
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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The Canadian Way with God.


But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield. Psalm 5:10-12 New International Version


Canadians, for the most part, are very laid back and relaxed in our relationships.

I was reflecting on how I present my prayer requests to Jehovah Abba.

It is in a very relaxed and casual way.

Now that also means being respectful of course.

When He blesses me with my request again, I casually, but respectfully thank Him.


Think of it like this: you have a loving dad or mom.

You need a bike to go to school or work.

Do you try to con them with many words and fake humility or do you ask them with confidence they will help you out?

When they lovingly grant our request and if possible, get us the best bike there is, do we fall down and kiss their feet or do we give them a huge hug and kiss and say thank you from the deepest part of our heart?


Which do you think is more pleasing to God?

Then should it not be much more so with our beloved Father in Heaven than with our earthly parents?

How is your prayer life?

Is it rigid and as loving as a plank board?

The Lord says:” These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught. Isaiah 29:13 New International Version

Or, is it as casual, yet respectful as a loving son or daughter?

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah ElHeehu (the Lord our God) that even though there is no even equal to You much less surpass You, You are still so easily accessible and easy to have a fantastic loving relationship with. In deep appreciation I praise You form the bottle of my joy filled heart. I give humble thanks in the name of He who was so laid back and easy going with His disciples when He walked amongst them Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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The Concealers Will Not Prosper.


Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper Proverbs 28:13 New International Version


Now you can look at the majority of the wealthy today and say this is not true.

Look at them, they live in mansions, have personal jets, have sexual orgies, wear the best clothes, how is it that they prosper while being thieves?

You are looking through the wrong window.

How many of them are as phony as a three dollar bill.

How many of them have true friends, compared to friends of convenience (as long as you are rich I will be your friend, but the minute you need help not only will I not help you and will desert you, I will laugh at you)?


How many of them enjoy loving relationships?

How many of them have to have affairs and are involved in drugs to fill the void of no loving relationships and to kill their consciences of their thievery?

And of course, they are promised their ultimate reward of Hell.

Read Peter’s Apocalypse to see their ultimate reward.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah El Elyon (God the most high) for instilling in me a repentant (repent means you apologize and stop doing whatever you were doing) heart when, in a moment of weakness, I submit to sin and You are quick to forgive. I thank you that You justly will punish the wicked, if not in this time and place than in an eternal one. I thank you in the name of He who is the uncorrubtable judge Jesus Christ. Amen.


May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


This is the Only Way.


The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. Psalms 103:8 New International Version

Think of earthly families okay.

Whether you like to admit it or not, we do inherit undesirable traits from our parents like alcoholism, short temperedness, and of course stubbornness.

Now, the more we submit to Christ, the more we become like Christ.

This is how someone who was cold hearted becomes compassionate, more patient and loving.

This is the only way to conquer our undesirable personality trait.

I used to be very spiteful and hold a grudge for a long time.

Now, when someone wrongs me, I sincerely take it to Jesus and leave it there.

As a consequence my life is filled with more peace and joy.

Only Christ can conquer our undesirable traits.

Then why does He give them to us in the first place you may ask?

It is because we see it is only by His grace and love that these undesirables are conquered and that leads us to exuberant joyful praise to Him. And of course this oozes out of our daily life.

This is, by the way, why it is my personal opinion, psychiatry miserably fails miserably. Their limited reasoning and dope pushing (prescribing drugs like candy) does not and cannot solve the problem.

IMPORATANT There are cases where drugs are necessary like if you have schizophrenia or some other serious mental disability you will have to take medication for the rest of your life. I have seen too many who thought they were better and stopped taking their medication that led to disastrous results.  I see those who stay on their medication lead productive lives and when participating in Christian Bible studies become very calm, joyful and peaceful

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Ropeka (God our healer)  for freeing me from the destructive chains of __________ (name any addictions or destructive behavior traits you had that Jehovah has freed you from). I thank you in the name of He whose power cast out the demons in so many when he walked amongst us Jesus Christ. Amen.


.   Editors note: it was only when I admitted to Jehovah that the demons of alcoholism were to strong for me to conquer and please rescue me that those horrible chains were smashed and it has been many years since I have touched a drink

Prayer: Please Jehovah Ropeka (God our healer)  release me from the prison of ________ (write down your any destructive addictions or behavior traits you need to be freed from). I in deepest need request this in the name of He who has promised to set all the prisoners free Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.

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Are You a Hand Sitter?

double beautiful water lilies

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead James 2:17 New International Version

Unfortunately too many Christians mistakenly believe that once they accept Christ as their Savior all they have to do is sit on their hands and wait for Him to carry them to Heaven.

Nothing is further from the truth.

We are created and commanded to do good works.

So my question to you is: are you a hand sitter?

Christians are called to take action, not be spectators. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Another mistake too many Christian have is believing in the hit and miss technique.

That is where they believe they will just go out and do good works until they find the place where they believe God wants them to be.

That is saying that they do not depend upon God to lead them to where He wants them to be.


This causes a lot of wasted time and is arrogant. It is saying that you are depending upon your own wisdom instead of being depend upon and obedient to Gods guidance in your life.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast.  For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10 New International Version

Have thy tools ready, God will provide the work. Charels Kingsley

Prayer: Please Jehovah Rohi (God our Shepard) guide me to the time and place You have wisely predetermined to serve You in the manner You have so graciously prepared for me your humble obedient child. I beseech You in the name of Your most obedient child who obeyed Your calling in His life all the way to the cross Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


You Had Better Take Them Seriously.


Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron. “This time I have sinned,” he said to them. “The Lord is in the right, and I and my people are in the wrong.  Pray to the Lord, for we have had enough thunder and hail. I will let you go; you don’t have to stay any longer. Exodus 9:27-28” New International Version

After Jehovah sent destructive hail that wiped out Egypt’s crops Pharaoh informed Moses he would allow the Israelites to go free. Later he took back his word and treated the people even worse. As a result God punished the Egyptians even more.

So too it is with us.

When we make a promise to Jehovah, woe be unto us if we do not fulfill it. He will punish us.  We had better take our vows seriously (That includes marriage vows by the way. We not only give them to our husband or wife, we give them to God).

If Jehovah convicts us on something we have said or done wrong and we ignore Him, He will punish us.  We had better take His conviction very seriously.

You cannot con God. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Please Jesus Pryyand (Jesus my friend) sanctify me that I take time to consider the significance of my vows and be true to them so as to honour You. I beseech You in Your name who has always been faithful in Your vows to me. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


The Best Relationship Advice


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding Proverbs 3:5 New King James Version

God knows not only you but the other person as well. There are many things in the other person that you do not see but He does. So therefore it is best to always trust Him in any and all relationships.   It will prevent a lot of heartache, frustration and suffering later on in your life.


That guy may be a smooth talker but in reality is an abusive jerk. Man have I ever met a lot of them.   Personally I have found those who like to dress in luxuriant styles are snakes in the grass.


That woman may appear to be sweet and innocent but in reality she is manipulative, domineering and a self centered emotional thief. They will suck the life out of you quicker that a vacuum cleaner.


That person may seem goofy because they are shy but when you talk with them you discover they are very wise. Many of the wisest men and women I have had the privilege to become friends with I at first thought they were are brite as a burnt out light bulb but were very intelligent,caring, respectful, loving and wise.

That person may seem like a snob but in reality is just a loner (just because we are loners does not mean we have mental problems either). I am a loner yet most people consider me very deep, caring and supportive once they get to know me.

Prayer: Please Jesus Rohi (God our Sheppard) guide me towards those who are loving, caring and respectful and away from the life suckers (those who suck the life out of you). I sincerely ask this in the name of He who was open to the loving ones and closed to the lurking wolves Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


He Will Vindicate You.



He is near who justifies Me; Who will contend with Me? Let us stand together. Who is My adversary? Let him come near Me.  Surely the Lord God will help Me; Who is he who will condemn Me? Indeed they will all grow old like a garment; The moth will eat them up. Isaiah 50: 8:9 New King James Version

Whenever anyone challenges you whether it be from family, friends, coworkers, or people on the street as to what makes you think you have your calling that is the time to pray and depend upon God to vindicate you.


For me He has shown verses in the Bible and their meaning to me. They are written down and carried with me so that when challenged they are brought out and used in my defense.

Now one of two things will happen.

One: people will be open to what is being said and you will enjoy a good opportunity to witness.

Two: the people are not interested in what you have to say, they are more interested in being judgmental and condemning and will refuse to listen. They will walk away in a huff.  They will stay away from me which means there is less strife and anxiety in my life.


These are the only two responses I get.

How about you? Is there any way you successfully handle these situations in a Christ like manner?

Prayer: Please Jehovah KalEl (voice of God) bless me with the wisdom, grace and meekness to present the case of Your holy existence to any and all who are receptive to Your word and to be respectful to those who are unwilling to accept it. I respectfully ask this in the name of He who gave us the best example to follow Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day


One of His Tools.


The enemy shall not outwit him, Nor the son of wickedness afflict him. Psalm 89:22 New King James Version


One of satans tools to distract you from your time with Jehovah is to use men and women to try to distract you. They may try to talk with you or play loud music or any other thing.

It may be innocent or it may be intentionally vindictive.

This used to drive me crazy until Jehovah blessed me with the cure.

When that occurs I just close my eyes and ask Jehovah to bless me with the peace and strength to continue on while ignoring the distraction. Soon it just fades away. Then I joyfully thank Jehovah for the rich blessing.


Prayer: Please Jehovah KalE (voice of God ) bless me with the power and serenity to concentrate solely upon You whenever we share our precious time together in Meditation. I humbly request this in the name of He who refused to allow anyone or thing to interfere with His cherished time with You as He walked the earth Jesus Christ. Amen.


May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


The Foreskin of Your Heart


Therefore circumcise the foreskin of your heart, and be stiff-necked no longer. Deuteronomy 10:16 New King James Version

Circumcise: to cut off the foreskin of a male

Stiff-necked:  unreasonably or perversely unyielding Merriam Webster Dictionary

When the foreskin is removed it is thrown away.

In the same manner we are to throw away our stiff neckness before Jehovah. This means we are not to insist on going our own way and doing our own thing.

It means being submissive and obedient to Jehovahs commands in our life.

The consequences are of supreme importance to us.

If we insist on being stupid and stubborn  (the two go hand in hand) our lives will be met with a lot of difficulty, sadness and pain. I have seen too many fools dumbly insist on repeating the same foolish mistakes again and again and it only brings them to grief. They know they are wrong but too stupid and stubborn to admit it. Our ultimate destination is a very horrible place.

If we are obedient children to our Heavenly Fathers will we will be blessed with a supreme love affair and ultimately a Heavenly home.

Hell is full of men and women who say I did it my way. Heaven is full of men and women that say I did it Christs way.  Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Please Jehovah KalEl (voice of God) bless me to always be a receptive and obedient child of Your. I humbly request this in the name of He who was obedient all the way to the cross Jesus Christ. Amen.


May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


It Is Not Natural.


Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything; tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.” Philippians 4:6-7


Worry is natural, faith is not.

When we encounter problems in our lives worry is the natural tendency.

But consider this: how many times has worry solved your problems?

Praying to Jehovah Jireh (God our provider) and having faith that He will answer is not natural, it is spiritual.


From my experience it has taken many years to develop faith so strong as to never doubt and even then doubt still occurs sometimes. It started out with little things that were prayed for and were answered. Gradually over time bigger and bigger challenges are given over to Jehovah and faith grows stronger.


Another help is to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to bless you with the power to have faith.

And of course, do not forget your manners and say thank you.

After all, why should Jehovah give to an ungrateful whining child?

An added bonus in being grateful is that the more grateful you are the more your life is filled with joy at both the smallest and the biggest answered prayers and the more joyous your life is in general.

Oh yeah, another bonus is how amazingly close you become with Jehovah Abba (God our father).


Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Shalom (God of peace) for the blessing of amazing peace You envelope me in as I place my life in Your gracious hands. Please remind me to always humbly give thanks for Your abundant blessings as they come. I give thanks for these blessings and ask for this blessing in the name of He who had faith total in You as he walked amongst us Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.