
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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You Used to be a Bear?

A former Marine who now works for United Parcel Service bought his four-year-old son two stuffed bears–one in a UPS uniform and the other in Marine garb.

When the boy seemed confused, his father brought out a picture of himself in full Marine dress.

“See, Connor?” he explained, pointing to the photo and then to the bear. “That’s Daddy.”

Connor’s eyes went from one to the other, and then he asked in a puzzled voice,

“You used to be a bear?”

Just Because They Are



When the Citizens of Their Country Become

When justice is done, good people are happy, but evil people are ruined. Proverbs 21:15The Holy Bible, New Century Version

The Lord loves justice and will not leave those who worship him. He will always protect them, but the children of the wicked will die.Psalm 37:28 The Holy Bible, New Century Version

When the citizens of their country become arrogant, selfish, and lazy, when the government and courts become corrupt, they destroy their country. When you do things, do not let selfishness or pride be your guide. Instead, be humble and give more honor to others than to yourselves.

Do not be interested only in your own life, but be interested in the lives of others. Philippians 2:3-4 The Holy Bible, New Century Version

What makes a country strong, peaceful and prosperous is when the citizens , government and courts follow Gods Law, have good work ethic and strong community and family Christian morals

Trouble always comes to sinners, but good people enjoy success. Proverbs 13:21The Holy Bible, New Century Version

Prayer: Please Jehovah Tsidkenu (Jeremiah 23:6 The LORD Our Righteousness ) bless us with The Holy Spirit to teach us to set our families, neighbourhoods and communities hearts on fire to not only live by Gods Law but to wage war against the wicked perverts that are destroying our country. I humbly request this in the name of my Warrior King, Jesus Christ. Amen

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin )

Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2024

Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent

May The Holy Spirit walk with you this day and every day as He guides you on The Rough Road to Heaven Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah


She was Trying to Bait Me

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested I just go out to the sanctuary once mom got home last night. She was supposed to be home by nine but never came home until ten thirty. I am used to be in bed by nine and she knows it. If I had of said anything it would have caused a fight.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested I inform who ever is taking mom out that I will be leaving a nine and if they are later than that they are responsible for making sure she gets into the house safely.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested I ignore mom this morning. She was trying to bait me into a fight because of last night.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested I build the raised garden today. All the pieces have been cut

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested I look up the side affects of the chemicals they put in most processed food. They are deadly. From now on it will only be fresh vegetables, free range chickens and beef, organic fruit juice and herbal tea for me.

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By Gods Grace They Will Come Up

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit suggested I look in the rubbish can in the cemetery that the dirt for the gardens comes from. There was plenty of potted flowers in there. They were taken home, trimmed back and planted in the raise gardens. By Gods grace they will come up again next spring.

I am grateful that I just rolled my eyes and walked away when mom was talking stupid. She always insists she is right. It is not worth a fight.

I am grateful that mom will be out for about four hours tonight, plenty of work can get done.

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Guided Me Down the Aisle With

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me down the aisle with adult coloring books and search a word books in large writing for mom.

I am grateful for the two elderly ladies that held the door for me when I entered and left the discount store.

I am grateful the grocery store had the cooked spicy chicken prepared when I got in there.

I am grateful the pita’s were on mark down. It was unbelievable that the pizza increased by two dollars in one week.

I am grateful mom went out today so I could get a lot of work done on the blog.

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It was Easy to Complete

I am grateful the scooters power lasted for two loads of dirt. The dirt being wet was very heavy.

I am grateful it was easy to complete building two raised gardens. Usually it takes hours with the fitting.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested I take the computer upstairs to work on my writing. After our morning loving session, Snowball fell asleep on the couch so I could quietly work beside him. He likes to sleep in my sight.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to a site on a social media site with relaxing flute music to download.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit educated me there was nothing wrong with my idiotic drama queen mother. She was crying because there was blood in her poo. The problem was she drank a cup full of juice that was supposed to be diluted before she drank it. Because she drank a full cup of pure cherry juice she had the diarrhea which she kept on insisting was blood.

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A Better Place in The

I am grateful to have gotten two good loads of sand

I am grateful been able to move two raised gardens into a better place in the garden.

I am grateful to have held my tongue when mom started having a temper tantrum.


If Someone Claims

And we can be sure that we know him if we obey his commandments. If someone claims, “I know God,” but doesn’t obey God’s commandments, that person is a liar and is not living in the truth. 1 John 2:3-4 The Holy Bible, The New Living Testament

I understand how Jesus feels.

Think of how you feel when you give a gift to someone and they do not thank you for it but rather, abuse it.

Think of how Jesus feels when those who claim to be His ( Christians ) do not appreciate Jesus’ by not obeying His command to love others.

Now think of how care givers feel when we sacrifice ( And yes, it is a sacrifice to give up our time and energy to care for our parents. Indeed, most of us have given up our lives to care for them.) so much for our parents and they repay us with nothing but abuse while the rest of the family who contributes nothing gets everything. Most of us have given up our careers and receive no financial compensation in return even though the parents have the means to do so. Instead they give it to those who contribute nothing. I know many times I personally put in over forty hours a week. Many of the others have put in full time hours as well.

When people work, their wages are not a gift, but something they have earned. Romans 4:4 The Holy Bible, The New Living Testament

I know I speak for the majority of care givers because I know fifteen in our county ( including myself ) that fits this description to a tee.

What is even worse is when the parents claim to be Christians.

Think of how Jesus feels when He directs us, His free will servants, to give up our lives to care for our parents and receive nothing but abuse in return. By taking care of them we are serving Jesus.

Prayer: Thank you Ha-Melech Jesus Christ (Psalms 98:6 The LORD the King ) my King that I have dedicated my life to serving that Your loyal servants shall be richly rewarded for our service while those who claim to be Your while dancing with the devil shall be severely punished. It is in Your Righteous name I pray. Amen

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin ) Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2023 Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent

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So Much Easier Than

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit suggested I put a raised garden on a trolley and wrap the straps around the seat of the electric wheelchair and pull it out to the front yard from the back. It was so much easier than trying to carry it out on the trolley by pulling it manually.

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit suggested I put tarps all around the raised gardens to kill the grass. In the spring time flower seeds will be sown that spread out around them with tiny white flowers in the front and back and multiple different tiny flowers on the sides.

I am grateful that Canadian parents are standing up for their childrens rights all across Canada to protect them from being indoctrinated by the queers. They are going to be calling out the local, provincial and federal government to stop this polluting filth from being allowed in schools. You can see the video on Rebel News- Million Man March on YouTube.

I am grateful for the massive turn out at Auburn University Revival, you can see it on YouTube. It was all started by five woman.

You see:

Even though you may be few, you can produce huge results with The Holy Spirits help. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah