
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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Snowball Had His First

I am grateful Jehovah blessed me that Snowball had his first pee and poo in three days.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested changing certain things in Snowballs diet. I failed to remember all the additives in store bought chicken broth. These were preventing Snowball from peeing.

I ever so am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to articles and Bible Verses to calm me down. I was getting very angry because Jezebel refuses to listen to advice and then always blames me when things go south.

Here is one of them: But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. 1 John 4:4

So, The Holy Spirit in me is greater that Satan who dwells in her.

And this one: But we belong to God, and those who know God listen to us. If they do not belong to God, they do not listen to us. That is how we know if someone has the Spirit of truth or the spirit of deception. 1 John 4:6

I am grateful the security officer at the grocery store was a good runner. I left the store while leaving a box I put my key for the scooter and wallet in at the check out. The young lady gave it to him and he ran almost a block down the road to catch me and give it back.

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Too Bad It

I am grateful it stopped raining during my morning outing on the scooter. Too bad it rained when Jezebel went to and from her doctors appointment.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit had me look up the side effects of Jezebel’s new medicine. The side effects are worse that the condition she was prescribed the meds for. If she would only take responsibility for her behavior she would not need to take any drugs.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested hooking up the rain barrels to the eves troughs to catch the rain water for the garden.


Are You Beginning to See A

Commit everything you do to theĀ Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. Psalms 37:5-6 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

I wanted to lose weight and fat.

I prayed unto the Lord.

He suggested stop eating processed food.

In three months I lost thirty five pounds and three inches of fat

My cat became epileptic and was having severe seizures every day for two years.

I prayed unto the Lord.

He suggested a combination of herbs, relaxing music and lots of cuddles. He has not had a seizure in about a month now, has regained a lot of weight and is much more content and active.

I am a live in care giver for an extremely abusive mother for ten years of living Hell. Never have I been so abused so much.

I prayed unto the Lord.

He guided me to a site with a Christian councillor on YouTube. Since putting into practice what she teaches almost all of the abuse has stopped. The same principals have been used to neuter the neighbour from Hell who lives beside us.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here?

Are you willing to trust the Lord in every area of your life?

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Jireh ( God provides Philippians 4:19 ) for providing me with The Holy Spirit to offer the best advice in every area of my life.

I praise You in the name of The Wonderful Councillor Jesus Christ. Amen

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin )

Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2024

Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent

As you think so too you are. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah.



Will be a Huge Amount Of

I am grateful The Holy Spirit woke me up at 1A.M because Snowball was having a seizure. I think it was caused because he had constipation. I made his dandelion tea stronger

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested putting in a piece of paper in an old pill bottle with the name of the veggies that were planted so I know what is where

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested cutting off pieces of chrysanthemums, dipping them in honey and putting them in a pot to take root. God willing there will be a huge amount of them. The same thing was done last year with lavender and will be repeated this year.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested using empty egg cartons for starting the carrots

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested drilling holes on the side of rain barrels that are cut in half for gardens so about twenty beets can be grown in it


Boy Will They Help Me.

I am grateful the bank was not busy. Usually there is a line up twenty minutes long ( I do not use bank machines anymore. Half the time they do not work. I refuse to use cash, no tracking my purchases )

I am grateful Snowball seems to be having a better attitude. I think staying in the basement was depressing. Now he gets lots of loving and time in the sun room. As well, since including natural medicine in his diet, using rose oil and music therapy he has not had a seizure in two weeks. Praise Jehovah Rophe (Exodus 15:26 The LORD our Healer ).

I am grateful for The Holy Spirit reminding me of my password for one of my computers

I am grateful for The Holy Spirit guiding me to encouraging Bible verses which were copied and will be read every day. Boy will they help me.

I am grateful for the acupuncture treatments Jezebel gets twice a week. They have alleviated her pain while conventional medicine failed.

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It Symbolizes the Relationship Between

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested making a healing path ( like I saw in China in the front garden. It is a path of patio stones with rounded stone cemented into them. When you walk on the when they are warm they cause healing while giving a foot massage ).

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested making a shrine beside the walkway. It symbolizes the relationship between Jehovah, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, angels and me in my walk with Christ

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested planting specific flowers around the walkway and shrine. They represent powerful symbols.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested

putting the raised gardens in a specific sequence to represent my dedication and suffering for Christ

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested arranging the biggest raised garden in a special way representing Jesus and His followers.


How to Get On

I am grateful there was an easy video on how to get on your computer when you forgot your password

I am grateful to have gotten so much work done while Jezebel was out

I am grateful to have printed off some material for Jezebel

I am grateful to have remembered to go to the bulk food store because it is the seniors day with fifteen percent off.

I am grateful to have remembered to make more chamomile tea for Snowball. It is mixed in with his food to prevent seizures.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested mixing dandelion tea with the chamomile tea to help Snowballs constipation


Has Improved Amazingly

I am grateful for obeying The Holy Spirit’s suggestion to feed Snowball four small meals a day When he is eating and then stops and looks around and starts to walk away to gently nudge the dish to him. He starts eating again. This way he eats a lot more than just nibbling.

I am grateful for obeying The Holy Spirit’s suggestion to add chamomile tea to Snowball meals to be like soup. That way he gets his liquids for the day and the tea helps him to be calm.

I am grateful for obeying The Holy Spirit’s suggestion to put twenty drops of herbal essence of rose oil on a pillow case at night for Snowball. He sleeps all night now.

I am grateful for obeying The Holy Spirit’s suggestion to add Magnesium to Snowballs meals to help calm him down

I am grateful because I did these three things Snowballs health has improved amazingly and he has had no seizures for three days now.

ā€œ If you want the best health advice go to the best doctor. His name is Jesus. ā€œ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah.


The Cats did Not

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested wiping the rose oil herbal essence oil on the furniture in the basement and in the living room last night. The cats did not wake up once and neither did Jezebel

I am grateful the warm weather loosened the mulch on the county property so I could get a few loads today ( with their permission of course ).

I am grateful we did not get flooded out last night. We had incredible lightening storms and monsoon like rain all night

I am grateful the full moon is over ( it causes Snowball to go into seizures for five days )

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Suggested Giving the Cats

Four I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested giving the cats four small meals a day instead of two big one

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested gently nudging Snowball’s food dish to him when he gets distracted and starts to walk away. He is eating a lot more now

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested giving Snowball his medicine when he has his early morning seizure instead of four hours later.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested giving Jezebel a good taste of her own medicine when she gets snotty with me. She does not like it and shuts up. I let her know her immature, abusive attitude and behaviour is no longer tolerated. It is the same when she either demands or tries to manipulate me to do something. I make her apologize and humbly ask. She does not like it

You know, the sad thing is, when I am nice to her she seems to think that gives her the right to give me abuse in return. And then she calls herself a Christian.