
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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Message to the Christians.

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. Isaiah 41:10 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Here is an important message to the Christians through out the world.

Do not cower with this covid boon doggle. If you are concerned about your health may I suggest you study about herbology ( the use of plants for medicine ). That is Jehovahs medicine.

Gods medicine is made for mankind because He loves us. Pharmaceuticals are made for the profit of the shareholder. Joseph Anthony, a son of Jehovah

I have been a practicing Herbalist for over forty years and have learned to trust Gods medicine far more than pharmaceuticals. From my experience when you maintain the proper diet, exercise every day, get the proper sleep every day, take ginger and garlic every day and spend time with our Heavenly Beloved every day ( which is a great stress buster ) that is Gods prescription for optimal health. Oh and yes, follow the dietary laws in the Book of Leviticus. Yes that is still relevant to us today.

“I will never [under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!” Hebrews 13:5 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah El Deah ( God of knowledge. Romans 11:33 ) for blessing me with the assurance that The Holy Spirit will guide me on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle so as to live an optimal healthy life.

I trust You my loving all wise caring Poppas advice far more than any mans. It is this confidence in You that blesses me with peace and confidence every day no matter if the world is going to Hell in a hand cart all around me.

I praise You in the name of the greatest Healer of all, Jesus Christ. Amen

May you be blessed with the wisdom on how to take proper care of your body using Gods medicine today and every day. Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26: 3 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Cause and effect. Because I trust Jesus the effect is wonderful peace. Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah  

This photo and article @ Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah 2021

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and for great daily prayer

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and for great daily prayer

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth

I do not believe there is any difference between any of the main stream political parties in Canada. This is a party based on Christian principals in federal politics in Canada Contact Info for Christian Heritage Party of Canada. It is important today more than ever for our voices to be heard before the politically correct silence them forever.

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His Protection Plan.

He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. Psalm 91: 4 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

One morning as I lay in bed praying there was a horde of blood sucking mosquitoes dancing around the top of the tent. Of course they could not get in because of the protective mosquito netting. I had just finished reading Psalms 91 and the Lord reminded me of the verse of being covered in His wings.

In order for this protection to occur we must be under His wings.

So, if you want Jehovahs protection you must be a member of His brood. A chicken would not protect another chickens chicks. Neither will Jehovah protect you if you are not a member of His family.

Now to be a member of His family means You must spend time with Him.

How much time do you spend with Him in prayer every morning and evening?

How much time do you spend asking for His advice?

And obeying His advice when He gives it to you even though you do not like the advice given.

How much time do you spend thanking Him?

How much time do you spend serving Him out of love for Him?

As well ,there are conditions set out about the rules of conduct to be a member of this holy family.

So if the father says for you to stop at a red light and you refuse to listen and get hit by a car, why cry because the father did not protect you?

So too it is with our Heavenly Father. He has a code of conduct for us to obey because it is for our own good and the good of those around us.

If you want Jehovahs protection you must obey His protection plan. Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Abba (God our Father 1 John 3:1 0 ) for being the most loving Heavenly Poppa.

Thank you for sending The Holy Spirit about You and how to behave like one of Your Holy children.

I praise You in the name of Your most loving son, Jesus Christ. Amen

May your relationship mature daily into the most beautiful flower in Heavens garden. Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah

This photo and article @ Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah 2021

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and great daily prayer

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and for great daily prayer

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth

I do not believe there is any difference between any of the main stream political parties in Canada. This is a party based on Christian principals in federal politics in Canada Contact Info for Christian Heritage Party of Canada. It is important today more than ever for our voices to be heard before the politically correct silence them forever.

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They Are to Be Cast Out Of

“As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34 The Holy Bible The New Living Translation

Ask any good parent and they will tell you that yes, they rebuked their children when they misbehaved.

Now we who are of Jehovahs family are to rebuke another when they willingly live a sinful live.

If they refuse to repent ( admit what they did, admit it was wrong, apologize for it, ask for for forgiveness and stop committing the offence ) then they are to be cast out of the church.

Just as most diseases start out as a singular organism so too will this pervert ( they are perverted if they knowingly live a sinful life and believe there is no consequences for it.) so too can this one start to pollute the entire church.

So if you do not cast them out they will slowly poison your Christian family, lead them away from Christ and towards Hell.

This is especially true for young ones both in age and in their walk with Christ.

This teaching is not appealing to the politically correct churches who not only tolerate these filth in their church but also put them in positions of authority like being a pastor or teaching in Sunday School with children ( this is especially true with homosexuals ). Beware, your church will be cursed for this despicable behavior.

“If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector. “ Matthew 18:15-17 The Holy Bible The New Living Translation

Prayer: Please Jehovah Heseh (God is love 1 John 4:16 ) bless me to imitate You and cast the wicked out of the congregation of righteous less these evil ones pervert the babies in Your family and lead them astray and into Hell. It is in the name of He who cast demons out of the innocent when He walked amongst us Jesus Christ. Amen

May you have the strength and grace to cast the wicked from the presence of the innocent less they take them to Hell with them. Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah

This photo and article @ Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah 2021

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and great daily prayer

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and for great daily prayer

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth

I do not believe there is any difference between any of the main stream political parties in Canada. This is a party based on Christian principals in federal politics in Canada Contact Info for Christian Heritage Party of Canada. It is important today more than ever for our voices to be heard before the politically correct silence them forever.


We Are the Minority.

A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash. Proverbs 15:14 The Holy Bible The New Living Translation

We are the minority.

No, it is not based upon race, nationality, sex or wealth.

We who are wise are the minority in the world.

So many are like pigs feeding at the trough. They cannot get enough trash talk, like on social media.

So many feed on the likes they hear on the media like the six o clock news or from the government or from big business.

They are also fools that are easily manipulated.

I have heard it time and time again with this disease that is going around the world: I trust the government ( which are servants of big business ) , I trust science, yet when you try to talk with them about scientists that have an opposing point of view they call us conspiracy nuts, I trust doctors yet when doctors with an opposing point of view try to talk the government threatens to take away their livelihood.

Fools are easily manipulated, wise men and women are not. Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah

Wise men and women live with discretion.

Discretion is where we are free to make our own choices.

That is the way of God. He, unlike the government which stomps on freedom of choice, allows us to make our own choices.

But, be forewarned, you will pay for the choices you make.

The wise make their choices based upon knowledge.

And where is the best source of truthful knowledge?

His name is: The Holy Spirit.

Only those who accept Christ as their Savior and king are permitted into His Divine school of knowledge. We are steered away from folly and towards wisdom. This blesses us with good mental, physical and spiritual health. We are not afraid of societies nor governments threats, intimidation or abuse because we know that we belong to the Supreme government of Jesus Christ. His government always wins.

Now when the fools see we refuse to join their parade to Hell, they are angry because they are convicted of their foolishness. This has been replayed down through out all of history.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah El Emeth (Psalms 31:5 LORD GOD of Truth ) for blessing us with the Holy Spirit to guide us in wisdom.

Thank you for guiding us to truth sites like Dr. Mercola to protect us from the lies that will destroy the beautiful bodies You have created. It is in the name of the most honest man with whom I desire to emulate, Jesus Christ. Amen

May you be blessed with Divine wisdom at the feet of the greatest mentor of all, The Holy Spirit to guide your choices in life. Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah

This photo and article @ Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah 2021

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and great daily prayer

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and for great daily prayer

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth

I do not believe there is any difference between any of the main stream political parties in Canada. This is a party based on Christian principals in federal politics in Canada Contact Info for Christian Heritage Party of Canada. It is important today more than ever for our voices to be heard before the politically correct silence them forever.

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Why Not Try It?

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health. Proverbs 15: 30 The Holy Bible The New Living Translation

Before you leave your dwelling place why not write down all of the good things Jehovah has blessed you with. Both the great and small.

Then when you are out and about why not smile when you encounter someone in your daily journey ( which means of course you take off that stupid face mask ).

There is so much doom and gloom in this dark world today men and women, boys and girls need to hear good news that brings sunshine to their hearts. As well, it is a great opportunity to share Jesus.

Do not try to convince them to be Christians but rather let them see the joy He brings to your life. A few will want that in their hearts as well.

Why not try it?

A smile and kind word as well as some good news may be just the medicine those around you need today. Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah

Personally speaking, I see so many staffs faces light up just when I walk into every store I go into.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah El SIMCHAH GIYL (God my Exceeding Joy John 15:11 ) for blessing me with Heavenly love when we are together. May I be blessed with opportunities to share this joy with others. I thank you and ask for this privilege in the name with whom brings me Heavenly joy, Jesus Christ. Amen

May you be blessed to bring joy into others lives as Jehovah has brought joy into yours. Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah

This photo and article @ Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah 2021

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and great daily prayer

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and for great daily prayer

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth

I do not believe there is any difference between any of the main stream political parties in Canada. This is a party based on Christian principals in federal politics in Canada Contact Info for Christian Heritage Party of Canada. It is important today more than ever for our voices to be heard before the politically correct silence them forever.

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Always Surrender Your Will To

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: wisdom, integrity, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. Galatians 5:22–23 The Holy Bible The New Living Translation

Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 The Holy Bible The New Living Translation

We all need to digest this Holy fruit every day. We need wisdom in how to interact with others.

Wisdom is having knowledge and putting that knowledge into action.

Who has more knowledge, you or The Holy Spirit?

Then should you not show wisdom by obeying His guidance?

Now it is hard at first but the more experience we have with Him the easier it is to trust Him.

Sometimes His advice is not what we want to hear. But we have to understand that He only wants what is best for us. He will guide us away from destructive, toxic relationships. He will guide us in how to handle toxic men and women and boy and girls. He will guide us away from dangerous situations like a possible accident. He will guide us in the healthy manner in which to take care of our bodies, minds and spirits. He will guide us in the proper manner in which to behave as Holy children of Jehovah, free will servants of King Jesus Christ and students of the best mentor there is, The Holy Spirit.

So, if you desire the best in your life, and who does not, always surrender your will to The Holy Spirit and He will bless you with Divine wisdom which cannot be equaled much less surpassed by anyone one or anything else.

When you do this, you will be blessed with divine peace because there will be a lot less stress in your life caused by making foolish decisions.

We all need wisdom in our daily lives. Go to the source of the best wisdom. His name is The Holy Spirit. Do not just listen to Him but obey Him. Your reward will be perfect peace. Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-Bara (The Lord Creator Isaiah 40:28 ) for blessing me with The Holy Spirit to mold me into the beautiful creation You into the child You desire me to be. I humbly request this in the name of He who created amazing disciples out of the outcasts of society, Jesus Christ. Amen

May you always submit to the hands of He who creates masterpieces The Holy Spirit. Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah

This photo and article @ Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah 2021

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and great daily prayer

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and for great daily prayer

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth

I do not believe there is any difference between any of the main stream political parties in Canada. This is a party based on Christian principals in federal politics in Canada Contact Info for Christian Heritage Party of Canada. It is important today more than ever for our voices to be heard before the politically correct silence them forever.

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The Only Guaranteed Peace.

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26: 3 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

I used to be a real worry wort.

It was mostly about finances. My lifestyle was very frugal so that finances would be saved for and early retirement. Then, a disaster would happen which would wipe out those savings and the panic button would go off.

Then there was worry about ones loved ones health.

It took decades for our patient teacher, The Holy Spirit, to teach me that all of these circumstances are out of our control and to trust the one who is in complete control. His name is Jehovah.

Now of course He does not bless this gift to everyone. It is very exclusive.

If you notice in the second part of the sentence it mentions that our thought are to be fixed upon Jehovah.

No, that does not mean that we are to have the attitude that there is no reason to worry because the big man in the sky is in control.

It means we are to fix our thoughts on what our Heavenly Father wants to be done in our lives more than what we want to be done.

That means a commitment unto Him.

That means not just in our personal lives but in service unto Him.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2: 10 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

I do not depend upon government nor big business nor doctors. And, most certainly not the media. I depend my life upon the most secure source of security there is. His name is Jehovah. Joseph Anthony, a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Shalom (The Lord blesses with Peace Isaiah 9:6, Rom 8:31-35 ) that when I depend upon You and follow Your guidance You always bless me with Your Divine peace. I praise You in the name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. Amen

May you always be blessed to listen to and obey Jehovah to be guaranteed peace no matter if all Hell is breaking lose around you. Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah

This photo and article @ Joseph Anthony a son of Jehovah 2021

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and great daily prayer

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and for great daily prayer

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth

I do not believe there is any difference between any of the main stream political parties in Canada. This is a party based on Christian principals in federal politics in Canada Contact Info for Christian Heritage Party of Canada. It is important today more than ever for our voices to be heard before the politically correct silence them.