
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


Oh Jehovah Shalom

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Prayer: Oh Jehovah Shalom (The Lord blesses with Peace Isaiah 9:6, Rom 8:31-35 ) I thank you so much that I can always come to you with whatever is upsetting me. Every time You calm me down with Your gentle loving Divine peace and then softly speak to me and help relieve the stress I am experiencing.

Then You wisely explain the answer to all my questions and stressful situations. I am grateful that You have taught me to always come to You before I take any action.

I praise You in the name of the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ. Amen

Those who pray first, wait for the Lords answer and then be obedient unto His instruction have a lot less stress in their lives. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ 2020 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

May the LORD, calm your anxious heart and the urgent demand for quick results. May He help you to wait on Him, trusting that His timing is perfect.” Joseph a son of Jehovah

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I Know You See The

The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. (Exodus 3:7)

Please Jesus YAHWEH Ropheka ( God our healer Jeremiah 30:17 ) I know you see the suffering of Your children. You hear the cries of Your people. You listened to the Israelites in Egypt and saw their pain. Then You had compassion on them and delivered them from bondage. Lord, Sheppard, please hear the pitiful bleating of Your flock.

Please have compassion and concern for Your loved ones who are sick and in pain. Please smash the debilitating chains of suffering that imprison them. We will all sing joyous songs of hallelujah give you the glory for all the earth to hear.

It is Thy merciful name I humbly make this petition. Amen

May you be blessed with Christ gentle healing touch today. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ 2020 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.


Boy is That Ever True.

 â€śThere will always be temptations to sin, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting!” Luke 17:1 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

There was a TV show back in the day that when someone did something bad the main character would always say: “ God will get you for that.”

Boy is that ever true.

Many decades have past since I was a gullible teen (and I thank Jehovah He protected me from the scam artists).

Those that tried to tempt me into doing drugs, having premarital sex, getting drunk all the time just to mention a few are complete and total wrecks. Their bodies are shot, their minds are shot. They live in horrible abject poverty. In their time they lived the high life, many admired them and followed them. They are not so cool now.

You can do as you like with your body but you will also pay the price for it. Joseph a son of Jehovah

I tremble at what so many school teachers, homosexuals and others are going to get when they preach their lies to impressionable children.

Prayer: Thank you Holy Spirit Tsuri (Psalms 19:14 O LORD My Strength ) for blessing me with the strength to resist temptation. Yes the apple looks enticing when it is presented but it is really a deadly poison which destroys, mind, body and spirit when indulged in. I praise You in the name of He who resisted the devil when He was at His weakest, Jesus Christ. AMEN

May Christ bless you with love, joy and peace today and every day. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ 2020 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

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Is a Daily Requirement

In For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7 Holy Bible New Living Translation

This is not a one off experience but is a daily requirement in our walk with Christ.

Every day we are going to experience a time when we need the Holy Spirits power to conquer fear and speak up when we encounter something that is wrong.

Ask the Lord to guide you to resources to help you in your battle.

So for example research homosexuality and find out all the destructive behaviors that accompany it like syphilis and gonorrhea. How about how there is a lot of depression and anger that is a part of their attitude as well. Learn the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Covenant of Social, Economic and Cultural Rights and keep them with you. You have rights to speak up just like they have.

Then there is self discipline. Not just to resist temptation like pigging out on unhealthy foods but for discipline to resist losing your temper when the wicked ones are taunting you.

Yes, there is love. Love is not a feel good emotion but an action to get in there and get dirty to help someone.

So say a family member or friend is constantly borrowing money from you and not repaying it. This gives them a habit of dependence on you instead of maturing and taking financial responsibility for their own actions. Be loving and help them learn to handle their own money without using yours. If they refuse then let them suffer. That may help them as well (although with some folks they just cannot handle money, that does not give them the right to free load off of you though).

We need the daily portions of the Holy Spirits love, self discipline and power to succeed in our daily spiritual battle. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Mauzzam (Psalms 37:39 The LORD Their Strength) for blessing me with the strength to maintain self control when the devil and his wicked buddies are attacking me. Thank you for blessing me with the strength to say no to abusers and scammers. Thank you for blessing me with the strength to stand up for Your truth when those walking in darkness are spewing their toxic lies to the gullible. I praise You in the ultimate super man Jesus Christ. Amen

May you be blessed with peace and joy every day. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Article and photo @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2020

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Could These Be


Could these be the signs: When it says in the book of Revelation that we can not see the sun, could this be a reference to the fact that in many cities you can not see the sun because of pollution?

When it says stars will fall from the sky, could that be in reference to satellites falling from the sky?

When it talks about starvation, isn’t there more starvation occurring now then any other time in history?

When it talks about fish disappearing in the oceans, do we not have massive depletion of fish now? In deed who would have thought of sharks as endangered?

When it talks about a certain number of animal species disappearing how many animals are on the endangered list? Who would have thought of the polar bear being on a threatened list?

When it talks about men being lovers of men, do we not have more self centeredness now than at any other time in history (where people only care about themselves)? Is homosexuality not emerging as normal and accepted, even though it is filth that destroys body, soul and spirit (i.e. how come sexual diseases are more rampant in the homosexual community than any other? Why do so many homosexuals need psychiatric counseling because of depression and anger management?)

When it talks about fire coming from the sky and consuming man and beast alike, could they be talking about the super volcanoes?

When it talks about land becoming desert, could it be talking about deforestation?

When it talks about having the number on their hands and head, could they be talking about one world currency with chips implanted in the body like is some northern European nations today? Is that not happening now where countries are talking about having standard for world currency?

When they talk about how people beg to die but cannot not, could they be talking about terminally ill people or old people left in seniors homes alone and unloved that want to die, but doctors keep them alive, maybe to make money off them with their drugs?

Are they not developing micro chips that are very tiny and can easily be inserted into our bodies?

So, what do you think?

Do you believe we are in the end times?

The time is near, which side of the rapture are you going to be on? Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank You Jehovah Shammah (Ezekiel 48:35) – The LORD Is There that even though the clock is quickly ticking towards the final battle I know that You are right here with me, reassuring me that Your hand is guiding me to the rapture so as to evade the terrible punishment that is coming fast to those that live in this wicked worlds system. I pray for the opportunity to guide as many as possible in this system to Your Divine system which leads to eternal life in Heaven instead of Hell. I praise You and humbly request this in the name of my mighty conquering, victorious King Jesus Christ. Amen

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love fill your heart today and every day. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2020


Which Disease do You Have?


Do you have any of these?

Complaining is infectious

Complaining is infectious, contagious. Have you ever been around a negative Nellie? All she does is complain. Either it is too hot or too cold. We need rain or it is raining out. She can take the sails out of your cherry day in five minutes. Complaining changes your attitude. You become a very negative person. Usually it is manipulative theft. They complain about things in their life to get you to have pity on them. This gives them affection while they give you nothing in return.

I politely try to have a positive attitude with them. If they refuse to change their attitude I strongly but politely inform them their attitude is not welcome and if all they want to do is be negative go whine to someone else. Either their attitude changes or they avoid me.

Either way, problem solved.

Nagging is destructive

Nagging is destructive to relationships. If anything you do is never good enough you reach the point of not trying. Usually I just step back and ask them to show me a better way. Most times they shut up and leave me alone. They would rather nag than help reach a constructive solution. How many children have given up because of a nagging parent?

As a teacher I see it a lot. I always try to be positive and encouraging with far superior results

Doubting is destructive

Doubting is destructive not only to you but to everyone around you. How many times has a great plan everyone is hyped up to start crash and burn because one doubting Dave destroys it with his negativity.

How many times I have experienced people tell me if I tried something it would fail. People told me I would fail when I tried tree planting. After thirteen years I planted over a million trees all across Canada.

When I informed people I was going to bicycle from Canada to Mexico everybody laughed and told me I would fail. It took me three months to complete the trip. The list goes on and on

If you feel Jehovah is guiding you to do something do not listen to the doubting Daves. Go for it believing He will always provide you with the tools to succeed.

Wandering is humbling

Wandering is humbling because you usually take small baby steps away from the path Jesus has chosen for you to take in your service to Him. One day it will be like a exploding flash of lightening just how far you have wandered. The devil will laugh and tell you Jesus is angry with you and does not love you anymore. Do not believe that filthy liar. Jesus loves you and anxiously waits for you to return to Him. Such incredible love is very humbling.

Prayer: Oh wonderful Abba please do not allow me to spread infectious diseases, but rather I humbly give my life to you to guide to accomplish Your mission for my life. In Jesus’ wonderful name I ask Amen

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.