
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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Do not fall for the masquerade.


And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve. 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 New International Version

This is why it is important to read our Bible, spend time in prayer and spend time fellow shipping with other believers.

Satan will come to us as many masquerades. He may come to you as one of these deceivers who preach the gospel of prosperity. Give your life to Jesus and He will give you everything you desire.

Nothing is further from the truth.

A Christian life is a life of sacrifice and one that concentrates more upon receiving spiritual wealth in Christ that in material gains.

He may come to you in the form of someone who is controlling and informs you, you have committed an unforgivable sin and the only way out is to follow their cult. When we repent with a sincere heart we are forgiven, not by what someone says but by the blood of Jesus.

That is why we need our daily nourishment of Bible reading to gain knowledge and fellowship with both other brothers and sisters and daily communion with Jehovah God. By doing this we will be aware of the wicked ones masquerade and be able to defend ourselves from the attacks and to protect other innocent victims that the wicked one is preying upon.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-Ganan (The Lord is Our Defense) for blessing me with wisdom to defend myself from the wicked ones destructive schemes and with the power to defeat Him. Thank you for blessing me with Your Divine protection when I am weak and gullible. I extol You in the name of He whose death and resurrection defeated the wicked one for eternity Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


Lived Moment by Moment.


 “If Christ does not reign over the mundane events in our lives, He does not reign at all.” Dr. Paul Tripp

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]. 2 Timothy 1:7 Amplified Bible

The Christian faith is meant to be lived moment by moment. It isn’t some broad, general outline–it’s a long walk with a real Person. Details count: passing thoughts, small sacrifices, a few encouraging words, little acts of kindness, brief victories over nagging sins. Joni Eareckson Tada

Every morning during morning prayers I ask Jehovah to guide my thoughts, words and actions to bring praise and glory to His beautiful name and to guide the lost to Him.

When in moments of impatience (like in a check out line in the store when someone is taking too much time) I silently ask Jehovah for patience when I want to blow up and scream will you just hurry up (I believe that comes from our hurry up world and instant gratification) and a feeling of peace comes over me and begin talking with someone in the check out line and relieve their stress as well.

When I see someone covered with tattoo’s and body piercing that in my opinion makes them look like freaks in a side show I pray that Jehovah reminds me that He loves everyone and sometimes talk with them and sometimes discover they are nice folks.

When I see elderly needing help with their groceries in the parking lot I gladly help them as an act of civility and silent glory unto Jehovah.

Sometimes I encounter someone who is obviously having a bad day and make a stupid joke to get them laughing and start talking to help relieve their stress and maybe through our conversations I can share resources with them that will help them (like a support group). I also ask them their name and if I can pray for them. The look of shock and gratitude on their faces is priceless.

What ways do you live the Christian life moment by moment every day?

The Christian life is not one to be lived on Sunday in church by in every waking moment of our daily lives. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Immanuel (God is with us) for blessing me with Your daily fellowship and guidance so as to bring glory to Your Holy name and to guide the lost unto You. I humbly give thanks for this blessing and pray for it through the name of He who walks with me through Your beautiful garden (nature). Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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It Is Normal to Christians


 Some Christians believe that miracles do not occur today through Christians.

I disagree and here is why: Jesus Himself promised that we could and would do miracles when we have strong faith. I do not see where he specifically says it will end with the disciples. Indeed does the Bible not state that old men would have dreams as a sign of the end of times? Matthew 10:1, Mark 16:16-18, 2 John 14:12 The purpose of the miracles is to confirm the pastors calling. Exodus 4:3-9, 30:7:10, 12 Numbers 16:28-35 I Samuel 12:17, 18 I Kings 17:24 Mark 9:39; 16:17-18 John 3:2:6:14, 36; 11:42 Acts 2:22 2 Corinthians 12:12

I had one experience in Asia where I was witnessing to a woman. She kept on laughing and questioning what made me so sure there was a God and that he had arranged for us to meet and share a Bible study. One day she informed me she had a friend whose husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I informed her I would pray for him. After the third day the doctors examined him only to discover that there was no cancer even though he was not taking any medication. She was ecstatic when she emailed me so that is why I know it is true.

That the message is from God Exodus 4:3-9, 30; 7:10, 12 Judges 6:11-21 I Kings 17:24; 18:37-39 2 Kings 20:8-11 Matthew 11:2-5 Mark 16:2 John 5:36 Acts 2:22; 8:6
Hebrews 2:3-4

That the miracles increase faith. John 2:11, 23; 5:53:7:31; 11:45;20:30-31 Numbers 14:11 Acts 9:42

There was an Asian man who I was witnessing to that was a new believer. One day he shared with me that being middle aged he was afraid of losing his job because the company he was working for was going bankrupt and he would be unable to get another job. After three days of my praying a company called him to offer him a job where he did not have to travel (he was a salesman who was always travelling about the country),had good benefits and more wages. Considering there are millions of younger unemployed men and women in his field with the latest skills and he was nearing retirement age wouldnt you consider that a miracle?

No matter who is the vessel God uses to bring about a miracle or healing,it is God Who is to get the glory for it.

Chronicles 7:3 Matthew _:8; 15:31 Mark 2:12 Luke 5:25-26; 7:15-16:13 13; 17:15-16; 18:43 Acts 4:21; 14:11-15 John 2:11; 11:4

This is a hard one for me. I have had people repeatedly praise me for the wonderful things that occur to them when associating with me. I always inform them to give praise to Jehovah, not to me. I feel very uncomfortable with it.

Prayer: Please Jehovah Jireh (God our provider) bless me to be alert to those with whom You have given signs and wonders to to point us to You. Please bless me to humbly and wisely use these awesome tools You have given me the responsibility to use to point others to You. I sincerely ask this in the name of He who used them in a wise manner Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


I Love to Watch Their Reaction.

God loves each of

 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God Romans 8:16 New King James Version Bible

Sometimes during a conversation I like to slip in that I am a son of God.

The look of shock and indignation on their faces is hilarious. I love to watch their reaction (especially amongst Christians). Every time they mistakenly believe that I am calling myself Jesus Christ. Then I recite this verse and even then many still do not believe that I am a son of God.

It does not mean we are equal to Christ but are part of His divine family. Even then many believe I am crazy and should either be locked up or stoned.

Why is it that so many “Christians call themselves “Christians” but do not believe they are an eternal member of a Holy family(if they are Christians in thought word and deed and not name only)?

That does not permit us license to lord it over others but instead to humbly, meekly and graciously share with them the our experiences of Divine love, joy, peace and purpose in a way that they will desire to join this exclusive family.

It also gets the Sunday Christians thinking about their place in the Heavenly family. How are you doing with your conversations about the benefits of being a member of this exclusive family?

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Abba (God our Father)for the most treasured blessing in my life,your graciousness in adopting me into Your Holy family and for the opportunities of sharing this amazing love affair with others so that they may develop a deep desire to know You and be adopted in this same Holy family. I exalt You in the name of my Beloved big brother Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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A Heart at Peace.



A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. Proverbs 14:30 Holy Bible, New International Version

Every morning in my prayers and at night when before bed and all throughout the day I say a prayer of thank you to my Beloved for all His daily blessings great and small. A good affect of this is there is no envy of others when they appear to have more than me. I am grateful for Jehovah blessing and can easily praise others on their success in life and when they succeed in an assignment.

I have seen too many destroy their mental, physical and spiritual health because of jealousy and pity them.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 Holy Bible, New International Version

When ever a crisis occurs or a stressful moment occurs I pray for Jehovah to bless me with peace, patience and faith. Every morning during prayers I always ask for wisdom in how to properly handle any and all stressful situations. Usually He answers me without my knowing during the situation but upon reflection I always thank Him for the blessing.

Sometimes I can be short tempered (yes it happens to us all) and apologize for it to those offended and to Jehovah with deep regret and ask Him to help me the next time (which He has in how to remove myself from stressful situations and people- yes there are toxic people that love to push our buttons and we are to avoid them whenever possible).

Many times I go to a quiet place in nature with my Bible. Nature calms me down and after pouring my heart out to Him a feeling of peace envelopes me and He guides me to verses in the Bible and with wisdom in what He is saying on the proper course to take to handle the situation in a Christ like manner.

I do the same thing for every problem and worry.

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strength. Corrie ten Boom

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-Shalom (The Lord blesses with Peace) for blessing me with a Divine peace through my many storms that can only be achieved through You awesome presence in my daily life. Thank you that You are always there, that You always care and that You help me through it all. In the name of He who calmed the storms, Jesus Christ, I exalt You. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


A Miserable Business!

God is already there.

 There was a man all alone, he had neither son nor brother. There was no end to his toil, yet his eyes were not content with his wealth. “For whom am I toiling,” he asked,  “and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?” This too is meaningless  a miserable business! Ecclesiastes 4:8 Holy Bible, New International Version

At one time I worked hard and deprived myself just to save up a nice size nest egg for retirement. Each time the nest egg began getting sizable a circumstance beyond my control wiped me out. What was my reward for all that hard work and depriving myself of simple pleasure along the way?


Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind. Ecclesiastes 4:6 Holy Bible, New International Version

It took me two decades and a lot of hardship to learn to place my complete confidence in Jehovahs care. Many times along the way He gave me blessings that I did not believe were blessings but curses. In this process He was teaching me to be dependent upon Him and not just call Him when I needed Him.

So for example I would teach a class and if it turned out to be a difficult class then ask for His help and he would not answer. That was my way and it was a disaster. I learned to ask Him to guide me completely, not just in making up the lessons but in the delivery in teaching them. That way was a success.

It was in this slow and at times agonizing process that I learned to put my complete trust and confidence in Him.

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. Jeremiah 17:7 Holy Bible, New International Version

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-Jireh (God is our Provider) for abundantly blessing me with Your never ending provisions for my daily life. I extol You in the name of my beloved King Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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We Understand Them.


 Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.] John 14:27Amplified Bible

We understand them but they do not understand us.

Many in the world look at Christians and see joy, purpose and love. They do not understand and think we are crazy. With all the poverty, wars and diseases plaguing this planet how can we be so positive?

They do not understand us.

We understand them because we were at one time just like them. Then we were blessed with the saving grace of Christ and freed from such cancerous life of worry, anger and disappointment. Now the Holy Spirit blesses us, even in the most difficult times, with a peace, love and joy that can only be attained by His Divine presence in our daily lives.

We as Christians are not to lord it over our family and acquaintances because of this but instead are to steadfastly pray for them and try to guide them to the Prince of Peace, even when they reject us, mock us and persecute us for our walk to Heaven with the Holy Spirit as our Heavenly guide.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-Shalom (The Lord blesses with Peace) for blessing me with Heavenly peace in all aspects of my life. I praise you in the name of the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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Is Not Independent


 Nevertheless, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. 1 Corinthians 11:11 Amplified Bible

This is an important verse for all those belonging to the satanic cults.

These cults come in two forms.

One form is where any religion wrongfully teaches that women are to be completely submissive unto man. They are totally domineered by man. That is satanic and obviously wrong in Jehovahs eyes. Woman is to compliment man which means they are to work together as a team for both of their benefits.

The other satanic cult is womens lib where they teach the satanic teaching that woman does not need a man (especially in the rearing of children). Statistics prove that children that are raised without a father are more troubled as adults and most are regularly in trouble with the law. And yes, children also need a loving mother as much as they need a loving father.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Abba (God our Father) for blessing me with Your Divine aceptence of me into Your Holy Family. May all families follow Your lead in the proper manner in which to thrive as a family here on earth. I thank You and humbly ask this of You in the name of my big brother Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


Be Strong and Courageous


Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble in dread before them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not fail you or abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 Amplified Bible

Today I saw it on the news where some teenage girls slapped and bullied a mentally handicapped child in a wheelchair. It was sickening.

It seems as if there is more and more incidents with gangs (especially teenagers) who gang up on someone and physically and verbally abuse them (this is especially troubling when they are doing it to a mentally challenged individual) while others are standing around filming it and laughing.

Why do others just stand up to the bullies?

When I was a kid that conduct would never have been tolerated.

Yes it is scary standing up to them but better a physical beating for doing what is right than a mental one tormenting you for not taking the stand. I have done it numerous times and never regretted it even decades later.

Now if possible it is preferable to contact the police if you think it is a life threatening situation.

Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened. –Reverend Billy Graham

The same can be said for where are the Christians standing up for our right to observe our faith.

Where are the Christians to take a stand against the continuous onslaught by satanic politically correct when they try to wrongly shove their filth down our throats which is a violation of our rights?

Yes do a write in to your local politician to express your anger and displeasure and demand they take a stand for your rights, yes support Christian business when they are persecuted for taking a stand and choosing their rights not to bow down to the satanic politically correct ( yes I am referring to those who went into Christian stores and demand they bow down to their demand like the homosexuals in that cake store and so called educators teaching that the filth of homosexuality it normal and okay).

Yes take a stand

“If you cannot hate evil, you cannot love good.” Struthers Burt

“What is morally wrong can never be politically right.” Lord Shaftesbury

“Those who will not be governed by God, will be ruled by tyrants.” William Penn

If we do not stand together we will fall apart. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Please Jehovah Jehovah Emet (God of truth)” bless your children to always stand up for Your ultimate truth in this wicked world with meekness, humbleness, gracefulness and strength. I beseech You in the name of He who never backed down Jesus Christ. Ammen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


This is the Jewel in My Heavenly Crown


This is the task my master has given me

My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” (Acts 20:24 New International Version)

While enjoying my morning meal of “The Breakfast of Champions” Bible reading (after all, read the treasures within. Isn’t it chocked full of champions?) this verse stood out to me. It made me feel good.

Imagine a king or emperor giving a special task, just for you.

My task is being a Christian writer and the longer I partake of my divine task, the less of a task it is. Every time an article helps someone draw closer to Christ that will be another jewel in my crown in Heaven.

Then when Christ, the Chief Shepherd, comes, you will get a glorious crown that will never lose its beauty. 1 Peter 5:4 New Century Version

Do you know why the crown will never lose its beauty?

It is because the jewels which are more precious than jade or diamonds are the people I have been blessed to help draw closer to Christ. THEY are the jewels.

We all have our calling in the heavenly family. When you do your part, you too will inherit a precious crown. Are you doing the task our master has assigned you? When you feel exhausted or dejected and want to quit, remember your crown awaiting you in Heaven. Do not believe any task is little, small or insignificant?

The truly generous is the truly wise, and he who loves not others, lives unblest. Henry Home

When I was a teacher I planted the seeds in some of my students. I look forward to meeting them in Heaven and sharing huge hugs and tears of joy with them.

So too it is with you. The little seed you plant today may become a beautiful apple tree that produces much Heavenly fruit tomorrow.

Read about the great evangelists of yesterday like Billy Graham and Spurgeon or Billy Sunday. Some were real party boys. They heard one little sermon or had one little encounter with a Christian and they went on to set the world on fire.

You too could be the match that sets the next Billy Graham on the world.

“Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.” – William Blake

No you do not desire your crown for pride but rather joy. The joy being that you have in some way guided another to heaven. It will be joy for them not pride for you. Joseph- Anthony: Green

If you believe you only have little in the way of skills or resources remember this: Little in the hands of Jesus can do much.

As well every time you serve Christ whether in your vocation, volunteer work or every day life, you will be putting another jewel in your crown.

There is no small act of kindness here on earth that is not great in Heaven. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Jireh (God our Provider) for the wonderful privilege of having so many precious jewels in my crown. I ask my beloved that You bless me with so many more opportunities to add more jewels to this crown. As well oh cherished one, may these jewels have their own crowns to give even more glory to You. I give thanks and ask for this blessing in the name of Him who wears the most treasured crown, Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.