
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


Be Thankful For Where You Are.


Now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt. Potiphar, an Egyptian who was one of Pharaoh’s officials, the captain of the guard, bought him from the Ishmaelites who had taken him there.  The Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master. When his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant. Potiphar put him in charge of his household, and he entrusted to his care everything he owned Genesis 39:1-4 New International Version

There was a time when I was frustrated and considering giving up on teaching in China. It was very difficult.


However, as time went by there were some students that became interested in Christianity.

Although it was challenging, to say the least, after six months they did accept Christ.

This process was repeated as I each semester the new students repeated the experience.

So, even though it is dirty, noisy, stinky, the people are rude and many times there are no other foreigners to talk with the rewards were great.

The point is, God puts us each where we are to use us in His divine plan of things.

We are not to whine and go about His business niggardly but with joy and love.

Our efforts will be rewarded here and in heaven.

Prayer: Please Jehovah Rohi (God our Sheppard) bless me with a joyful, loving and gracious heart to dutifully obey Your divine guidance in my life to do with gusto the work You have prepared for me to do before I was even born. I sincerely request this in the name of Your obedient son who was followed His duty to You all the way to the cross Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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The Concealers Will Not Prosper.


Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper Proverbs 28:13 New International Version


Now you can look at the majority of the wealthy today and say this is not true.

Look at them, they live in mansions, have personal jets, have sexual orgies, wear the best clothes, how is it that they prosper while being thieves?

You are looking through the wrong window.

How many of them are as phony as a three dollar bill.

How many of them have true friends, compared to friends of convenience (as long as you are rich I will be your friend, but the minute you need help not only will I not help you and will desert you, I will laugh at you)?


How many of them enjoy loving relationships?

How many of them have to have affairs and are involved in drugs to fill the void of no loving relationships and to kill their consciences of their thievery?

And of course, they are promised their ultimate reward of Hell.

Read Peter’s Apocalypse to see their ultimate reward.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah El Elyon (God the most high) for instilling in me a repentant (repent means you apologize and stop doing whatever you were doing) heart when, in a moment of weakness, I submit to sin and You are quick to forgive. I thank you that You justly will punish the wicked, if not in this time and place than in an eternal one. I thank you in the name of He who is the uncorrubtable judge Jesus Christ. Amen.


May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


Here Is the Man.


Here is the man who did not make God his strength, But trusted in the abundance of his riches, And strengthened himself in his wickedness. Psalm 52:7 New King James Version

Whenever someone say to me:” I am a self made man.” My reply is:” That is your problem not mine.”

These creatures are very arrogant and rude. They are also almost always the type that would cheat their best friend out of nickel and then demand change.

I have seen many who became rich on their own and it was almost always by devious ways and by cheating others. They laugh and brag, they believe they are getting away with it.

I see them sometime down the line. They are broke, broken and all alone. They sacrificed their mental, physical and spiritual health to chase after the dream of material wealth only to realize it was nothing more than a pipe dream and their life has been wasted. Those that surround them do not love them but use them just as they used others. They realize that all their wealth means nothing without love. They are broken shells of a man or woman.


Indeed, how many of them end up in a seniors home and the only time family or friends come to visit them is when they want money?

When they are on their knees before Christ on the judgement day do you think Christ will say well done good and faithful servant or get thee from me and they are cast into hell.

Earths pleasures are not worth sacrificing Heavens  treasures  for. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah KalEl (voice of God) for blessing me with Your daily provisions and lifetime provisions. I know these are given to me abundantly by Your loving grace. I laud You in the name of He whom is the greatest provision in my life Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day


Good Shall Come to Thee.


I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken. Psalm37:25 New King James Version

To be a servant of Jesus means we give up a lot of the worlds luxuries and most times just survive, all be it comfortably but frugally.

This is good because we learn to depend upon Jehovah for our daily needs. Because He generously supplies them we grow deeper and deeper in love with Him and develop a deeper respect for Him.


As we age and are no longer able to serve Him as we did when young we have no government pension to fall back on and most times no savings in the bank.

Through His love and grace Jehovah always supplies for us in our old age just as He did in our younger days.


Three times I worked hard, lived frugally and saved.

Three times I was wiped out. Since living for Christ, He has always supplied my every need (not necessarily my every want but definitely my every need).

Now I am getting old and my chance of getting a good work contract is nil.

In fear of my future I prayed to Him about my future with no money and no job.

Each time I did, there was a dream where I was led into an apartment. It was comfortable and spacious but the one thing there always hit me was the cupboards were always full and the lady that led there would look at me and smile and say:” This is yours.” She said it like I was not renting or purchasing the place but rather that is was given for me to live in all the rest of my days. Then I would wake up.

That day while doing Bible reading a verse like the one in this article would jump out at me.

I like Jehovahs retirement plan.

“Live to please God, and He will breathe on thee His peace. Seek His glory, and He will make thy heart His home. Do His will, and thereby good shall come to thee.”  F. B. Meyer

Prayer: Thank You Jehovah Jireh (God our provider) for always providing for Your child in his service to his loving King. Thank you for promising and keeping Your promise to always take care of Your children whom You cherish so deeply. I give thanks for this blessing in the name of He who taught about the birds in the sky Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day

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It Will Be Given to Him.


If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5 New King James Version

Our Heavenly Beloved does not belittle you when you ask for guidance (you know like: What’s the matter are you stupid or something, oh come on, figure it out yourself, how many times must I explain this to you).

He encourages you to question both Him and His guidance in your life.

The more you respectfully question Jehovah the more he reveals Himself to you. The more he reveals Himself to you the more you love Him and respect Him which will make you worship Him all the more.


The more you respectfully question His guidance in your life the less problems you will have which will make you more grateful to Him which will make you worship Him all the more.

It is not a one off experience, it takes a lifetime.

I know this certainly is true in my life.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Rabbi (God is my teacher) for being so patient with this occasional dunce when I am slow to learn. Thank you my Beloved for enlightening me in the divine way in my life. I extol you in the name of the greatest rabbi ever Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day


I Shall Not Be Moved.


I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope. Psalms 16:8-9 New King James Version


Therefore: in consequence of that; as a result;

To set the Lord before me indicated that we are following the Lords path in our life. The right hand is the one of honesty and strength.

Therefore these verses indicates that we trust and obey the Lords leading and we are not moved by others opinions or motives.

I do not conform to what others think I ought to do but rather to what I know Jehovah has made me to do. Joseph- Anthony: Green

As a consequence of this our hearts are filled with gladness and we know that our glory comes from Christ so we rejoice in His divine leading and strength in our lives.

Our hope is not like hoping to win a lottery (good luck) but rather in the assurance of a rock solid guarantee.

The guarantee of course is confidence that we have a calling, we are walking in that calling, and the Lord provides for us in that calling.

As a result of this we have a guarantee of a permanent Heavenly reward which brings joy to our spirit.


Prayer: Thank you Jesus Rohi (Jesus our great Sheppard) for blessing me with a divine calling and the Heavenly joy that comes with walking this path with You. I exalt You in Your magnificent name. Amen.                                                                                                             

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day.

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Blessed Are You When They.


“Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:11-12 New King James Version

It hurts when you are wrongly accused and the accusers refuse to listen. You can never justify yourself to them and the more you try the more they try to beat you down. This is a form of bullying and domineering. These creatures usually suffer from low self esteem.

It is best to state the truth and ask the accusers where their proof is (which they of course do not have).


When they cannot produce the proof I call them liars and if they had an once of respect they would feel ashamed of themselves for their despicable behavior. Then, just walk away.

That is why it is good to have good Christian support and mentors to strengthen you. The other thing is they can talk it out and maybe you need to go to counseling with your accusers.


Challenge your accusers to go in for mediation with you. They will decline the offer of course because they know they are wrong and refuse to admit it.  I have done this successfully and it has stopped the abusers cold.


“‘Never argue with a fool, they will lower you to their level and then beat you with experience.’ Woody Allen


Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Yeshua (God our rescuer) for rescuing me from the fools that plague the earth every time they open their mouths. I thank you in the mighty name of He who put the Pharisees in their place Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day .