
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

All His Faithful

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If I Could Hear

If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet the distance makes no difference; he is praying for me! Robert Murray M’Cheyne

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But That We Finally

The value of persistent prayer is not that God will hear us, but that we finally hear Him.”  William McGill


But Rather Confidence

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit guided me to my portable hard drive. I misplaced it three days ago and ripped the place apart looking for it. Today I informed Poppa that I know it is in the house and when He is ready to show me where it is fine but I am not looking for it anymore. It was not said in frustration but rather confidence Poppa would send The Holy Spirit to guide me to it, which He did ( it was on the bed in the spare bedroom, how it got there I do not know other than there is the wee people living here ).

I am grateful one of moms friends drove her to get her blood work done. She called the local bus company to make sure of the time and that it was wheelchair accessible. The driver informed her the bus was not.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminds me to listen to positive joyful Christian music through out the day. Boy does that but one in a positive mode through out the day.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminds me to say my prayers silently so satan cannot hear them which would give him ammunition to attack me. Satan cannot read our minds so to say our prayers silently keeps them private between Jehovah and us.

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Before We Pray that God Would

“Before we pray that God would fill us, I believe we ought to pray Him to empty us.” D.L. Moody 

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A prayer to shorten the anti-christ reign

I am not sure how long ago say about five years ago Jesus appeared to me in Spirit after I asked if He would shorten the anti-christ reign to fifteen months.

The answer was yes.

He was so excited about the prospect of it.

I however didn’t pray for it because I felt too unworthy for my prayers to be answered in that way.

I have changed my mind, by the blood of Jesus I have been made worthy and so are you.

About a month ago I believe I was guided by the Holy Spirit to write down this prayer, because it wasn’t my intentions to write a poem like prayer.

So I feel this was a sign from God to say go ahead and say this prayer.

If you are in doubt about this prayer please take it to the Lord.

But I am using my rosary beads to say it, which means I am saying this prayer at least fifty times a day. 

The prayer goes like this.

My most beautiful and amazing merciful God. Hallow be your Name. Hallow be your Name.  I decree and declare by the blood of the Lamb to shorten by half the anti-christ reign, and I decree and declare by the blood of the Lamb to dilute the horror of his reign.

I asked if this was an acceptable prayer just after I wrote it down and His answer was. “I am pleased with your wording as it describes in detail my victory over sin, and I accomplish what I set out to do. It is finish. Have you heard?

I believe the more people say it, the more powerfully it will be answered. Be a prayer warrior and start to pray for God’s Will be done and His kingdom to come quickly to earth. There is so much hidden from the public. I pray that the evil will be exposed and justice will prevail and righteousness reign mightily. Christians are being hated and that is one of the signs of the end of the end days.  So I am going to pray this prayer with faith and zeal that the anti-christ reign be shorten as much as possible.

I want to congratulate and thank all those who will partake in this prayer.

I really do believe God is going to answer it, is we persist with faith and zeal. Greater is He that lives in us than he who lives in the world.

Prayer is so powerful and we need to pray for everybody not just our family.

by Sue Darling  

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It Has Taken Over

Now that evil has infiltrated this world to the point that it has taken over common sense and a basic sense of decency, with laws put into place to protect pedophiles, rather than innocent victims, our children for goodness sake, let us all pray that God would step in to end to this reign of terror over the innocent and punish those who attack children in order to fulfill their sick fantasies!

Let us pray that God will put an end to these crimes against the innocent of this country, and every place these disgraceful actions are allowed around the world!  


by linzy bruno

Linzy have been writing for many years; seriously since her 3 kids were still young and inspirational. She has taken 2 courses in Bible studies and completed “Four Soils” Bible study course in a 26 month period; earning her certification in Bible Counselling.

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Prayers of intercession are prayers we pray for others, so that the door will be open for the Lord to do something in their lives, especially save them.

The interesting thing is, that when believers make this type of prayer a habit, amazing things begin to happen.

Not only is the possibility for those we pray for to get help from the Holy Spirit much more likely; we ourselves grow spiritually and become closer to God; more consecrated.

This type of self-discipline strengths our walk, as well as our witness and our countenance.

Moreover, when we pray regularly for others, God opens our eyes to: more things we can do/say to help our loved ones and even strangers on our prayer list, we feel His Presence more palpably and we may even become inspired in other ways, like in writing, as He provides ideas, and inspiration in this as well as other creative areas of interest.

This type of dedication is rewarding in a variety of ways. It has the power to bring greater clarity in areas we need ourselves and may even provide an extra layer of provision and other blessings and favor (it sure has for me!)

Regularly praying for others is like a secret weapon spiritually speaking and opens the door for God to do more in our own lives, as we continue to devote ourselves to Him and His Ways.

There is no right or wrong way to this, but it’s much more doable when you follow a list of people and/or groups of people, so as not to forget anyone or repeat yourself. These prayers do not need to be said out loud, however, it is imperative to say them without distraction.

Keeping the TV off and trying to be alone is the best way.

Furthermore, it is also helpful to make this happen at the start of your day in order to start the day off right and get your prayers in before the day begins (Work your schedule around God, rather than to try to fit God into your schedule. The most conducive way is to get up a little earlier and make prayer the first thing you do.)

My Pattern or List (strictly for the purpose of example)

My household

Kids outside my household

My parents

My siblings

Our extended family

My husband’s family

My friends

My husband’s and son’s witness to their friends

old friends and aquaintances (lost touch)

Our family enemies

Children all around the world who are frightened and/or abused; especially sexually

The police for bravery, guidance and protection

Prophecy teachers/churches

People who are lost

People following false doctrines

People the Lord is shaking in attempt to wake them

Our country/President

Persecuted believers

The Jews– to have their eyes opened

Everyone I know and everyone I do not know– to know the Lord

To look at the clock is silly to say the least. This has nothing to do with time; it takes as long as it takes.

Moreover, if you feel overwhelmed, there is nothing wrong with working your way up from only one or two people.

There are no rules to this!

Furthermore, let God lead you in this new endeavor and enjoy your time with the Lord! Our private time with Him is so precious and valuable.

Once you develop this habit, you will hate for anything to interfere in this special time or cause you to become distracted.

Praying for others will prove to be incredibly satisfying for you and God will love spending that time with you too!

And one last note:

There has never been a more vital time for all people everywhere to find Truth and walk in Truth and our prayers should be centered around that goal.

by linzy bruno

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Now that evil has infiltrated this world to the point that it has taken over common sense and a basic sense of decency, with laws put into place to protect pedophiles, rather than innocent victims, our children for goodness sake, let us all pray that God would step in to end to this reign of terror over the innocent and punish those who attack children in order to fulfill their sick fantasies!

Let us pray that God will put an end to these crimes against the innocent of this country, in California and every place these disgraceful actions are allowed around the world!  


by linzy bruno 

Linzy have been writing for many years; seriously since her 3 kids were still young and inspirational. She has taken 2 courses in Bible studies and completed “Four Soils” Bible study course in a 26 month period; earning her certification in Bible Counselling.

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Moses records a special message God gave to him in the verse below. God wants us to seek His Face, not just His Hand; what He can do for us. He wants fellowship, but it starts with our spiritual thirst to know Him more intimately:

“When You said, “Seek My face,”My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.” (Psalm 27:8)

In relationships, spending time together is the primary means of growing closer; this is somethings we all know instinctively. It’s not a surprise to anyone when relationships break up because there was a lack of time, not only willingly spent, but happily spent together, which often times is the result of a lack of communication.

This is true in regard to friendships, romantic relationships, parent/child relationships; all of them, and it is of the utmost importance regarding our relationship with God.

Ways to spend time with God:

Every Kind of Prayer: Intercession, Petition, Blessing & Adoration, Thanksgiving, Praise or simply Hanging out with Him without a specific prayer; just talking….

Talk to Him throughout the day. Make prayers for the things you need on a regular basis, like sound sleep; whatever your having trouble with

Keep Him in your thoughts at all times, whatever you’re doing consider Him and inquire of Him

Other Good Habits That Will Get You And Keep You Close To God And Help You Grow Spiritually:

Reading the Word: God’s Word is God’s love letter, one of the ways He talks to His people and prayer is our way of talking to Him.

*******IMPORTANT NOTE–There is grave danger in not knowing God’s Word. With the new Governor of New York talking about how the vaccine is our savior and God gave it to us for healing; it’s quite an eye-opener as to what kind of extreme misconceptions we can develop when avoiding reading His Word to us.

Listening to Sound Preaching

Meditating on the Word

***Studying Scripture/relying on Holy Spirit inspiration and discernment of meaning and messages in the Scriptures; praying your way through (NOTE: Studying the Bible is essential for spiritual growth, without this vital component; you run the risk of stagnation)

Worship (with or without music)

Turn words of songs into Godly ones, in your head only, unless you have kids that like to sing too!

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1Thessalonians 5:16-18)


by linzy bruno