jesus Christ. Amen

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day .


God Looks Down From Heaven.


God looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God. Psalms 53:2 New King James Version                                                                                                

Remember when we were children and we were taught that Santa Claus was watching to see if we were naughty or nice. Of course now we realize that is just a fairy tale.              

Jehovah on the other hand is very real and He is constantly seeking those who are looking for Him and desire to enjoy a richly blessed relationship with Him.                          


In order to be a member of His family we must obey His rules.                                          

That is why it takes a lifetime commitment to learning of Him and His ways and of obeying them.      


This means a daily commitment to reading His word and be open to being obedient to what He is teaching us.

A non Bible reading Christian is not a Christian.  Joseph- Anthony: Green   


This means a daily commitment to honest and sincere prayer with Him. 


Prayer is just talking with the most intimate lover you can ever be blessed with. Joseph- Anthony: Green                                                                                                  

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Yahweh (God of His people) for blessing me with seeking me out and adopting me into Your sacred family. I extol You in the name of Your most cherished son Jesus Christ. Amen.


May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day.

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Strive Together With Me

praying in chinese church

Now I beg you, brethren, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and through the love of the Spirit, that you strive together with me in prayers to God for me Romans 15:30 New King James Version

Whenever I am facing difficult times I like to go on prayer request sites and find someone enduring the same trail and tribulations as myself. I like to email them explaining the situation and explain to them that I am praying for them and ask them to pray for me I believe this encourages sincere deep felt prayers.

Only those who suffer like you can pray like you. Joseph- Anthony: Green.

As well it is good when I placed a certain difficult time on this web page. The brothers and sisters that not only promised to pray for me but gave loving words of encouragement blessed me a lot of strength and comfort.

I have a prayer list of about six groups that I pray for every morning.

Because I am a part of that prayer I pray all the more earnestly.

Why not give it a try.

Prayer: Please Jehovah Jireh (God our provider) bless me with names of other brothers and sisters who are enduring the same strial and tribulations as I so that we can gain strength and comfort in each others prayers. I humbly request this in the name of He who prayed for His disciples Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day.


More Than Asked For.


These articles are dedicated to the wonderful and amazing way Jehovah Jireh (the Lord our provider) answers prayers. It is a simple journal that I would like to use as an example for others to list their sincere prayer requests and then how our Beloved answers them.                                                                                                                                       

It will amaze you and create a heart of gratitude and respect for our gracious Jehovah Heseh (Our God of love).

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7 New King James Version                                           

Yesterday I prayed the Lord would bless me with a good teacher and that my mind be open to what was being taught concerning a problem on my computer.

The teacher was very good. She explained things in a simple easy relaxed manner which made it easy to understand.

As well as solving the annoying problem she taught me some programs which help me a lot and got rid of some annoying ones.

She showed me a program to use to help an elderly lady living in a seniors home that does not speak our language. This site gives simple sentences the nurses can use to communicate with her.


She showed me how to get on the libraries WiFI, which I did not even know they had for free.

She showed me a site with a lot of freebies, which is deeply appreciated by a cheepo like me, to help with my writing.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Jireh (God our provider) for blessing me with a wise teacher who abundantly provided me with so much more useful information than I was expecting. I praise You in the name of He who abundantly provide the wine at the grooms wedding Jesus Christ. Amen.


May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day.

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I Am With You Always.


I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20 New King James Bible

Being a Christian means you will never be politically correct.

You cannot be politically correct and Christ correct. Joseph- Anthony: Green

That means standing against what is wrong and standing for what is right.

This will leave you ostracized at work, at school and many times especially in your family. Many times it will feel as if it is you against the world.

Take heart, comfort and strength in the knowledge that Christ is there with you.

You can pour your heart out to Him because He has already been there.

While He waked amongst us He was hated and despised by many. His family rejected Him and made fun of Him. So He understands exactly how you feel.

The Holy Spirit will comfort you and strengthen you.

There have been many times I have experienced it and the Holy Spirit helped me through it all.


“You will never stand alone while standing on the Word of God.” Kathryn Souza-Wine

Prayer:  Thank you Jesus Pryyand (Jesus my friend) for walking with me through all my trial and tribulations as I stand for what You deem to be correct not what society falsely believes is politically correct. I praise you in Your wonderful loving name. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day.


Growing Older Brings Us Closer to God.

A pair of red roses dancing in sunlight

It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy Romans 9:16 New International Version                                                

Most times when we are younger we are cocky and depend upon ourselves more than we depend upon Jehovah.

As the years pass and we reflect how much our Beloved was walking with us through our trials and tribulations we respect and love Him more.

As we age we come to the realization that we will not be one this earth much longer and we have more aches and pains. We depend more upon our Cherished one and long to be with Him.

As a consequence growing older brings us closer to God.

Reflecting back I see a slow progression from self dependence to God dependence in my life. As well I see a deeper love, respect and admiration for my Beloved. I have grown closer to Him than I have with anybody or anything else. The consequence is a lot more peace, security and serenity in my life.

When the time comes for us to depart this world and we are laying in bed wondering if Jesus is real, if Heaven is real and if we are going to a Heavenly home the Holy Spirit comes to comfort and encourage us.

My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Psalm 62:7 New International Version

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Chanan (God is gracious) for Your magnificent awesome infinite grace You have so richly showered upon me. Thank you for the comfort and encouragement of the Heavenly home You have so lovingly prepared for me to experience an eternity of love, joy, peace and good health with the one I so deeply love and long to live with. I exalt You in the name of my Heavenly king who is patiently waiting to greet me home Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day


Never Existed Before.

God  loveS populations,

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 New International Version

Just think there is only one like you. You are an original. There was never anyone like you and never will be again.

So why do you try to fit in with the crowd?

I remember this really bad TV show that everyone was watching. When I asked my friends if they liked it, they confided in me that they thought the show was boring and crappy. When I asked them why they watched it their reply was always the same: because everybody else is.

Now God created you for a special purpose that only you can accomplish.

When you give your life over to Jesus that makes Him your king. As such the King has a special assignment just for you His servant.

To know what that is takes honest and sincere prayer.

He has always answered me in unusual ways. Sometimes it was with a small advertisement in a newspaper, sometimes it was a sermon, sometimes it was a talk with a friend.

When your calling is revealed it will sometimes be one that takes a leap of faith.

But know this, all calling are important or else Christ would not waste your time and His.

If your calling is to be a stay at home mother it is just as important as a missionary (stay at home mothers have a very important calling, molding the next generation of Jehovahs children).

If your calling is  to be a waitress or waiter the work you do is very important. Your attitude can change someones day and indeed their life.

“Every person born in this world represents something new, something that never existed before, something original and unique.”  Martin Buber


Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Elohim (God our creator) for blessing me with a special assignment to bring glory and honour to Your cherished name and for the wonderful opportunity to bring someone into Your sanctified family. I praise you in the name of He whose precious blood made it all possible Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day

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Abound With Blessings.


A faithful man will abound with blessings. Proverbs 28:20 New King James Version   

In the precious article I discussed The Gentle Persuasive Approach course I took. Today I will give examples of how it helped me interact with seniors that I visit at a local seniors home.  


Yesterday I prayed for the Lord to bless me in my service to Him while doing volunteer work at a seniors home. We share an hour together singing Christian hymns on Sunday.                                                                                      

A resident was irritated and confused and I gently got him back to his room. He could have gotten violent.                                                                                                               

I shared a video of traditional Korean songs I downloaded with an activity lady that works with her. She does not speak English and nobody speaks Korean.                                                                                                                    

There is a re resident who never talks that I got to sing hymns with me during the service.                     

I comforted an ailing woman who was a little depressed (tis the season) and bed ridden. 


I brought out two residents in the final stages of Alzheimer’s Disease to listen to the hymns which they really enjoyed. Most times they refuse to leave their room.                                                                                              

The ice storm that threatened our area held off until I got home.  


I did not lose my temper with mom watching TV (I hate the idiot box) while I had to break into the washroom. Mom closed the door behind her and for the first time in forty years it locked. I tried unsuccessfully to climb through the window to open the door but because of the type of window it would not open wide enough. I had to get a chisel and break the door knob without breaking the door it get it open.                                                                       

I do not for one moment believe any of this was neither by chance nor by just my skills but were all a blessing from our Father in Heaven.               

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Emanah (God is faithful) for so richly blessing me this day in order to bring glory and honour to Your most beautiful name. I extol You in the name of He who empowered His faithful disciples to be a blessing to others Jesus Christ. Amen.                                                        

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day

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It Helped Me to Understand.


You need someone to teach you  Hebrews 5:12 New King James Version     


Last night I prayed that the course I was to take would be very educational for me and enjoyable. 


The course and the instructors were very educating to us and especially to me with volunteering in a seniors home and caring for my aged disabled mother for myself and for preparing the other students for their chosen fields in their careers. The material was easy to understand and the presentation very educational and easy to understand.                                                                          

It helped me to understand mentally challenged seniors behaviour and therefore help with interaction with them. 


It also helped show me how to prevent problems and how to deal with them if they occur.

The other classmates were great as was the instructors. The atmosphere was relaxing and enjoyable.   


I would strongly urge anyone caring for the elderly or mentally challenged and for teachers to learn Gentle Persuasive Approach if possible. It will help you out a great deal. 

Although some it is not possible to implement because of staff shortage at the seniors home I volunteer at it is still well worth the time.                                                                          

As you will see in a later post this training held me in good steed.                                                    

I think it is only available in Ontario Canada now but if it is available in your area I would defiantly recommend it.                                                                                                                                                                       

Believe me you are never too old to learn or too educated.   Joseph- Anthony: Green                                                                                                                                                

Prayer: Thank you Jesus Christ Rabbi (Jesus my wise teacher) for blessing me with such gentle, wise encouraging and caring teachers. Please bless me to put into practice what they taught Your humble servant as I serve You by serving others. I thank you in Your insightful name. Amen                                                                                                                                         

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day