
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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Is Having Regular

I am grateful Snowball is having regular bowel and urinary movements again

I am grateful the Lord has blessed me that the broccoli, cauliflower and peas are coming up good in the raised gardens. The potatoes are a little behind but that is okay

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to sow the lavender, basil, clover and chamomile tea in the garden. I planted two rows of potatoes amongst them

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to sow the flower seeds in the greenhouses ( tents with tarps over them ).

I am grateful the vegetables and herbs are coming up in the sun room

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Snowball Had His First

I am grateful Jehovah blessed me that Snowball had his first pee and poo in three days.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested changing certain things in Snowballs diet. I failed to remember all the additives in store bought chicken broth. These were preventing Snowball from peeing.

I ever so am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to articles and Bible Verses to calm me down. I was getting very angry because Jezebel refuses to listen to advice and then always blames me when things go south.

Here is one of them: But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. 1 John 4:4

So, The Holy Spirit in me is greater that Satan who dwells in her.

And this one: But we belong to God, and those who know God listen to us. If they do not belong to God, they do not listen to us. That is how we know if someone has the Spirit of truth or the spirit of deception. 1 John 4:6

I am grateful the security officer at the grocery store was a good runner. I left the store while leaving a box I put my key for the scooter and wallet in at the check out. The young lady gave it to him and he ran almost a block down the road to catch me and give it back.

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On Some Good Medicine

For I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested going to the herbal store today as there was a sale on some good medicine for Snowball and Jezebel. On top of that it was seniors day so there was discount on top of that.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested taking a free sample from the herbal store. It is a liquid multi- vitamin for children that can be given to the cats.

I am grateful there was rose oil herbal essence oil at the herbal store. You just wipe a little bit on the furniture before bed and it puts you to sleep. It should be good for the cats and Jezebel.

I am grateful I made it home before the lightening and rain storm. I do not ever remember a lightening storm at this time of year.

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To Have Gotten Home Before The

I am grateful the key to the scooter works great after using crazy glue I am grateful to have gotten home before the snowstorm hit

I am grateful the side street were plowed after last nights snow storm, I stay off of the main street as much as possible

I am grateful for a wonderful quiet afternoon in the sanctuary

I am grateful Snowball and Smokey have become so lovable and love to cuddle

I am grateful the beef soup turned out great using the slow cooker

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How to Deal with A

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested shoveling the driveway twice today. We have had four inches of snow and howling winds.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to clips on how to deal with a narcissist mother by Christian phycologists

I am grateful to have spent a quiet afternoon in the sanctuary.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested downloading sermons from preachers like Johnathan Edwards and Charles Spurgeon. When I go out in the sanctuary for the afternoon I will sings songs to the Trinity, listen to sermons, pray back Bible Verses to Jehovah, Jesus and The Holy Spirit and have a good nap.

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Ask the Holy Spirit To

Every morning ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of all the blessing Jehovah has given you and thank Him for them.

As well ask Him to help you be patient and maintain self control.

See how much your life changes for the better. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah


And She Does Not

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested I cut Snowballs meds in half. He was like a zombie. I think they prescribed too strong of a dose. As well it is complimented with natural medicine like Rescue Remedy. Since doing this he has not had any seizures, is playing with Little Smokey again and is still a lovey dovey buddy but does not have depression.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested I spend the afternoon in the sanctuary having an afternoon nap and reading Bible Verses and talking with Jehovah about them

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested I do not help Jezebel unless she asks. She is too proud to ask for help and tries to manipulate you into helping her and she does not appreciate it.


The Coyotes did not Try To

I am grateful for a very goods night sleep. It was the first time sleeping in the sanctuary in about two weeks because of Snowballs seizures.

I am grateful that the coyotes did not try to get into the sanctuary last night. I could hear them prowling around it but never entered.

I am grateful that the candles in a tin box heated the sanctuary up real nice. The heat in the covered tin box heat up sand and it is toasty warm in there.

I am grateful to have gotten so much house work done while Jezebel was at church.

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin )

Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2023

Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent

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Seizures are a Blessing.

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit informed me that Snowballs seizures are a blessing. After he comes out of his seizures he need lots of love and affection which is therapeutic for me as well. The seizures only last about thirty seconds.

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit informed that when I have muscle spasms and feel light headed while holding Snowballs as he foes through his seizures I am experiencing the same thing he is so I understand better what is happening

I am grateful that mom went out today so a lot of work is done around the house.

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit informed to sprinkle herbal essence of peppermint oil on all four corners of the tabernacle to keep the rodents out

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Maybe I Will get a Unlocked

I am grateful my head stopped swimming. Yesterday afternoon I woke up and my head was swimming like I was drunk. This went on until early this morning

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested giving Snowball cbd oil at noon and 4 pm. He will get some herbal tea with his evening meds

I am grateful this discount electronic store has an mp3 and maybe I will get a unlocked phone for a camera and mp3 player

I am grateful this discount rodent traps. There is a little mouse that falsely believes he is moving in with me.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to do my morning work out