
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


He is Awesome.

Come and see the works of God; He is awesome. Psalm 66:5 New King James Version

When I was working on an oil rig one winter in the far north we had the awesome experience of being surrounded by the Northern Lights. They just seemed to perform a deathly quiet gentle ballet all around us.

It was truly awesome.

Who do you think created those magnificent lights?

Jehovah did.He is truly awesome.

When I bicycled through a desert in Southern California it seemed as if the stars were so close to me I could reach out and touch them. It felt as if I was in space floating around them.

It was truly awesome.

Who do you think created all those stars?

Jehovah God did. He is truly awesome.

In the morning it was as quiet as a morgue. The red buttes seemed like long fingers of blood slowly reaching out to me.

It was truly awesome.

Who do you think created all those buttes?

Jehovah God did. He is truly awesome.

When camping in the Baja in Mexico every evening the sun would just hang in the sky and then slowly drift behind an island out to sea. The sea became a kaleidoscope of brilliant colours.

It was truly awesome.

Who do you think created all those buttes?

Jehovah God did. He is truly awesome.

When in Hong Kong I saw the sunrise slowly above some islands out at sea. The waves were like soft gentle waves of brilliant a kaleidoscope. It felt as if it was drawing me in to them.

It was truly awesome.

Who do you think created all those waves and the sun?

Jehovah God did. He is truly awesome.

After an ice storm I love to walk through the forest when the sun comes out. The branches glisten like diamonds and the forest is eerily quiet with the only sound being your foot steps crunching the ice covered ground.

It was truly awesome.

Who do you think created those ice crystals and the sun?

Jehovah God did. He is truly awesome.

In the spring time I love to walk through cheery or apple orchards in the early morning. The sweet delicate fragrance of the blossoms is truly intoxicating.

It was truly awesome.

Who do you think created those blossoms?

Jehovah God did. He is truly awesome.

Are you beginning to get the picture?

I could go on and on but time is limited.


If you desire to see Jehovah’s awesomeness go where He abundantly exhibits it, in His creation, nature.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-Bara (The Lord Creator) for blessing me with sharing many of Your awesome creations with me so I can witness Your magnificence, beauty and power. I praise You in the name of He who there with You during this awesome creation Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sweet sunshine of Jesus’ beautiful love bless you today and every day.


Do Not Give It Back.


To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. Luke 6:29 New King James Version                                                                                                                    

When Jesus commands us to turn the other cheek he is referring to an eastern custom.      


In the east a slap on the face was considered an insult as it is today in that part of the world.         


So what Jesus is referring to is that when someone insults you do not go into their level and insult them back.                                                                                                 

Never lower yourself to an idiots level. They are stupid and stubborn, no matter what you do or say, they always refuse to listen to you. It is like talking to a brick wall. They will beat you every time because of their mass experience and make you look like an idiot. Let it be like water off a ducks back.                                                                                                                                          

If you insult them back, from my experience it only leads to a yelling match and harsh words are said that you will regret later.                                                                              

As well there are the wolves that delight in using insults to bait you into a useless stupid argument to get under your skin and then stand there and laugh at you when you get upset. These people are very immature and insecure. They abuse you to make themselves feel important and feel good about themselves instead of facing much more serious problems in their lives than the ones they are being judgmental towards you about.                                                                                          

Prayer: Please Jehovah Chanan (God who is gracious) please bless me that my words will be filled with Your wonderful grace. When encountering jackasses please give me the wisdom to politely smile and walk always knowing it is the righteous thing to do. I humbly ask this in the name of He who was filled with grace when encountering the jackasses in scribes clothing Jesus Christ. Amen.                                                    

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.  

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My Double Blessing.


For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10 New International Version


Every day I pray that Jesus molds me to be more like Him.


One day I wanted to go to the library to work on my writing. (it is very hot and the library has air-conditioning. As well they are doing construction where I live and it is very noisy).


There was a strong feeling to go grocery shopping instead.


When at the supermarket there was a one day sale where many of the items needed were half price.


While waiting in line an elderly Chinese female tried to queue jump in front of me.


I firmly but politely informed her to go to the back of the line as I stretched out my arm to prevent her from jumping in front of me.


Chinese are very stubborn and rude so the arm was put out because they just ignore you and do as they want anyway.


She tried to ignore me and push in front. I gently but firmly pushed her back and told her in a stronger voice to get to the back of the line.


She understood she was not going to get away with her rudeness and the cashier informed her she would not accept her groceries until she got to the back of the line so she angrily went to the back of the line.


The other Chinese females were happily impressed. Upon reflecting upon it later I realized that is exactly what Jesus would have done.


Please do not be politically correct and say the old female should have been allowed to get away with her arrogant rudeness. Jesus did not accept abhorrent behavior from anyone regardless of age or status and neither should a Christian.


Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Rabbi (God our teacher) for blessing me in the proper manner in how to deal with arrogant and rude men and women.


I give thanks for this gift in the name of he who did not tolerate rudeness Jesus Christ. Amen.


May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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Give It To Them Bluntly


The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven.

He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” Jesus then left them and went away.

Matthew 16:1-4 New International Version

The Pharisee’s and Sadducee’s when they confronted Jesus were just looking to pick a fight. Jesus gave it to them bluntly and then walked away.

That is what we are to do when confronted with those who get a perverted pleasure out of picking fights.

I do not try to reason with unreasonable people. I just tell it like it is and then walk away.

If you try to reason with them they will manipulate you into a stupid fight and laugh as they sickly watch you get all upset.

I speak from a lot of experience.

Many times I would try to use reason to no avail and get very frustrated and angry. Then the perpetrators act innocent and try to blame you saying it is all your fault.

They are truly the spawn of the devil and yes there is a special place in Hell just for them. (look up where Jesus says woe to trouble makers).

Now I politely but firmly tell them like it is and walk away.

They are the ones that look stupid and get angry while the bystanders laugh at them.

Prayer: Please Jehovah KalEl (the voice of God) bless me to be Your voice and convict the filthy wolves of their dirty little game and then provide me with the grace to leave in a dignified manner befitting of You.

I earnestly ask this in the name of he who gave it to His condemner’s right between the eyes when they attacked Him Jesus Christ. Amen

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


Why the Bible Thumpers Are Wrong.


Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 New International Version

I have seen and experienced many good intentioned but wrong minded Christians who try to shove their version of the Bible down people’s throats. As a result they do more to drive unbelievers away from Christ than guide them to Christ. Consequently you are serving Satan rather than serving Christ.


I know because that is exactly what happened to me with that Satanic cult Jehovah’s Witnesses and with some people who were recovered alcoholics and drug addicts that became born again Christians. Because of their in your face method they drove me away from reading the Bible, praying or having anything to do with Christianity for many years.

The way that I find to be most productive is to begin with living the Christian life. Then pray that Jehovah arranges for you to encounter someone who is open to receiving Christ’s message.

When they see how you live they will be curious and inquire about why you live a different lifestyle. That is the best opportunity to share the message.

Now of course this includes studying your Bible and carrying it with you every day so that you are prepared.


Prayer: Please Jehovah KalEl (voice of God ) teach me when and how to use the correct opportunities to share You with those who are ready to hear Your Word.

I sincerely ask this in the name of He who waited thirty years before beginning His ministry Jesus Christ. Amen


May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


Only If You Are.


You will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 4:29 New King James Version

Do you notice the important part in this equation?

It is IF.

Only if you seek a relationship with Jehovah will He bless you with one.

If you only come to Him with your problems and expect Him to be a magical genie and solve all your problems without you taking the imitative and obeying His guidance you are wasting your time. He will not listen.


If you think you can only spend and hour a week with Him in some building and foolishly believe you have a relationship with Him you are grossly mistaken.                           It is only when you spend time every day with Him, reading His word, praising Him, thanking Him and obeying His guidance when He wisely blesses you with it will you be blessed with developing a strong loving relationship with Him. The amazing thing is you will never completely know Him. He will surprise you from time to time with new revelations of Him.

My best time of the day is when I read His word and pray Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Thank you Jesus Pryyand (Jesus my best friend) for the amazing blessing of always enjoying the most amazing relationship there ever could be with You my best friend, with our beloved Father and with our beloved teacher, healer, comforter and strengthener the Holy Spirit. I exalt You in Your loving name. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


They Did It to Him To.


So Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?” Luke 17:17-18 New King James Version


Just think of the amazing blessing Jesus preformed in healing the lepers. They were ostracized from society yet with their cure they could go back to their family and friends.

Yet how many showed Him gratitude for His awesome blessings?

Only one.

So when you do something good for someone, do not be surprised if the majority do not thank you, they did it to Jesus as well.

Just be comforted in knowing that Jehovah knows what you did and you will be rewarded in Heaven for your graciousness.  It will be a jewel that is placed in your crown that Jesus will place upon your head in Heaven.


As well, give thanks for the opportunity to show kindness to others as Christ did for you with His sacrifice.


I personally just quietly praise the Lord for an opportunity to show His divine love through me, His humble servant. Then, there is no room for anger if I am slighted for the act of kindness I show others.


Prayer: Please Jehovah Chanan (God is gracious) remind me to thank you every day for the abundant blessings You graciously shower upon me. Please remind me my love that the ultimate purpose for sharing with others as You have shared with me is to bring You glory and heal the injury inflicted by the calloused ones that take the gifts for granted. I humbly beseech You in the name of He whose innumerous gifts were taken for granted when He walked amongst us Jesus Christ. Amen.                                                                                                          

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day


They Revile and Persecute You


“Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:11-12 New King James Version

I have encountered quite a few who become downright violent when they see my walk with Christ. They do so because it convicts them of their selfish lifestyle. It is very prevalent in todays society no matter what continent you live on.

You cannot be politically correct and Christ correct. Joseph- Anthony: Green.

So many people today want to stand on a pedestal and cry out that they are victims when in reality they are the instigators.

Look at how much society cries about men abusing women but try to talk with them about how much women victimize men.

One time there was a take back the night walk. I tired to join in with a sign that red let’s stop all abuse. The women screamed at me and tried to prevent me from joining. A policeman told me I could not join the march. I politely informed him that I had just as much right as the omen did. I was not warmly accepted.


This is just one incident.

Try to talk with people and explain that the theory of evolution is a lie or talk about homosexuality in a fair educated manner and see how you are greeted.

Try to explain to many Christians that yes there is a Hell and it is for eternity and see the type of reception you get.

“The farther society gets from the truth, the more they will punish those who speak it.” George Orwell


Prayer: Please Jehovah KalEl (voice of God) bless me to be a wise, graceful and humble voice of light in a cold dark world no matter how much the foolish hate it. I humbly request this in the name of He who spoke the truth no matter that it even drove those who opposed it to nail Him to a cross Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day

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He Conceives Trouble.


Behold, the wicked brings forth iniquity; Yes, he conceives trouble and brings forth falsehood. He made a pit and dug it out, And has fallen into the ditch which he made. Psalm 7:4-15 New King James Version

Behold: to observe; look at; see.  Mirriam- Webster Dictionary

iniquity: a wicked act or thing, gross injustice  Mirriam- Webster Dictionary

Many a times I have encountered scum that think they are so smart. They think they can pull a con job on me and I am stupid enough to fall for it.

To be quite honest, I am very gullible. Most times I am not even aware of what the real motives nor what the consequences are that the Slick Willies are planning for me.

However, you cannot pull a fast one on God. God plans an escape for me. Joseph- Anthony: Green

In the end the wicked end up being burned by their own wickedness and I escape the fiery wickedness they had planned on me. They have fallen into their own traps. The wicked end up enraged and deeply shamed.


Then those around, whom they bragged to laugh at them or in many cases are enraged at me.


Do you know why?

Because they see and know they cannot pull that wickedness on me.

Do you think they will learn?

From my experience, no, they just look for easier prey.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Yeshua (God our rescuer) for blessing me with Your wise protection from the wicked fools who dare attempt to arrogantly abuse one of Your cherished children. I pray that the wicked learn from Your protection of Your children and  repent and come into Your divine family.I praise You in the name of He who refused to fall for any of the evil ones schemes in the desert Jesus Christ. Amen.                                                                                                           

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day.