
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


Has Improved Amazingly

I am grateful for obeying The Holy Spirit’s suggestion to feed Snowball four small meals a day When he is eating and then stops and looks around and starts to walk away to gently nudge the dish to him. He starts eating again. This way he eats a lot more than just nibbling.

I am grateful for obeying The Holy Spirit’s suggestion to add chamomile tea to Snowball meals to be like soup. That way he gets his liquids for the day and the tea helps him to be calm.

I am grateful for obeying The Holy Spirit’s suggestion to put twenty drops of herbal essence of rose oil on a pillow case at night for Snowball. He sleeps all night now.

I am grateful for obeying The Holy Spirit’s suggestion to add Magnesium to Snowballs meals to help calm him down

I am grateful because I did these three things Snowballs health has improved amazingly and he has had no seizures for three days now.

“ If you want the best health advice go to the best doctor. His name is Jesus. “ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah.


The Cats did Not

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested wiping the rose oil herbal essence oil on the furniture in the basement and in the living room last night. The cats did not wake up once and neither did Jezebel

I am grateful the warm weather loosened the mulch on the county property so I could get a few loads today ( with their permission of course ).

I am grateful we did not get flooded out last night. We had incredible lightening storms and monsoon like rain all night

I am grateful the full moon is over ( it causes Snowball to go into seizures for five days )

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To Try and Lessen His

I am grateful the herbal tea I drink before bed helps me sleep all night

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested trying herbal sedatives on Snowball to try and lessen his seizures and it works

I am grateful angels were there to catch me when I slipped on a slippery floor. It was as if they caught me just as I was falling and put me up straight ( you know, like a parent catches their child when falling when learning to walk )

I am grateful that since getting off of prepared foods I am much calmer and do not let mom get to me

I am grateful Snowball likes the new cat food I got him today

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The Holy Spirit Suggested Using

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to a container full of flower seeds to be planted in the garden once the cold weather comes. I have been looking for them for over a month.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to web sites with herbal remedies for cats. Sometimes Snowball gets sick from his meds.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested using potting soil ( I know where I can get lots of it for free ) instead of leaves. The leaves will blow all over the place.

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Don’t You Realize that Your

Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20The Holy Bible The New Living Translation

Wasn’t there a massive amount of doctors that quit medicine in Canada recently because the government was pushing them to prescribe legalized dope rather than encourage the patients to live a healthy lifestyle.

Yes, this helps the legalized dope pushers ( big pharma ) get rich but, because men and women are spaced out on dope would it not be easier for the government to manipulate them as well?

Could it be if they stopped pushing dope there would be less homelessness?

Talk with these homeless folks and see how many of them lost everything because they got addicted to the dope their doctor was pushing on them.

I was recently talking with someone who helps the homeless and she informed me most of them had a good life until they started taking these powerful addictive drugs being pushed on them by their doctors.

Is this not satanic and pure evil?

Now being a natural Path and Christian for over forty years I have learned that:

# 1 most diseases are caused by poor nutrition. When we live by the dietary laws in the Book of Leviticus we avoid these diseases.

# 2 Stress is the next big health problem. When we take quiet time with Jehovah, read the Bible and follow The Holy Spirits guidance almost all stress will dissipate like fog in the early morning sun.

# 3 Vitamin D is very important for our health and the best way to get this is by the sun. The best place to get the sun is in Gods creation ( nature ) which also gives us good exercise and the scenery is also good for our health.

# 4 I have found natural medicine to be far superior to anything the legalized dope dealers ( big pharma ) push on society.

The big difference between legalized dope dealers ( big pharma ) and Gods medicine ( natural medicine ) is the big pharma destroys your life with addictive drugs for profit while Gods medicine is good for you because Jehovah loves you and care about you. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Rapha (God my healer Jeremiah 33:6 ) for blessing me with guidance to live a healthy life in the pages of Your book of life ( the Bible ) and for The Holy Spirits guidance and help with stress. I praise You in the name of the greatest Healer, Jesus Christ. Amen

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin )

Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2023 Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent

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Then, It Is Rubbed On

The I am grateful that The Holy Spirit suggested I go to the electronic store and download search a words for mom and I

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit suggest I take the back way to the electronic store. There was a huge field full of red clover gone to seed. It will be sown through out the gardens next year ( by Gods grace ). This is a powerful medicinal herb.

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit suggested making a couple of pots of herbal tea ( which is grown in huge amounts here in the backyard which is kind of like Gods pharmacy- herbal medicine ) and drink that through out the day.

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit guided mom to a yard sale. There is an electric scooter for sale which is better than the present one and it only cost three hundred dollars and is in mint condition. A new one would cost about ten thousand dollars.

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit reminded me to be patient with mom. When she was showing me where the garage sale was her scooter is faster than my electric wheelchair. I did not know where she was going and she did not slow down for me. Thankfully I could see her in the distance. She was three blocks ahead of me by the time we got there.

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit suggested I distill cat nip in coconut oil in a slow cooker and then add fish oil as it was cooling. Then, it is rubbed on the cats paws in the morning. Coconut oil and fish oil is good for them but Smokey does not like Coconut oil and neither of them like fish oil. Rubbing it on their paws is easier than forcing their mouths open and shooting it in.


They Very Strongly Recommended It.

Today I am grateful Snowballs meds were ready and when I discussed it with them at the vet clinic about giving Snowball fish oil, coconut oil and cbd oil for his seizures they very strongly recommended it.

I am grateful that I could get on an important email site that was unattainable for about two weeks.

I am grateful that I could get on an important Christian web site that I couldn’t open for about a month

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit guided me to where there is a spare key for the house as the other one has been misplaced ( welcome to old age )

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit guided me to use the electric wheelchair to carry pails of water instead of carrying them by hand . There is a lot of watering to do and it is painful with a bad foot.


I am Grateful to Have Received

I am grateful that I had the first good nights sleep in a week.

I am grateful that there was an abundant harvest of chamomile and clover harvest this morning

I am grateful that Snowball is back to his old self again I am grateful that The Holy Spirit guided me to give Smoky ( our other cat ) half the wild salmon oil capsule because it is just as good for him as it is for Snowball.

I am grateful to have received Dr. Jones email about the proper holistic medicine to give Snowball today.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me how to trim the Scotch Thistle in our yard so I do not get stung by it ( this year The Holy Spirit guided me to allow it to grow in our front yard. Wow, did it look nice and attracted a lot of bee’s. It is funny because this year so many have decided to let it grow as well. It reminds me of flowering cactus in the desert ).

I am thankful the The Holy Spirit guided me to create a couple of fantastic dishes that should last me a week ( I can only cook one day a week because that is when mom is not home to harass me. She picks everything apart and it is annoying ).

I am grateful for all the flower seeds that were scattered all over the flower beds for next year.

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That an Important Thing to Include

I am grateful for the rain ( we had a tornado here the other day for the first time in my memory but did not cause too much damage ). The sound of the rain on the tarps is soothing, relaxing and healing. Besides, our crops needed it

I am thankful Snowball did not have a seizure last night. Once he came and woke me up so he was given a shot of cbd oil ( they say cats know when they are going to have a seizure so they go to the one they know will help them ) and he calmed down.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to web sites that educated me that an important thing to include in Snowballs diet is salmon because it is rich in multi-vitamins and taurine which reduce seizures ( the health food store wanted to charge me $50.00 for a bottle of taurine ). This reduces his seizures.

Hey, it is so good I am giving it to mom and I am taking it every day now.

I am grateful Snowball is his old self again, active, lovable and the first time he has purred in a month.

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A Natural Way to Control The

I am grateful the local herbal store had two calming teas I can give Snowball to help control his seizures.

I think The Holy Spirit is leading to a natural way to control the seizures.

I am grateful Snowball has not had any seizures today.

I am grateful for the opportunity to spend the afternoon in the sanctuary. I do not get much sleep at night because if there is a noise I wake up thinking Snowball is having a seizure. As well it is so good to be here with Poppa, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. I do not which one it is but I always feel their loving, calming, presence here.