
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


Even Though It Is Not Enjoyable

“Then he said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.'” – Luke 9:23 The Holy Bible, The New International Version.

When we become Christians that means we accept Christ as our King. Because Christ belongs in the spiritual realm and the world belongs to the physical world, because Christ dedicates Himself to others we must follow His lead and dedicate ourselves to serving Him by serving others where He directs us to.

That is contrary to the world which serves themselves.

This means we are in a constant battle with the world (including ourselves at times when we want to serve self instead of Christ . The cross was a place of torture and intended shame. That is what we can expect from those walking the Highway to Hell. They will daily mock us and try to shame us. They will do everything they can to make our lives miserable. This will be a daily experience.

Even though it is not enjoyable, we should thank them for this treatment. Because, the more they make us suffer, the more they drive us into Jesus’ loving arms.

Torture me as you may, you will not destroy me but make me an ever stronger servant of my loving King Jesus. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Immeka (Judges 6:12 The LORD Is with You ) for the tormentors in my life because they draw me ever closer to You which is the greatest blessing of all. I esteem You in the name of He with whom I love to commune with every day, Jesus Christ. Amen

May you be blessed with drawing from the spring of living waters of comfort, strength and encouragement to extinguish the fiery arrows of the wicked, Jesus Christ. Joseph a son of Jehovah

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This article and photo @ 2021 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.