
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


Are You Beginning to See A

Commit everything you do to theĀ Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. Psalms 37:5-6 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

I wanted to lose weight and fat.

I prayed unto the Lord.

He suggested stop eating processed food.

In three months I lost thirty five pounds and three inches of fat

My cat became epileptic and was having severe seizures every day for two years.

I prayed unto the Lord.

He suggested a combination of herbs, relaxing music and lots of cuddles. He has not had a seizure in about a month now, has regained a lot of weight and is much more content and active.

I am a live in care giver for an extremely abusive mother for ten years of living Hell. Never have I been so abused so much.

I prayed unto the Lord.

He guided me to a site with a Christian councillor on YouTube. Since putting into practice what she teaches almost all of the abuse has stopped. The same principals have been used to neuter the neighbour from Hell who lives beside us.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here?

Are you willing to trust the Lord in every area of your life?

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Jireh ( God provides Philippians 4:19 ) for providing me with The Holy Spirit to offer the best advice in every area of my life.

I praise You in the name of The Wonderful Councillor Jesus Christ. Amen

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin )

Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2024

Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent

As you think so too you are. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah.


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This Is Important Information

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Guided Me Down the Aisle With

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me down the aisle with adult coloring books and search a word books in large writing for mom.

I am grateful for the two elderly ladies that held the door for me when I entered and left the discount store.

I am grateful the grocery store had the cooked spicy chicken prepared when I got in there.

I am grateful the pita’s were on mark down. It was unbelievable that the pizza increased by two dollars in one week.

I am grateful mom went out today so I could get a lot of work done on the blog.

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It is Difficult Waking

I am grateful The Holy Spirit woke me up on time to go swimming. With the sun rising later it is difficult waking up early in the morning.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to charge the electric wheelchair this morning. Fully charges it can go for a long run.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to talk with a representative at this health store about getting a new battery for the new scooter.

I am grateful the new shower nozzle works, you just never know about the quality of products since the scamdemic.

I am grateful for the cooler weather. It has been like a jungle here for the last two weeks.


In the Blender

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit suggested putting the Swiss Chard in the blender and adding it to the chili sauce

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit suggested an easier and more economical method of building the raided gardens

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit suggested an easier method of putting a new tarp on the tabernacle.

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit suggested bringing unused blankets from the house out to the sanctuary and layering them to keep me toasty warm during to cold winter months.

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit softly spoke to me and reminded me my thoughts were ungodly and convicted me of them. It seemed as if I no sooner repented of one and the devil got me thinking of another. I kept The Holy Spirit busy today.

I am so grateful He is so patient with me and does not throw his hands up in frustration and walk away.

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Guiding Me to Make a Canal

I am grateful for The Holy Spirit waking me up early enough to be the first one in the pool. I was up late meditating.

I am grateful for the rain this afternoon. It lulls me to sleep in the sanctuary.

I am grateful to have finally talked with the man next door doing a project for a medical centre. He informed me I could have all the skids there ( which are made into raised gardens ).

I am grateful for The Holy Spirit guiding me to make a canal down a row of vegetables so there is no need to carry buckets of water thirty feet.


They Very Strongly Recommended It.

Today I am grateful Snowballs meds were ready and when I discussed it with them at the vet clinic about giving Snowball fish oil, coconut oil and cbd oil for his seizures they very strongly recommended it.

I am grateful that I could get on an important email site that was unattainable for about two weeks.

I am grateful that I could get on an important Christian web site that I couldn’t open for about a month

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit guided me to where there is a spare key for the house as the other one has been misplaced ( welcome to old age )

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit guided me to use the electric wheelchair to carry pails of water instead of carrying them by hand . There is a lot of watering to do and it is painful with a bad foot.

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Takes My Mind Off The

Many times when I come to the end of myself I pray, ā€œLord, I donā€™t know what to do, but my eyes are on Youā€.ā€¦ Focusing on what God has done in the past takes my mind off the problem and positions me to hear His solution. Jane Glenchur


I am Grateful to Have Received

I am grateful that I had the first good nights sleep in a week.

I am grateful that there was an abundant harvest of chamomile and clover harvest this morning

I am grateful that Snowball is back to his old self again I am grateful that The Holy Spirit guided me to give Smoky ( our other cat ) half the wild salmon oil capsule because it is just as good for him as it is for Snowball.

I am grateful to have received Dr. Jones email about the proper holistic medicine to give Snowball today.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me how to trim the Scotch Thistle in our yard so I do not get stung by it ( this year The Holy Spirit guided me to allow it to grow in our front yard. Wow, did it look nice and attracted a lot of bee’s. It is funny because this year so many have decided to let it grow as well. It reminds me of flowering cactus in the desert ).

I am thankful the The Holy Spirit guided me to create a couple of fantastic dishes that should last me a week ( I can only cook one day a week because that is when mom is not home to harass me. She picks everything apart and it is annoying ).

I am grateful for all the flower seeds that were scattered all over the flower beds for next year.


To Keep Me Cool

I am grateful Snowball did not have a seizure last night.

I am grateful mom had the idea to let Snowball out in the sun room this morning. He was driving us nuts constantly meowing.

I am grateful for a good discount at a grocery store today

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me into how to make the back patio into a garden.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to bring out the frozen pop bottle to put in front of the fan in the sanctuary this afternoon to keep me cool

I am grateful for a couple of quite hours sleep in the sanctuary.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to a great site for information about computers