
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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Will Find It.

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And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it. Matthew 10:38-39 New King James Version

How many for eons have folks wondered the meaning of life?

They foolishly waste their time amassing material wealth.

Those with the most toys when they die are not the happiest nor the riches, they are the saddest and poorest in spirit., Joseph- Anthony: Green

Chasing after satanic religions like buddihism or new agers still leaves them with a empty feeling and purpose.

There is only one way to enlightenment and that is through the Holy Spirit. All else is satan disguised as light as he leads you down to an eternal Hell. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Some try to maintain a super fit body all of their lives, sorry but you will be in for quite the shock on your death bed when you realize it was all for naught. We all die and then go to our eternal rewards’. That is not to say we should not take proper care of our bodies, just do not worship them.

Some find it in raising a family. Oh the deep sadness when their children grow up and they are left with an empty nest and an empty heart, especially if they distance themselves from you which is all too common today. There is nothing wrong with enjoying having a Christian family but those who worship their children and grand children are raising selfish, self centered child which grow into selfish, self centered adults. The only time they call mommy or daddy or grandma or grandpa is when they want money. They do not appreciate it and give nothing in return. They never call, come to visit or help. They are waiting for them to die so they can get their inheritance and spend it foolishly.  I unfortunately see all too often as seniors live a daily hell of loneliness and deep sadness in isolation. This is a shame upon the children and a disgrace.

Others worship their careers. It is all for naught. They will lose it when their career is out dated, which happens all too common today. In many instances people are replaced by robots. How about when you retire, then what are you going to do with your life if it has been centered on your career?

But when we become free willing servant to Christ our King we will find the true meaning of their lives when Jehovah blesses us with revealing it to them. It will not be easy the following path Jehovah has chosen for you but well worth it in our daily lives and in our eternal ones.

Following Christ is not easy but the rewards are Heavenly. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-Rohi – Shepherd for being such a patient and wise Shepherd to this at times obstinate little , sheep. Please bless all who place their faith in You with guiding them to the lives You have purposed for them before they were even born. I exalt You and humble beseech You in the name of the greatest shepherd Jesus Christ. Amen.

May Jehovah bless you today and every day with His precious love, joy and peace.

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You Healed Me.


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O Lord my God, I cried out to You, And You healed me. Psalm 30:2 New King James Version

It was in my hard times that Jehovah accomplished His greatest work in my life. Joseph- Anthony: Green

At one time there were undesirable traits in me that Jehovah needed to expel from my being before He could use me. They were the most agonizing and difficult times in my life yet I praise Him for them. That may sound crazy but it is true.

Take spitefulness for example. If you crossed me I could be the most evil and cruel soul you have ever encountered. Folks would literally get on their knees and beg me to stop. These needed to be burned away from me before Jehovah could use me which He did. He arranged for some agitators to continuously torment me. I wanted revenge but He told me to stand there and take it. It was more than I could handle so I cried out to Him to bless me with the strength to with stand these attacks which He abundantly did. Through these awful times He taught me to depend upon Him for strength.

The flip side of the coin was when Jehovah extracted His vengeance upon my tormentors which He arranged for me to witness. When His justice was preformed in my site a small quiet voice said to me:” Seek not revenge but leave vengeance in the hands of the Lord for He knows how to perform true justice.” When I saw the Lords vengeance I was terrified of it. Through this process I learned to depend upon Jehovah for strength and for His divine justice to be executed (yes it is okay for Christians to call upon the Lord for justice to be done unto those who have wronged us).

This is but one example of how He burned off the dross of stubbornness, independence, and spitefulness in my life. Burning off the dross is what they do to metal to make it pure. It is put through a furnace and the useless stuff is melted away to leave a pure metal.

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Leo Tolstoy

Jehovah puts us all through the furnace of afflictions to burn off our undesirable qualities to make us pure in His eyes. That does not mean we are perfect. It means our hearts bodies and minds belong to Him and Him alone. Through this process He healed me of a lot deep hurt and anger that was in my life.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. Anonymous

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-M’Kaddesh (The Lord is my Sanctifier) for blessing me with crucifying anything that was worshiped above You in my life and for the blessing of burning off of the dross of all things that impeded my growth into the holy child You have intended for me to be. I exalt You in the name of Your most holy son Jesus Christ. Amen.

May you be blessed in abundance with Jehovahs Devine love, peace and joy today and every day.



I will Behave Wisely.

I will behave wisely. Psalm 101:2 New King James Version

wisdom: knowledge that is gained by having many experiences in life, knowledge of what is proper or reasonable: good sense or judgment. Merriam Webster Dictionary

It says in the Bible that one of the signs of pre-tribulation is that knowledge will increase but wisdom will decrease. I believe that we are seeing that all over the world today.

Now how is a Christian to attain Godly wisdom? The first step is to begin with prayer. We should pray every day for Jehovah to bless us with wisdom. Then we wait. Just because we pray for something does not mean Jehovah will bless us with it immediately.

When the time is right Jehovah will bless you with the wisdom me need. It may come from daily Bible reading (which is as important to a Christian as daily prayer which is more important than the breath in our lungs), it may come from a wise Christian mentor either in our fellowship or from listening to on line sermons like on (my preference is Charles Spurgeon or Allister Begg) or from reading or listening to them on line Christian books ( I like to go to, and


If you need Christian counseling may I suggest you go to Focus on the Family (in Canada and the United States).

Can you think of any place else you can attain wisdom?

Now sometimes the wisdom shared will be hard for you to swallow. Again take it to Jehovah in prayer and He will bless you with the strength to obey the wisdom shared with you. Following this course in your life will prevent a lot of grief, suffering and hardship.

Jehovah is not only the best councilor you need in every aspect of your life, He is the only one you need. Joseph- Anthony: Green

You do not need a physiatrist who spews politically correct rubbish or pumps you full of drugs, nor to listen to some quack on TV. I have seen too many follow this course and end up far worse than before they began “treatment”.


All you need in every aspect of your life is the never ending wisdom Jehovah longs to abundantly share with you.

Wisdom is having knowledge and putting that knowledge into action. Knowledge comes from experience. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Please bless me Jehovah-Tsidkenu (The Lord is Righteousness) with Your Divine wisdom to always seek and obey Your wise guidance in every aspect of my life. I humbly request this in the name of Your most obedient Son         Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sweet sunshine of Jesus’ beautiful love bless you today and every day.


It is Difficult.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28 New King James Version

Have you ever done long distance running?

After a run many times your body aches with sore muscles being strained. It is difficult.   But the more you run the more your body becomes accustomed to the exercise. When you first start out you can barely run a hundred yards. After a month you may be able to run a mile.

It is the same with the Christian walk. At first it is difficult to do your daily Bible reading, saying prayer and metamorphosing slowly in Jehovahs child. It is difficult. But the more you practice it the more it becomes habit.

Have you ever tried to lose weight?

Many times it means making sacrifices like changing your diet. You have to give up junk food you love for nutritious food that promotes good health. It is difficult.

It is the same with metamorphosing into a Christian lifestyle. You have to give up many destructive habits and slowly cement Christian morals into every fiber of your being. It is difficult. For me it was the most painful and difficult process I have ever experienced. In the end I praise Jehovah every day for blessing me with burning off the dross and purifying me (that does not mean I am perfect it just means that many of my destructive habit were destroyed, like stubbornness, by the Holy Spirit).

Have you ever learned something and was sure what the teacher was teaching was wrong? You are sure it will not work or that your way is better. Only when you trusted and obeyed him that you discover he or she was right all along? It is difficult. It is the same way with the Holy Spirit in His guidance to you. So many times it does not make sense or seems doomed to failure. Only when you but your faith (trust) in Him do you discover He was right all along. It is difficult.


Being a Christian is not easy, if it was anybody could do it. We would not need Christs help. It is a lifetime of being put on the potters wheel. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Many times it is difficult to obey Jehovah and to trust in His Divine guidance but when we are faithful and obedient unto Him and we are at the other end of the furnace we rejoice in the good He has blessed us with because it was for our own good.

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Leo Tolstoy                            

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah-Bara (The Lord Creator) for blessing me with burning off the dross and putting me on Your Divine potters wheel to transform me into the child You long for me to be. Thank you for Your wise guidance in my life that has prevented many tragedies and completed many amazing feats to Your glory. I exalt You in the name of He who completed awesome feats when He walked amongst us Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sweet sunshine of Jesus’ beautiful love bless you today and every day.


We Have Been Sanctified

We have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Hebrews 10-10 New King James Version         

Sanctified: to set apart to a sacred purpose or to religious use. Merriam- Webster Dictionary

When we accept Christ’s sacrifice of His precious blood to gain entry into Jehovahs Kingdom we become sanctified.

This means we walk away from all worldly desires such as self centeredness, selfishness, arrogance, and disrespect to name a few and dedicate ourselves to being servants of our Heavenly King Jesus Christ.

You were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 New King James Version


Yes we are Christ’s servants and yes He has a specific career for each of us.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand. Ephesians 2:10 New King James Version

So before you accept Christ as your Savior you had better weigh the consequences of it.

It will mean sacrifices which are very difficult. It means you may have to walk away from family and friends (Yes most of your most strongest opposition will come from your family and friends). It may mean the sacrifice of your lifestyle. You may be called to move to another area and even another country.

Your sole devotion is to be unto our Heavenly King. He is to be above everything and everyone else.

For me it meant sacrificing relationships that I was extremely close with. We still have a close relationship but it was difficult for all involved to come to terms that Jesus came first in my life.

And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him. Luke 14:7-29 New King James Version

If you take up the offer but then realize the price is too high and decide to drop out of Christ’s kingdom you will be laughed at for sure.

There is no such thing as accepting Christ’s offer without sacrifice on your behalf.

Those who are misguided believe falsely that once they accept Jesus they just sit back and do nothing  and wait for Him to take them to Heaven are in for a very shocking revelation come Judgment Day.

Prayer: Thank youJehovah Ezer (The LORD our Helper) for blessing me with Your Divine help and strength to be an obedient child of Yours when it was difficult to do so. I praise You in the name of He who preformed the most difficult taks on the cross for my sake Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sweet sunshine of Jesus’ beautiful love bless you today and every day.

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In the Inner Man.


That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man. Ephesians 3:16 New King James Version


Do you see the important phrase in this verse?                                                                                                

It is:  In the Inner Man.

The inner man of course is speaking about our spirit. Therefore the riches referred to would naturally be spiritual not physical.

Our physical strength only takes us so far but when we have a strong righteous spirit it will carry us through extreme trials and tribulations, sorrow and snares.

Therefore it is of the importance to strengthen our inner man.

The only way to accomplish this is through daily Bible reading, praying and developing a strong loving relationship with Jehovah. He will gladly strengthen all of His beloved children for the difficult and dangerous tasks that lay before us.

Prayer: Please Jehovah-Chatsahi (The Lord is my Strength) bless me with strengthening my spirit to be the child You desire me to be so I can prosper spiritually through the trials and tribulations, sorrows and snares that come my way. I humbly request this in the name of the strongest spiritual man ever Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.  

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Meditate Upon It Day and Night.


This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Joshua 1:8 New King James Version                                                                                                                      

Just as we need food in our body it keep us healthy so too do we need to meditate upon the Bible every day to grow spiritually stronger every day.                                 

Why not take a little Bible in your purse or knapsack and read it on the bus in the morning and evening to and from work (unless you are ashamed of reading the Bible in public)? Why not read it during lunch at work?                                          

Instead of wasting time watching that filth on the idiot box (TV) why not enjoy reading Christian litature?                                                                                             

A good place I like to go to is for a wide selection of free EBooks to enjoy.                                                                                                                                        

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah KalEl (voice of God) for the abundant resources to daily receive Your life giving spiritual bread. Please accept my deep gratitude in the name of He who daily fed His disciples Jesus Christ. Amen.                                                                                                                               

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.  

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It Will Go to the Lowest.



So she said, “I will surely go with you; nevertheless there will be no glory for you in the journey you are taking, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.” Judges 4:9 New King James Version                                                                                                                   

Just as it seems as if women are treated as the lowest in islam today so too were women treated in ancient Israel.                                                                                                        

When Barak refused to trust in the Lord and instead trusted more in His messenger the honour of defeating the enemy went to one who was considered the lowest in that society.                                                                                                  

So too it is with us today.                                                                                                    

When we receive word from say a preacher inspired by Jehovah and depend upon the preacher more than the Lord, He will accomplish what He promised to do , however, do not be surprised when the glory goes to someone who is considered lowly in your circle.                  


Let us say that the Lord is moving you to help with a relief effort for a church that was hit by a natural disaster and you will not do it without the preachers help instead of having faith in the Lord to give you the wisdom and tools to succeed.

Then during the campaign a small poor immigrant child who can barely speak English is the one who inspires people to offer help and gets the glory why should you be surprised if the glory goes to one who had the faith and took the action the Lord wanted to inspire you to do?    


Prayer: Please Jehovah Rabbi (Jehovah our Teacher) please bless me to always be attentive to Your voice in my life. I sincerely request this in the name of the Sheppard who called me into His special flock Jesus Christ. Amen.                                                                                 

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.   


It Is Your Freedom That Will Enslave You.


For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.  For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2 New King James Version

Salvation is free but discipleship will cost you your life. Detrick Bonheoffer

Salvation is indeed free. It is only by Christ’s sacrifice that we are saved. It cost us nothing. Once saved however, we are called to a life of service.

In the New Testament time there were what was called bondservants. These were free people who had no means to support themselves and so went to work for rich people.

So too it is with us.

We are free to choose to either accept Christ as out king and thereby become bondservants our to reject Him or remain slaves to Satan.

Before salvation we are Satan’s slaves. His reward is a life of enslavement to sin, worry and anger. Our ultimate reward is an eternal damnation in Hell.

Just as a bondservant could leave his master to serve another the same is true of us.

When we become Christians we leave Satan as our master and accept Christ as our Master. As such, we are called to serve others and thereby serve Him. Our reward is a beautiful loving relationship with Christ and His family. This also gives us the wonderful experience of love, joy and peace. Our ultimate reward is a place in Heaven with fellow Christians to a life of peace, joy and fulfillment.

Who is your master?

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah El Heenu (The Lord is our God) for the most precious privilege of being a bondservant in Your magnificent kingdom. Please provide me with the opportunity to bring others into Your wonderful kingdom and know their places in it. I joyously give thanks and ask in the name of the king of kings, my beloved regal Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


The Preacher Must Be Taught.


“For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge, And people should seek the law from his mouth; For he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts. Malachi 2:7 New King James Version

Before giving any sermon or lesson in group study the preacher (that is another name for teacher) must be taught the meaning of the Scripture that is being reviewed and how to guide his sheep into putting the application of it into their daily lives. This is something that must be repeated lesson by lesson.

For me if the Holy Spirit does not open my eyes to what is to be learned for my personal life or to share with others in my writing I find it impossible to write two words in an article.

Now this is not the sole domain of preachers.

It is the same method that is to be applied in daily meditation of scripture of the individual.


Prayer: Please Jehovah KalEl (voice of God) guide me in Your divine wisdom so as to enlighten Your cherished children when leading in sermons, Bible study groups or when guiding others to You. I sincerely request this in the name of the greatest teacher Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.