
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


The Worse Curse of Mankind

So I let them go their stubborn way and follow their own advice. Psalm 81:12 The Holy Bible, The New Century Version

The most difficult of all men and women I have had to endure are those who think they are right and will not listen to reason. Then when things go south, they blame everybody but themselves. Not only that, but they are so stupid, they go right back and do the same thing all over again with the same results.

After listening to 10 tactics to put a narcissist in their place on YouTube ( it is listened to every day so that it is ingrained in my mind. Boy has it ever helped me out a lot ) , it was shocking how many of those around me are hardcore narcissist’s.

It is always difficult when you watch someone gleefully dance towards a cliff and they laugh at you like you are the stupid ones. Now, I do not try to talk with them because it is a waste of time. It is best to just explain it to them and if they refuse to listen, just walk away.

The most arrogant, stubborn men or women I have ever met are the ones that call themselves liberals.

Stupidness and stubbornness are the worse curse of mankind. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer:Thank you Jehovah El Deah ( God of knowledge. Romans 11:33 ) for blessing me with the knowledge not to engage in useless debates with stubborn fools. It only leads to stress, and possible physical and or verbal altercations. I praise You in the name of He who walked away from His antagonists, Jesus Christ. Amen

This article and photo @ 2022 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

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He Also Reminds Us That

God will help me; the Lord will support me. Psalm 54:4 The Holy Bible, The New Century Version

The Holy Spirit not only convicts us of our sins but assures us that when we repent they are forgiven. We do not need to beat ourselves up about them anymore. He also reminds us that they are forgiven and forgotten when satan tries to pull a guilt trip on us.

There has been many times when satan has beaten me down because of my past.

The Holy Spirit always comes and assures me that they are not only forgiven but also forgotten.

Now, when the wicked one tries the guilt trip, I just ask Him if we can discuss it with Jesus. You might be surprised how fast he vamooses ( gets as far away from me as he can ). Joseph a son of Jehovah

When we are going through our hard times ( which we all do ) Jehovah sends The Holy Spirit to support us with comfort, encouragement, strength and wisdom as He guides us through the valley of trouble. He assures us that Jehovah loves us so He will never desert nor leave us.

We need not worry about our mental, physical nor financial health because just as every good Daddy does, He provides for us today, tomorrow and forever ( that does not mean we can behave foolishly and believe He will deliver us from the consequences of our actions).

“Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love and the future to God’s providence.” St. Augustine of Hippo

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Emunah (God is faithful 1 John 1:9, 2 Thessalonians 3:3) for always being faithful in providing for my every need like the loving Father You are. I thank you in the name of Your most beautiful Son whose blood provided for my forgiveness, Jesus Christ. Amen

This article and photo @ 2022 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

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Do You Notice it Says?

But I am close to God, and that is good. The Lord God is my protection. I will tell all that you have done. Psalms 73:28 The Holy Bible The New Century Version

When we are close to our Heavenly Poppa He protects us and blesses us.

We are to be filled with such joy we cannot but help share these blessings with others to encourage them to come to Him.

But do you notice it says that we need to be close to Him.

To be close in any relationship means you must spend time together.

How much time do you spend with our Heavenly Poppa every day?

You must spend quality time talking with each other.

How time do you spend in pray and reading the Bible?

How much time do you spend in silence listening to His voice?

You must respect each other and because you love each other you have a deep desire to say and do things that will bring joy to the one you love.

How much time do you respect Jehovah, Jesus and The Holy Spirit?

How many times do you ask Jehovah to guide you to do and say things that will please Him, even if it means a sacrifice on your behalf?

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Abba (God our Father 1 John 3:1 ) for blessing me with the most loving relationship where You allow me to get as close to You as I can. I praise You in the name of my big brother with whom I also love to be close with, Jesus Christ. Amen

Jehovah, Jesus and The Holy Spirit long for a loving relationship with you. Are you just as willing to nurture that same relationship? Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2022

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On the Other Hand, Those of Us

Even when you are old, I will be the same. Even when your hair has turned gray, I will take care of you. I made you and will take care of you. I will carry you and save you. Isaiah 46:4 The Holy Bible The New Century Version

This is better than any government old age pension.

Most seniors I know have worked all of their lives ( most of them, like me started working on farms when they were mere children of six or seven ). We have paid into the government pension plan since it started. Now, when it is time to retire, the money the government stingily gives us will not even buy food much less pay rent ( all the while government bureaucrats that are rich and do not need the money get huge pensions).

It is disgraceful.

On the other hand, those of us who have dedicated our lives in service to our King Jesus are living comfortable lives. Which is good.

I urge all Christians to dedicate their lives unto Christ. The dividends in our senior years pay off and our eternal retirement home will be Heavenly.

By the way, when we reach that home we will not be retired and bored. Our King will have delightful work prepared for us which we will love doing.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Jireh ( God provides Philippians 4:19 ) for blessing me that You take provide for this old man even until the time it is for Your to bring me to Your Heavenly Home. I exalt You in the name of my big brother who will greet me at Heavens Gate, Jesus Christ. Amen

Always remember that no matter what, Jehovah will never leave you nor desert you. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2022

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To Help You Want to Do

God is working in you to help you want to do and be able to do what pleases him. Philippians 2:13 The Holy Bible The New Century Version

It is circumstances, music, teachers and dreams that guides us to know the will of Jehovah.

There has been so many times Jehovah desired for me to do something and I had no intention of obeying Him. Then He brought about severe circumstances that forced me to obey Him.

Once such incidence was when I lost a good job and could not get another until moving to the place where He wanted me to be to do the task He desired me to do.

I cannot count the number of times music spoke to me about circumstances that needed to be changed in my life in order for The Holy Spirit to move me to go where He wanted me to be to do the task He desired me to do.

There has been so many mentors in my life either through listening to sermons or talking with a good Christian mentor that move me to go where He wanted me to be to do the task He desired me to do.

As far as dreams are concerned, I have had so many dreams that when I woke up they were burned in my mind and I could not get rid of them until I obeyed what the dream said.

In order to do the will of God, we need Him to guide us on the how, when and where to do it. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-‘Immeku (The Lord Is With You Judges 6:12 )that You are always here patiently conforming me to desire to excel at the work You have prepared for me to do. I praise You in the name of the greatest potter, Jesus Christ. Amen

Surrender your life to Jesus and be prepared for Him to do amazing things in your life and through your life. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022

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We Are Sure Of

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 The Holy Bible The New International Version

We are sure of Jehovahs promises of the future that He will always take care of our daily needs like every good Poppa does.

This is not just material things like a place to live, food and clothes but also for our mental and spiritual health as well.

This involves our personal relationships, our employment relationships and our financial relationships.

We need be concerned about them all equally.

It is assurance in Jehovah directing events with our problems. Because we are obedient free will servants of Jesus we have confidence of His promise of a Heavenly home which we cannot even imagine.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Emunah (God is faithful 1 John 1:9, 2 Thessalonians 3:3 ) that I can and do trust Your word that You are faithful to excel at taking care of Your child with whom You love so deeply as we walk this earth and that You have prepared a beautiful home for us in Heaven which we cannot see nor imagine now but have confidence in You that it is there waiting for us. I praise You in the name of He who will greet us with loving arms upon arrival at Heavens Gate, Jesus Christ. Amen

It is because Jehovah loves us so deeply that He always takes the best care of us. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth


He is true to His word.

God is faithful, reliable, trustworthy and therefore ever true to His promise and He can be depended on1 Corinthians 1:9 The Holy Bible The Amplified Version

Poppa has promised He will always be there when we need Him.

From my vast experience I will confirm He is true to His word.

The longer we walk with Jesus on the path He has chosen for us to travel the more experienced we become in this verse in our lives.

Soon it just becomes second nature to run to Him whenever we encounter any difficulties like a young child who always runs to his or her loving daddy or mommy whenever they have a problem and have confidence they will resolve it for them.

Many times He does not solve the problem right away but uses it to help us mature in our abilities and to test our faith ( not because He does not know but rather to reveal to us our weakness and the manner in which to strengthen it or to deal with bad dispositions in our life ).

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Jireh ( God provides Philippians 4:19 ) that You always provide for my mental, physical and spiritual health. I praise You in the name of He who provided for my salvation, Jesus Christ. Amen

Just remember this: Jesus loves you, Jesus cares, Jesus is always there to help you in whatever the crisis is. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022

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You Have to be a Member Of

  We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him Romans 8:28 The Holy Bible The New Century Testament

If you want the reward you have to be a member of the family.

So many so called professing Christians cry baby because Jehovah does not answer their prayers.

But, riddle me this: how much do they love Jehovah?

Do they put Him first and themselves last or the other way around. If Jehovah moves them to do something for Him that they do not want to do, will they do it or just ignore Him?

Is the first thing they do in the morning say a good morning prayer to Poppa and feast on His divine meal of love and companionship or is it feeding their stomachs?

Do they seek to do His will during the day or demands He bows to theirs ?

So do they ask for a good seat in the coffee shop where they can be alone so they can play computer games? Or do they pray The Holy Spirit guides them to a table where there is someone waiting and needing someone to share Jesus with them?

Do they pray Jehovah share with them the beauty of His creation at some time of the day or do they pray they can find someone to share some interesting gossip with on social sites on the internet ( I do not know why they call the social sites because from what I have seen most of the ones on there are not very social but rather very egotistical and judgmental )?

Is the last thing they do before going to bed saying a prayer for all the blessings, great and small, Jehovah has blessed them with or is it thinking of something insignificant like the score in a baseball game?

If you want Jehovahs love, you must be willing to love Him in return. If you want Jehovahs blessing you must be willing to allow Him to use you to be a blessing to Him by blessing others.

If you want Jehovahs blessings you must be thankful for the ones He has already given you.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah El SIMCHAH GIYL (God my Exceeding Joy) John 15:11 ) for blessing me with such overwhelming love and joy for You as The Holy Spirit enlightens me to all the wonderful blessings showered upon me by Your gracious love every day. I praise You in the name of my greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ. Amen

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2022

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth