
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


Before the Rain Comes.

God is already there.

One day I was lying by a big generator by a river enjoying peace and quiet.            

Living in a city in China it is very noisy so it is a treasured time to enjoy the quiet steady drum of the generator drowning out the noise around me.                                          

I felt the Holy Spirit directing to get up a go home, a storm was coming.                      

There was only one tiny black cloud in the sky and I laughed about it.                              

The feeling kept getting stronger until I finally got up and started back to the apartment.                                                                                                                         

Just as I reached toilet facilities in the park, a monsoon downpour came thundering in with lightning exploding all around.                                                                                           

If you have ever experienced a monsoon rain you will believe that in ten minutes it rains so much the streets are so flooded you can take a canoe down them like in rapids.                                                                                                                                    

After ten minutes the rain passed.                                                                                         

How many times have we experienced a warning from the Holy Spirit, looked around, saw no danger and ignored the warning. Then, in the blink of an eye, disaster strikes.                                                                                                             

Afterwards we cry out to God and asked why He did not warn us?                                            

Prayer: Please Jehovah KalEl (voice of God) bestow me with the wisdom to be receptive and obedient to Your divine word.   I sincerely ask this in the name of He who always was an obedient son Jesus Christ. Amen                                                                                                                               

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.  


I Do It His Way.


Pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate. Proverbs 8:13 New International Version


Here is a little game for you to play that you may find very revealing.

Keep a tally of how many times you say I did or I got in a day.

Then see how many times you see how many times you thank the Lord in a day.

Now compare them.

How humble are you?

How grateful are you towards Jehovah Jireh (God who provides).

How many times does He grant you when you do not even thank Him for the blessings he has already given you?

Why should He?

I do it Jehovah’s way with a humble heart and most of my requests are granted.

Here is a good example: It is a forty minute walk to the library. During monsoon season storms can come up in five minutes and they are a downpour.   I humbly ask the Lord to keep the rain at bay during the walk (which surprise, surprise He does). When arriving at the library thanks is given for nice weather. Before leaving for the library I humbly request there is a certain table there the computer can be plugged into and it is relatively quiet. Surprise, surprise, the table is always there even though there is a blocks long line up waiting for the library to open and when it does all the tables are taken in ten minutes. Again, humble and sincere thanks are given for this blessing.

How many times would you have given thanks?

“By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life” Proverbs 22:4 New International Version.


Pride brings shame. Humility brings wisdom. Joseph- Anthony: Green                                                          

Prayer: Please Jesus Pyrrand (God my friend) always bless me with a grateful heart, especially towards you, for the numerous blessings You so abundantly give me every day. I humbly ask this in Your gracious name. Amen.                                

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


Three Quarters Given.



These articles are dedicated to the wonderful and amazing way Jehovah Jireh (the Lord our provider) answers prayers. It is a simple journal that I would like to use as an example for others to list their sincere prayer requests and then how our Beloved answers them.                                                                                                                                       

It will amaze you and create a heart of gratitude and respect for our gracious Jehovah Heseh (Our God of love).

He calms the storm. Proverbs 107:29 New King James Version

There was a bad storm coming our way today with snow storms turning to freezing rain. This makes driving extremely treacherous.

Mom had a friend driving her to another city for medical treatment as well as another friend that had to drive her daughter to another city for an operation.

I prayed the Lord bless their journey with holding off the storms until mom and her friend safely returned home.

When she left there were light flurries.  They continued throughout the day.

Just as mom and her friend got home the freezing rain began.

Three quarters of my prayers were given to me.

I prayed for mom to have a safe trip there and back and it was done.

I prayed for moms friend to have a safe trip there and back and she just missed being involved in a terrible pile up on the highway and got back safely.

The Lord held off the freezing rain until after they came home.

Although it did snow out it was not a blizzard with white outs.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Yeshua (God our rescuer) for with holding Your tempest until my loved ones arrived safely home.  I praise you in the name of He who calmed the storm for His terrified disciples on the sea Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day