
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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Not Just To

  Hot tempered people must pay the penalty.  If you rescue them once, you will have to do it again. Proverbs 19:19 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation          

This applies not just to hot tempered folks but also to those with addictions whether that be substance abuse or whether it be lack of maturity in handling money.                      

If you keep on bailing them out, they will never take responsibly for their action and thus never mature.  You are doing them more harm than good.

Sad to say but it is true that mothers and grandmothers are the worst offenders of this.  

Prayer Please Jehovah Jireth ( Genesis 22:14 – The LORD Shall Provide ) bless me to have faith in Your provisions in my loved ones lives. You will do so in a manner in which they must become more mature children in Your family which will cause my heart to dance with joy.

I humbly ask this in the name of He who provided salvation to those who were willing to accept Him not just as their savior but as their king Jesus Christ. Amen  

May you be blessed with discernment to when to help and when the best help is to step back and allow those to reap the rewards of reckless living. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ 2020 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

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The Best Advice can be Found

David conferred with each of his officers, the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds. 1 Chronicles 13:1 New King James Version                                                                                     

When you need advice where should you go?                                          

Go where the best advice can be found.                                                    

It has been said that an alcoholic will listen to the advice of a recovered alcoholic more than someone who has a piece of paper hanging on the wall.  

 Why do you think that is?                                                                          

Could it be because they will listen to someone who has gone through what they are going through so they understand them?                                  

So too it is with all aspects of life.


If you want good advice why not seek it out in Godly Christian councilors that have gone through what you are experiencing now?

This is why it is a sin for Christians to sit on the sideline when they see others suffering what they have gone through and do nothing to help them. Yes we are to help others as we have been helped. If no one helped you through your difficult times think of how much you would have appreciated some help. Then do something about it when you see someone else going through their trials and tribulations, sorrows and snares.                                                                                                           

On the flip side there is a prevailing belief amongst the younger generation that the older generation is useless and holds no wisdom that can help them. That is why they suffer in silence so much. 


If you are young and need help do not be arrogant and too proud to seek the advice of the older generation. Do not just whine to them but listen to their advice and obey it. 


Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing and benefits those who see the sun. Ecclesiastes 7:11 New International Version 

There is an old saying:”The more things change the more things are the same.” 

That means that okay maybe your grandma or grandpa does not know how to use a computer but events that occur in your life are the same as that which has occurred it theirs.                                                           

 “God does not comfort us to make us comfortable, but to make us comforters.” J. H. Jowett                                                            

Listening to wise council has helped me tremendously to deal with some very serious issues in my life. If it were not for their Godly advice I do not think I would have made it through those extremely difficult experiences.                                                                                                 

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-Jireh  (God is our Provider) for blessing me with many wonderful Godly wise mentors which have guided me through numerous difficult times. I humbly ask my Love that you open my eyes to the opportunity to emulate them when I see other brothers and sisters in need of Godly wisdom, compassion and encouragement. I sincerely request this in the name of the best mentor ever Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sweet sunshine of Jesus’ beautiful love bless you today and every day.


Rely on Him.


Rely on Him not you.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing …” (Proverbs 3:5-10 New International Version).

The right way, the only way. Rely on Him not you.

Before I make any decisions I always try to follow a Jewish tradition. That is, to wait three days before making and decisions and pray and read the Bible.

One time a really nice contract was offered to me. I wanted it bad but was told to decide right then and there. I chose to walk away because not being offered the chance to wait and pray. It was crushing. Another teacher laughed and took the contract. For three months he was laughing at me and bragging about how good the contract was. Then, the company started demanding more and more from him and began cheating him worse and worse on his wages (a common occurrence here). He begged me to find some way he could get out of the contract to no avail.

There was a so called Christian preacher that I really liked and wanted to have a friendship with him. Then he started asking personal questions I felt uncomfortable with and decided to wait and pray before sharing this information with him. The answer was to avoid him like the plague which was very difficult as he seemed like such a cool guy. Turns out he was a charlatan and only wanted the information to control and domineer me like he was doing to some others.

We see a little, God sees the complete picture. That is why it is of the utmost importance to always wait and pray and read your Bible, then to obey. It will be hard but from my experience it has resulted in a LOT less grief and trouble.

It is like someone wants to sell you a gold mine but really it is just a swamp. The seller may show you little gold flakes and claim he is too old to mine it anymore but is doing you a favour. Instead of going and asking the local mayor who knows everything and is honest and would inform you the cretin is really a snake oil salesman, you rashly and foolishly buy the mine. You end up with a swamp while the snake ends up with all your money.

Giving it all to Christ is the best and smartest move of your life. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Please Jehovah Jireh (God our provider) always provide me with the patience, wisdom and strength to wait and call upon You before I any decisions. Then my beloved give me the strength to follow through on Your wise choices. I ask this in the name of the greatest councilor Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


Do not lead but rather teach.


So too it is with Christianity.

Teach them his decrees and instructions, and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave. Exodus 18:20 New International Version.

Too many times I have seen Christians attempt to lead nonbelievers to Jesus. I have seen it when people invite others to church, to Christian music concerts and other methods. This is all fine and dandy but then what?

If the unbelievers decide to give their life to Jesus there is a praise Hallelujah and then my job is done.

No it is not.

That is like telling someone how great hockey is and convince them to go with you to watch a game. After the game they decide they like it and want to play. You slap them on the back and congratulate them and walk away. How are they going to learn the game if you do not teach them?

So too it is with Christianity.

If you want to lead someone to Christ you had better be prepared to guide them not only to Christ but to teach them about Him, how to have a relationship with Him and how to live according to His standards. Otherwise, the people will not only lose interest in Christ but will mock Christians. It will take commitment on your behalf and may take years.

You can begin by being an example of what a Christian looks like.

From my experience it took six months of patient guidance before they would even accept Christ.

Now sometimes you are the sower and sometimes you are the reaper.

My experience has been that I am the one who sows the Word and then another teacher comes along and takes over from there. That is the way God has planned it not me.

So, just as John’s disciples left him to follow Jesus, if God has chosen another to be their teacher after you guide them to Christ, be humble, step back and with grace surrender your students to the other.

Prayer: Please bless me Jesus Rabbi (Jesus our teacher) with the wisdom, patience and skill like you had to teach others the marvelous things You have done in my life. In Your brilliant name I humbly ask. Amen

May you be blessed with Gods divine love, peace and joy.

This article is originally from another website I used to write on under the name


Nourishes the Body.


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning. John 1:1-2 New International Version

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name. John 14:26 New King James Version

I was recently asked to explain the trinity to a new believer and this was my explanation.

The trinity is like the body.

The mind needs the lungs and heart to survive.

The lungs needs the heart and mind to survive.

The Heart needs the lungs and mind to survive.

So too is Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit intertwined and in so doing they nourish the body (which is the church).

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Rabbi (God is out teacher) for blessing me with teaching me the simple yet wise way to explain about the Holy Trinity. I pray that it is understood by the babes in Your divine family and helps draw them closer to You. I humbly ask this in the name of He who so wisely taught His disciples Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day