
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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Thank you Jehovah Gador Milchamah

The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. John 10:10 The Holy Bible , The New Living Translation

I find prayer time the closest time spent with our Heavenly Beloved , Jehovah, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. It is the most satisfying thing to do all day and is rich in love time together.

It is also the most difficult time.

That is because it is the most difficult time to concentrate on prayer. The devil is constantly leading the mind astray. So many times it is frustrating but the will to be in communion with our Beloved is too strong for the devil to succeed. You can be sure our Beloved laughs at satans feeble attempt to take away our special time.

“I know well that when Christ is nearest, Satan is also busiest.” Robert Murray M’Cheyne

I have mp3 prayers downloaded from and whenever the devil plagues the mind with negative thoughts that steal my joy and peace , they are listened to in a quiet place. Soon the anger and negative thoughts disappear to be replaced by love , peace and joy.

He also uses others to learn your weak points and uses them quite effectively to get under your skin ( read narcissists ).

He is a busy devil that works on a Christian. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Thankfully after years of praying and suffering at their wicked , perverted pleasures the Lord directed me to a web site on a video sharing web site that has a psychiatrist explain how a narcissist behaves , and how to handle them. It is used extremely effectively now and , there is much more peace in my life now.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Gador Milchamah ( The Lord is Mighty in Battle Psalm 24:8 ) for blessing me with the tools and techniques to defeat my arch enemy satan and his wicked minions. May they never triumph over me ever again. I exalt You in the name of the most glorious triumphant King who has permanently defeated satan, Jesus Christ. Amen

May you be blessed with Heavenly battle plans to defeat your most wily foe. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2021 Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and for great daily prayer

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth


Will Set You Free.

And you will know the truth , and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 The Holy Bible , The New Living Translation

There is so much disinformation out there it is difficult to know the truth.

Well, not really.

All it takes to learn the truth is a Bible , a willing heart , commitment and an obedient heart unto Jehovah , Jesus and The Holy Spirit.

Now you may say that is all well and done learning about God but what about the rest of my life?

Again , take time to read your Bible every day , pray that The Holy Spirit guides you to understanding along the way. There is not one part of your life that is not covered in the Bible. Get daily devotionals like Our Daily Bread or go to devotionals. Now there is a treasure trove of devotionals that can be sent right to your email box every morning. There is also a great site called you can listen to every day. You can go on and find fantastic preachers that will speak to your heart and mind. Personally , my preference is for the old puritan ones like Charles Spurgeon or Jonathan Edwards . For modern ones I like Allister Begg.

While you are reading the Bible will free you of depression , anger , confusion , worry and fear. It will guide on every step of your life , if you are willing to submit to its guidance.

I know , I have been following it for over forty years.

Sometimes , I refused to listen and obey what was being said to me. Boy did I pay the price for it too.

There have been so many times it took a huge leap of faith ( trust ) to put into practice what was being said because it did not make sense to me at the time. When all was said and done, revelation came to me what was happening and why. And , boy was I ever glad to have been obedient unto The Holy Spirits direction in the matter.

Many times in a Christians life obedience comes before understanding. Joseph a son of Jehovah.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah for blessing me with The Holy Spirit Rabbi (God our Teacher 2 Timothy 3:16 ) to educate me and tutor me in the manner in which to incorporate Your Divine wisdom into my daily life. It has prevented many disasters and led me to brilliant victories. I exalt You in the name of the greatest Teacher of all , Jesus Christ. Amen

May you be blessed with many opportunities to sit and learn at the feet of The Holy Spirit. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2021

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and for great daily prayer

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth


It Makes Me Glad I am A

I search for peace ; but when I speak of peace , they want war! Psalm 120:7 The Holy Bible , The New Living Translation

This sounds like family meetings to me.

I find it strange how many folks today would prefer to fight than get along. It goes on in families , in social groups and in society in general. It makes me glad I am a introvert.

Please do not feel angry with these perverted sick souls.

If you look at them , they are very lonely. That is because they are arrogant. They are right and the whole world is wrong. You must do everything my way. I can use you and abuse you as I see fit with no repercussions. I have seen it all to frequently.

The best course of action is to politely but firmly inform them that you are not their door mat and until the grow up , the relationship will be formal if there must be one and non-existent if there is no need to associate with them.

Abusers and users become prisoners of their own soul and that soul lives in a living Hell. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This is especially true one they age. Their list of those they can abuse grows shorter and shorter as they die off. Eventually they end up all alone and every moment of every day is a living Hell for them.

Prayer: Please Jehovah Shalom ( The Lord blesses with Peace Isaiah 9:6, Rom 8:31-35 ) bless me with wisdom to know when and how to fight the devils brigade when they invade me peace. Bless me when to know when to cut them out of my life to end their drama queen exploits at my expense. I humbly request this in the name of the Prince of Peace , Jesus Christ. Amen

May you be blessed with wisdom to know when to fight and when to slam the door shut to keep out the drama queens. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2021

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and for great daily prayer

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth

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With Utmost Importance Jehovah El Deah

Let the godly strike me! It will be a kindness! If they correct me , it is soothing medicine. Psalms 141:5 The Holy Bible , The New Living Translation

Yes , we are to correct a brother or sister who sins. Sometimes , when necessary , we need to be firm because that is the only way they will listen.

Being firm does not mean being rude , disrespectful or cruel. We are to do so in a firm respectful manner.

Yes , it is kindness , because when they are walking in sin , they are walking away from Jehovah and towards Hell. Both , in this life and , in an the eternal one.

To see one deliberately walking in sin and not correct them is an even worse sin. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Sometimes people do not like being told that they are personally responsible for the consequence of their lifestyles. That is their problem not yours. You can walk away with a clear conscience.

“Maturity is not based on age , but on the willingness to accept responsibility.”Dr. Edwin Louis Cole

Prayer: It is with utmost importance Jehovah El Deah ( God of knowledge. Romans 11:33 ) that I ask You for Divine wisdom and grace to explain the sin and its consequences are to ___________. I love them too much to watch them go to Hell. If them reject the truth , then please give me the wisdom and strength to just walk away from them less they end up dragging me to Hell with them. I sincerely ask this in the name of He who helped guide so many to the road to Heaven while walking away from those that chose to walk on the highway to Hell, Jesus Christ. Amen

Would you please pray for a sister in Christ that is taking care of children and mother with help from her husband, while dealing with abusive father ?

This article and photo @ 2021 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and for great daily prayer

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth

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In Our Service To

So let us not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 The Holy Bible , The New Living Translation

These verses say four important things to me.

The first is not to get tired in our service to our Heavenly King. We all need to take time to spend alone with our loving Father in His Cathedral (another name it is called by is nature ). To go for a walk on a nature trail our to sit by a gentle little rapids or to sit by the shore of a lake and relax. Then , call out to our Heavenly Poppa and ask Him to join us. That is the most beautiful and relaxing thing we can ever do.

Second is that it is in Gods time that we will be rewarded. He always has perfect timing , never too early , never too late.

The third part is that even though most of the time our service is not appreciated by those we are doing the good works for , they are always appreciated by our adoring Heavenly King Jesus.

The fourth point is that we do not give up.

It is when we are closest to victory that satan works his hardest to convince us to give up. If he wins he laughs at God as well as at us. If we persevere he screams in a rage Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jesus Christ Ghmolah ( The God of Recompense. Job 11:20 ) that even though my service unto You seems like it is all for nothing many times , I have faith that You will always reward Your faithful servant. I thank you in Your gracious name. Amen

May you be blessed with the promise that is written in stone by our Heavenly King that you will be rewarded for your service unto Him Joseph a son of Jehovah.

Would you please pray for Sahil, a Christian in Pakistan that has a Christian school in the slums with protection , resources to guide others to Christ and strength and encouragement to continue on in very difficult circumstances ?

This article and photo @ 2021 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and for great daily prayer

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth

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He Blesses Me With

He fills my life with good things. Psalm 103:5 The Holy Bible , The New Living Translation

Boy has He ever filled my life with precious treasures of good things.

To begin with , through Christs blood He has filled me with a loving Holy family , both in the flesh and blood and in the spiritual. In the spiritual there is of course the loving Divine family of Jehovah , our Heavenly Poppa , Jesus Christ , our Divine big brother and of course The Holy Spirit , our amazing mentor. There can be no good thing better than being blessed with a loving relationship with them.

Then , there is my flesh and blood brothers and sister with whom I am blessed to have a closer loving relationship with than my biological family.

He blesses me with opportunities through out the day to serve Him and sometimes bless me with the opportunity to bring someone into Jehovahs Divine family.

He blesses me with beautiful , serene places of worship in His creation , nature. It is here that we are the closest.

He blesses me with always being there to comfort me when life kicks me in the gutter. He lifts me up , cleans me off and presents me even more beautiful. He blesses me with always there to discuss any and every problem in my life and bless me with the best advice.

He blesses me with always guiding me to make the proper choices in life to avoid danger and failure and to help me succeed.

Oh how the list goes on.

Why not make a list of your own of the wonderful blessings He has shared with you and thank Them for it every day. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Jireth (Genesis 22:14 The LORD Shall Provide ) for all of Your abundant amazing blessings You shower upon me every day. May You bless me with numerous opportunities to share them with others today. I praise You in the name of Your greatest blessing to me , Jesus Christ. Amen

As Jehovah blesses you today , may you have many opportunities to be a blessing to others by sharing them with them. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Would you please pray for Sahil, a Christian in Pakistan that has a Christian school in the slums with protection , resources to guide others to Christ and strength and encouragement to continue on in very difficult circumstances ?

This article and photo @ 2021 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

Please feel free to look up for a great daily podcast and for great daily prayer

If you are interested in informative articles about covid here is the site I go to for the truth