
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


Be Patient With Him.


“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 New International Version

My computer kept on shutting down.

It was taken to a computer repair store and they informed me that because there was a corrupt file I would need a new hard drive and new Microsoft installed.

I looked up the prices in Hong Kong (because I do not trust the rubbish in China) and it would have been almost as expensive as to buy a new one.

I prayed to Jehovah to find some inexpensive way to repair it.

Finally it shut down completely.

Resigned to buy new hard drive and Microsoft in China the computer was taken to a computer mall.


The Lord moved me to go a different route than I normally take and go into a different computer mall. There was a booth selling the brand of computer I have. The salesman was asked to look at the computer. He informed me that it did not require a new hard drive but a new computer chip that cost one tenth the price.

Now the computer is working as good as new and none of the programs were lost.

I prayed for over a month before He answered my prayer.

Jehovah answers our prayers in His time not ours, in His way not ours.

Prayer: Please Jehovah ElShaddai (God who is sufficient for the needs of His people)  bless me with patience and faith that You always provide for all my needs in Your time and in Your way.

I meekly request this in the name of He who waited over thirty years before You blessed Him with His gift of ministry Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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My Double Blessing.


For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10 New International Version


Every day I pray that Jesus molds me to be more like Him.


One day I wanted to go to the library to work on my writing. (it is very hot and the library has air-conditioning. As well they are doing construction where I live and it is very noisy).


There was a strong feeling to go grocery shopping instead.


When at the supermarket there was a one day sale where many of the items needed were half price.


While waiting in line an elderly Chinese female tried to queue jump in front of me.


I firmly but politely informed her to go to the back of the line as I stretched out my arm to prevent her from jumping in front of me.


Chinese are very stubborn and rude so the arm was put out because they just ignore you and do as they want anyway.


She tried to ignore me and push in front. I gently but firmly pushed her back and told her in a stronger voice to get to the back of the line.


She understood she was not going to get away with her rudeness and the cashier informed her she would not accept her groceries until she got to the back of the line so she angrily went to the back of the line.


The other Chinese females were happily impressed. Upon reflecting upon it later I realized that is exactly what Jesus would have done.


Please do not be politically correct and say the old female should have been allowed to get away with her arrogant rudeness. Jesus did not accept abhorrent behavior from anyone regardless of age or status and neither should a Christian.


Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Rabbi (God our teacher) for blessing me in the proper manner in how to deal with arrogant and rude men and women.


I give thanks for this gift in the name of he who did not tolerate rudeness Jesus Christ. Amen.


May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


A Time for Every Purpose.


To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 New King James Version

We must go on Jehovahs time not our own.

The quickest way to disaster is to go on my time and not Gods. Joseph- Anthony: Green

When I first became a Christian I wanted to go out and share the message with everyone, even though I was not mature enough to do it. As a consequence I failed miserably.

It took my King another eight years of preparing me before He assigned to me the task he had prepared for me to do in service unto Him. Then when I did receive His commission I did not want to go.

It is the same in every aspect of life. We must wait for His timing not our own.

This applies to waiting for marriages (think of how many divorces there are because folks got married before they were mature enough or until the right mate came along).

The same could be said for having children. How much less child abuse would there be if unsuitable parents never had children or waited until they were mature enough to handle being a parent?


You name it and we must wait for the appropriate season in our lives whether it be a career or service unto our Master.

Following the Masters leading detours us around a lot of pit falls. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Please Jehovah Jireh (God our provider) bless me with patience and strength to wait upon You time in Your way to provide for me the blessings You desire. I humbly pray in the name of He who waited centuries before He provided salvation for us on the cross Jesus Christ. Amen.                                                                                    

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day


Until An Opportune Time.


Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time. Luke 4:13 New King James Version


This is something for every addict to remember.

Do not believe for a second that if you have recovered from an addiction like alcoholism that temptation will never rear its ugly head again.

The devil will wait until an opportune time to strike you so as to defeat you.


That is why it is important to have Christian mentors and support at all times.

“Compassion will cure more sins than condemnation.” Henry Ward Beecher


That is why it is important to memorize Scripture Verses to throw at him when He tempts you.


That is why it is important for you to maintain a constant relationship with Christ so the Holy Spirit will be there to help you overcome the temptation when it comes (and it will).

Christians who try to stand alone are doomed to fall. Joseph- Anthony: Green


I have used this method very successfully for many years with overcoming alcoholism.


Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Yeshua (God my rescuer) for blessing me with the Divine protection You abundantly provide through Your Word, Your Spirit Helper and the mentors You so graciously provide to rescue me from the wicked ones wiles. I praise You in the name of the mighty warrior king who victoriously defeated him on the cross Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day.