
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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It Never Ends.


Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 New King James Version

covetousness: feeling or showing a very strong desire for something that you do not have and especially for something that belongs to someone else Merriam- Webster dictionary

I have met many that have sacrificed their families and their health because of the disease of covetousness. They spend so much time working just because of their insatiable lust for more, more, more. It is an addiction. It never ends. Then one day when they are old before their time and the children have moved away and no longer keep in contact with the parents who were strangers to them because the spent their lives addicted to their lust they look around and see it was all for nothing.

I have seen many homes filled with many expensive inornate  objects yet felt empty because there was no love there.

They have wasted away their lives and are as phony as a three dollar bill.

I cannot wait to get away from them.

I have met people who use old pickle jars to drink out of and their furniture looks like they picked it up out of a junk yard. Yet, they are very content with their lives because they walk close with Jesus. Their hearts are hearts of gold. I look forward to spending time with them.

Which one are you?

Prayer: Please Jehovah Jireh (God our provider) bless me to be content and appreciative with Your abundant blessings in my daily life. Please help me to stay focused on being rich spiritually in Your world instead of the worthless material wealth in this world. I humbly beseech You in the name o the richest king Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day


Which One Do You Prefer to Be?


Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:17 New King James Version

I have met many egotistical educated idiots who arrogantly believe they are so much smarter than everyone else. They live in a fantasy world that even feels evil. Yet, they are empty shells of creatures because there is no love in their lives for anyone except themselves.

I have met many that constantly move from one disaster to another their whole lives.

Whenever you try to talk with them they stubbornly refuse to listen. They live in the “I know, I know” world where they think they know everything but in reality they know almost nothing. Their lives are a series of pitiful disasters.

I have met a few who are constantly seeking Gods will in their lives. Yes their lives are tough but they are filled with peace, contentment and purpose in their lives. They are humble, respectful and always willing to lovingly offer help when they see the need for it.

“Perhaps God brings us to the end of our resources so we can discover the vastness of His.” Neil Anderson


I revel in being in their presence and never want to leave.

Which one do you prefer to be?

I personally prefer to be the one seeking Gods will in my life

Prayer: Please Jehovah KalEl (voice of God) bless me to always be attentive and obedient to Your wise voice in my life. I humbly request this in the name of He who was obedient all the way to the agonizing cross Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day


I Will Call and You Will Answer.


Then call, and I will answer; Or let me speak, then You respond to me. Job 13:22 New King James Version

You do not need any roseraries or recited prayers to connect with Jehovah. Matter of a fact He will ignore those prayers. You do not need to pray to dead saints to get Jehovahs ears.


You need an honest sincere heart that longs for a loving relationship with Him, to be honest with Him.


But if you expect Him to answer your prayers you need to listen to what He is saying or He will ignore your prayers. What is the sense of Him answering your prayers if you ignore His advice?

We need never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts.” A.W. Tozer                                        

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Kalel (voice of God) for always being there to listen to me when I desire an honest sinsere conversation with You. Thank you my love for Your comforting and encouraging words. Thank you my love for blessing me with You infinite wisdom to guide my life. I exalt You in the name of He who is always there to listen and answer us Jesus Christ. Amen.                                      

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day