
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


He is Our Refuge City.

Select some towns to be your cities of refuge, to which a person who has killed someone accidentally may flee. They will be places of refuge from the avenger, so that anyone accused of murder may not die before they stand trial before the assembly. Numbers 35-11, 12 New International Version

Just as in the Old Testament times someone who accidently killed someone could and would take sanctuary in a city of refuge

So too do we have a city of refuge in Christ. He will protect us from the dangers of the devil and his demons who want to kill our spirit. When they attack us we take refuge in the protection of Christ’s loving strong arms. Oh they may hurt or destroy our body but our spirit will be protected by Jesus.

It is equally important to remain in Jesus’ city because of we do not then we are fair game for the evil ones.

Don’t you think that is why there are some many addicts and murders today? Because they are not in Christ’s city they are open to demonic forces that not only destroy them but also many innocent others.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus Shammah (God is present) for being the strong undefeatable city we can take sanctuary in to protect us from satan and his minions. Please give me the wisdom and strength to always remain in Your impenetrable fortress. I give thanks and request this in Your strong and mighty name. Amen.

These articles were written when I was a teacher in China

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin ) Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2023 Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent

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Don’t You Realize that Your

Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20The Holy Bible The New Living Translation

Wasn’t there a massive amount of doctors that quit medicine in Canada recently because the government was pushing them to prescribe legalized dope rather than encourage the patients to live a healthy lifestyle.

Yes, this helps the legalized dope pushers ( big pharma ) get rich but, because men and women are spaced out on dope would it not be easier for the government to manipulate them as well?

Could it be if they stopped pushing dope there would be less homelessness?

Talk with these homeless folks and see how many of them lost everything because they got addicted to the dope their doctor was pushing on them.

I was recently talking with someone who helps the homeless and she informed me most of them had a good life until they started taking these powerful addictive drugs being pushed on them by their doctors.

Is this not satanic and pure evil?

Now being a natural Path and Christian for over forty years I have learned that:

# 1 most diseases are caused by poor nutrition. When we live by the dietary laws in the Book of Leviticus we avoid these diseases.

# 2 Stress is the next big health problem. When we take quiet time with Jehovah, read the Bible and follow The Holy Spirits guidance almost all stress will dissipate like fog in the early morning sun.

# 3 Vitamin D is very important for our health and the best way to get this is by the sun. The best place to get the sun is in Gods creation ( nature ) which also gives us good exercise and the scenery is also good for our health.

# 4 I have found natural medicine to be far superior to anything the legalized dope dealers ( big pharma ) push on society.

The big difference between legalized dope dealers ( big pharma ) and Gods medicine ( natural medicine ) is the big pharma destroys your life with addictive drugs for profit while Gods medicine is good for you because Jehovah loves you and care about you. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Rapha (God my healer Jeremiah 33:6 ) for blessing me with guidance to live a healthy life in the pages of Your book of life ( the Bible ) and for The Holy Spirits guidance and help with stress. I praise You in the name of the greatest Healer, Jesus Christ. Amen

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin )

Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2023 Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent

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Guard You From The

But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:3 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Prayer: Oh Jehovah-Ganan (The Lord is Our Defense Psalm 89:18 ) I come to You with the fears of what is happening this world in prayer for Your protection.

Each day it seems as if we are going darker and darker into satans world, and so I run to You, our all-knowing God.

For the answers I do not have to protect myself and the worry that threatens to consume my days, I ask Your provident hand of peace to stretch out over me.

Please remind me You are sovereign, that nothing happens out of Your control.

For the wickedness I witness daily, and fear it will invade my own life, please provide an unexplainable calm and upholding of my faith that the whole world truly is in your hands.

Please help me to be a bright shining light in this ever darkening world so as to guide others to You.

I humbly request this in the name of The Light of the World, Jesus Christ. Amen

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022

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He is Our Refuge City.

Select some towns to be your cities of refuge, to which a person who has killed someone accidentally may flee. They will be places of refuge from the avenger, so that anyone accused of murder may not die before they stand trial before the assembly. Numbers 35-11, 12 New International Version

Just as in the Old Testament times someone who accidently killed someone could and would take sanctuary in a city of refuge.

So too do we have a city of refuge in Christ.

He will protect us from the dangers of the devil and his demons who want to kill our spirit. When they attack us we take refuge in the protection of Christ’s loving strong arms. Oh they may hurt or destroy our body but our spirit will be protected by Jesus.

It is equally important to remain in Jesus’ city because if we do not then we are fair game for the evil ones.

Don’t you think that is why there are so many addicts and murders today?

Because they are not in Christ’s city, they are open to demonic forces that not only destroy them but also many innocent others.

Take shelter in Jehovahs strong arms. It is the safest place to be. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jesus Shammah (God is present) for being the strong undefeatable city we can take sanctuary in to protect us from satan and his minions. Please give me the wisdom and strength to always remain in Your impenetrable fortress. I give thanks and request this in Your strong and mighty name. Amen.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022


I Have Met Many That Were

Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich.Be wise enough to know when to quit.In the blink of an eye wealth disappears,for it will sprout wingsand fly away like an eagle. Proverbs 23:4-5 The Holy Bible The New Century Version

I have met many that were obsessed with becoming wealthy.

The problem was that it completely took over their every thought and actions. They destroyed their health because of working long hours and worrying about losing their wealth. They worshipped wealth instead of Jesus.

The problem with that was that things cannot love you back and your life is bankrupt without love.

Soon their health deteriorates and they become addicted to drugs to kill the pain. As well they suffer from the mental pain of loneliness. Again they become addicted to drugs and or booze. This causes them to lose it all and they end up homeless and destitute on the streets. It seems as if their wealth just up and flew away.

I have met many that have sacrificed their lives on the alter of materilism and recieved nothing but a destroyed life in return Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jesus Helech ‘Olam (The Lord our King Forever) Psalms10:16 ) for blessing me with a career in devotion to serving You instead of useless trash that brings no satisfaction and destroys my mental, physical and emotional health. I praise You in Your majestic name. Amen

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022

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I do Not Regret It for A

Don’t envy sinners,but always continue to fear the Lord.You will be rewarded for this;your hope will not be disappointed. Proverbs 23:17- 18 The Holy Bible The New Century Version

There has been so many times in my youth that I envied the sinners. It seemed like they were having all the fun partying and having all kinds of sex.

I wanted so much to join them but knew it was not what Jehovah wanted in my life.

Now, in my elder years I see them as destroyed shells of men and women. Their minds and bodies destroyed by the “ good living “.

There has been so many times I see the stinking filthy rich eat at expensive restaurants while I was eating instant soup or while they were wearing designer clothes while I was wearing second hand clothes or while they were living in mansions while I was living in a tent.

But in reflection they were very lonely, depressed and unfulfilled in their lives because they got their wealth in dishonest means. They were taking hands full of medications.

I on the other hand live a simple life that is in harmony with The Holy Spirit my Divine Mentor. I do not regret it for a moment, especially now in my elder years. We have accomplished so much in my life and through my life that could only be accomplished by walking in harmony with His guidance.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Jireh ( God provides Philippians 4:19 ) for blessing me to have faith in Your daily provisions instead of wasting my life chasing after dead gods ( physical pleasure ). I praise You in the name of He who is the only provision I need to enter Heavens Gate, Jesus Christ. Amen

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022


We are All One Step From

Do not carouse with drunkardsor feast with gluttons,for they are on their way to poverty Proverbs 23:20- 21 The Holy Bible The New Century Version

I have met many that let the good times roll was their motto.

Yeah it rolled all right.

Rolled them right into the gutter.

I am not talking about poor men or women but of successful professional ones like doctors, nurses, teachers and lawyers.

For a time it is fun but soon it destroys their lives. One day they are on top of the mountain while making fun of the destitute the next they are one of those same destitute’s

Be careful.

It may look like fun but it always ends in disaster.

One day while volunteering at a local hospital I was asked to accompany a man to detox. As we were walking down the hall he looked at me and told me something I will never forget:

“ Be careful, we are all one step from the gutter. “ Anonymous

It terrified me and still does because it is oh so very true.

Prayer: Oh please Jehovah Hoshe’ah – ( The Lord Saves Psalm 20:9 ) bless me with Your saving power to give in to destructive temptations and instead prefer Your sweet river of life instead. I sincerely request this in the name of He whose sweet blood produces the best life of all, Jesus Christ. Amen

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022


Keep Your Servant Also From

Keep your servant also from wilful sins; may they not rule over me (Psalm 19:13 The Holy Bible The New International Version .

Do you notice these are wilful sins?

I believe these are going to places that have specif temptation to entice us to give in to an addiction.

For example, there are two stores I cannot go into in town because they sell booze and I am a biological alcoholic. The same as there are certain streets that cannot be travelled for the same reasons.

We all have our weaknesses like porno or food or booze or any other numerous ones.

We need the guidance of The Holy Spirit to help us conquer them. Or else they become a habit and those are difficult to break and can destroy your life.

I have seen many take satans bait and foolishly believe they can play with fire and not get burned. Yes, the conclusion is always the same, guess who loses?

Do not fall for the trap that it is fun or you have to do it to fit in with the crowd ( then you are in the wrong crowd ) or one time will not hurt. History is full of ones whose life has been destroyed by these foolish beliefs.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Elohim Ozer Li (Psalms 54:4 GOD My Helper ) for helping me avoid places and situations that would provide too much and too strong an attraction to sin in my weakness. I praise You in the name of He whose example strengthens me, Jesus Christ. Amen

May I suggest we Christians start voting for politicians that have Christian morals like The Christian Heritage Party for the election here in Ontario Canada. Our rights and freedoms depend upon it.

This article @ 2022 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.


How Terrible for the People Of

How terrible for the people of the world because of the things that cause them to sin. Such things will happen, but how terrible for the one who causes them to happen! Matthew 18:7-9 The Holy Bible The New Century Testament

What causes men and women of the world to sin?

All sin is nurtured by two destructive attributes. One is pride. Pride says I am better than everybody else. This leads to arrogance. Arrogance leads to abusing others because they are lower than you. They are meant to be used abused for your pleasure. When you do not want or need them or when they will not tolerate your abuse anymore you throw them away like yesterdays garbage.

The other is greed. Greed says me first. I do not care who I hurt as long as I get what I want. I want it all and will not share with others.

Now here is where the enablers comes in. They are demons who speak lies to entice you to commit sin to feed your desires. All the while you become addicted to the pleasures which destroy your mind and body.

They are anti-Christ leaders that seduce you into committing sin, all the while you become their slave. Just look at what the governments of the world have done to seduce others into committing sin by putting poison in their bodies so big pharma can get stinking filthy rich. For those that refuse to obey, the government convinces the prideful, greedy to demonize them.)

Woe be unto them for the fiery gates of Hell shall be their eternal reward ( as well as their followers ).

You only have two choices in life : One is following The Holy Spirits guidance on the road to Heaven. The other is following the demons and anti- Christs on the easy highway to Hell. Choose wisely because your eternity depends upon it. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Ghmolah The God of Recompense. The God of vengeance Job 11:20 ) for blessing me with the knowledge that the anti- Christs in this world will suffer Your righteous vengeance for all of the suffering and death they have caused the innicent to suffer because of their devious greed. I praise You in the name of my mighty Victorious King Jesus Christ who will defeat them all. Amen

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth


We Spent Our Lives Doing

In the past we also were foolish. We did not obey, we were wrong, and we were slaves to many things our bodies wanted and enjoyed. We spent our lives doing evil and being jealous. People hated us, and we hated each other. Titus 3:3 The Holy Bible The New Century Testament

I have found most bad habits start out small but become second nature. Then our minds and bodies crave them like a thirsty man craves a cool drink of water. Many times the cravings become so strong our minds feel as if they are going to explode in a ball of fire. Our bodies feel as if they are on fire and we feel weak and sick. Yes, our minds and bodies wanted them and enjoyed them. When they were not appeased, they punished us with a living fiery living Hell.

When those who belong to Christ do not join in their perverted dance with the devil, they hate us because our living a holy life convicts them of their evil lifestyle.

They hate others because they blame them for their addictions rather than take responsibility for their own actions.

Not my fault it is your fault is the battle cry of every narcissist when things go wrong, even though we tried to warn them. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

I find the worlds pleasures boring, stupid and a waste of time and money. I find The Holy Spirit is the best make over artist there is Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

We all have bad habits and dispositions. They are all centred in the mind. Some willingly some are inherited. They all eventually destroy us.

Unless, we surrender our will to the greatest make over artist there is. His name is: The Holy Spirit.

When we accept Christ as our Savior and King, He sends The Holy Spirit to burn off the bad attributes in our lives. Many are difficult and take time.

Some can only be accomplished by the power of The Holy Spirit. From my experience,these are usually done instantaneously.

Then, there are the ones that are accomplished with team work in harmony with The Holy Spirit. They are more difficult but always victorious in freeing you from that slavery of the addiction. This takes more time.

The last is when we get into counselling with Christian councillors that have walked the walk of your addiction so they understand what you are going through. It is a very painful experience that can take years. Again The Holy Spirit helps us along the difficult parts.

 Do not act like the sinful people of the world. Let God change your life. First of all, let Him give you a new mind. Romans 12:2 The Holy Bible The New Life Version

The greatest blessing is Jesus who paid the price for my admission into Heaven.

The second greatest blessing is The Holy Spirit who transforms us from filthy rags into amazingly beautiful worthy to be called children of Jehovah. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah ELOHIM YAKOL (God, the Most Able 2 Corinthians 9:8 ) for blessing me with sending The Holy Spirit to either help me conquer my bad habits or the ones that are too strong, He easily smashes their chains upon me as He sets me free of them. I exalt You in the name of the best healer there is Jesus Christ. Amen

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth