
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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They go Together.

 A rebellious and stubborn people, Who walk in the way that is not good, [following] after their own thoughts and intentions Isaiah 65:2 The Holy Bible The Amplified Version

Supidiness and stubbornness go together like peanut butter and jam.

I know a woman that cannot eat greasy food, if she does she violently vomits after just one bite. One day we were at a take away and she ordered greasy chicken. I told her not to purchase it or she would become violently ill. She insisted that that would not happen this time. As soon as we settled in her van and she took one bite she swung the door open and puked her eyeballs out.

You see, she was stubborn.

She knew she was not to eat that junk yet insisted that this time she would not get sick (even though she did every time previous to that). That was very stupid because she paid a very dear price for her stubbornness.

How many times has Jehovah instilled in us not to do something yet we stubbornly and stupidly return to our wicked ways. When the disaster comes crashing down on us because we were stupid and stubborn and refuse to listen to Jehovah do we not blame Him?

How stupid is that?

Stupidness and stubborness is also arrogant.

When I was a tree planter and would try to help the rookies who knew nothing of planting there were some who insisted on doing it their way. Even though, that met they worked just as hard but made a penitence of money that the rookies did that were respectful and listened and obeyed as they were shown. The dumbo’s blame everyone and everything but themselves for their disastrous planting season.

How many times has Jehovah tried to show us a better way to live yet we give Him the finger and go out and live how we see fit? When disaster comes (and it always does) we blame everyone but ourselves.

Stupidness and stubbornness are the worse curse of mankind. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer:I thank you Jehovah KalEl (voice of God) for blessing me with patience and a strong arm when I am a stupid, stubborn obstinate child of Yours. I know You only desire what is best for me and must use strong methods when I am a disobedient child of Yours. I praise You in the name of He who was strong with His disciples when necessary Jesus Christ. Amen


May the light of Christs love shine brightly in your heart today and every day

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2020


Have You Ever Stood On.

  For the place where you are standing is holy ground.” Exodus 3:5 The Holy Bible, The New Living Testament Version

What made the place Moses was standing on holy ground It was not the place but who was in the place. And, the who that was in the place was Jehovah.

Have you ever stood on holy ground?

If you are a Christian you have. Every time you are with our Heavenly Beloved, you are on holy ground. It does not matter if it is your bedroom or your bathroom or in nature or on the bus or in your car. Where ever you are with Jehovah is holy ground.

Now when the conversation is over, the ground is no longer holy because our Heavenly Beloved is no longer there.


My favorite place to stand is upon the Holy ground with my most Beloved. Joseph a son of Jehovah

So when any cult tells you any place is holy ground do not believe them.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Abba (Jehovah our Beloved Father in Heaven) for blessing this child of Yours with the honour of standing on holy ground every time we commune together no matter where we are. I exalt You in the name of my holies big brother Jesus Christ. Amen

Christ blesses us with love, peace and joy. May you be blessed with many opportunities to share these with others today.   Joseph a son of Jehovah 

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2019

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The Lord Leads With

 The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands. Psalm 25:10 The Holy Bible,The  New Living Testament Version

Those He leads He takes care of. He makes sure they have a place to stay, food and clothing. Because our Father loves us, He is happy to give blessings to us other than these.


That does not mean you will be living in a mansion or driving and expensive car or dining at fancy restaurants. But, you will be contented in your living arrangements because you will have all you need not all you desire which is a form of greed.

Someone who is faithful is someone who can be depended upon to keep their word of honour.

No one is more dependent than Jehovah. He has never broken any of His promises in over six thousand years. That sounds pretty dependable to me.

However, the catch is that we must keep His covenant.

What is His covenant?

First is that we show our love for Him by being loving and obedient children unto Him first and fore most above all others. We must obey His demands so we go where He tells us to go and do what He tells us to do.

Second, that we are loving towards others. We are loving towards them by being helpful, respectful, polite and firm when necessary.

When we are faithful unto Jehovah, He is innumerably more faithful unto us. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Rohi ( Jesus is our Divine Shepherd )- Psalm 23 that when I follow Your wise voice, You always lead me through the dark and dangerous valleys of life. I exalt You in the name of the greatest Shepard, Jesus Christ. Amen

May you be blessed with the gift of love, the gift of peace, the gift of joy. May you be blessed with numerous opportunities to share these gifts with others today.   Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2019

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That was Going to Sink.

He saw that they were in serious trouble, rowing hard and struggling against the wind and waves. About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. He intended to go past them, but when they saw him walking on the water, they cried out in terror, thinking he was a ghost. They were all terrified when they saw him. But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage! I am here!”  Then he climbed into the boat, and the wind stopped. Mark 6:45-52 The  Holy Bible, The New Living Testament Version

Do you notice Jesus was walking on the very water that was going to sink His Disciples?

He has dominion and power over everything, including your problems, worries and heartaches.

Did you notice when Jesus entered the boat the waves subsided.

So too will your worries, and heartache subside when Jesus enters into your situation. You must call upon Him in faith ( which means trust) that He will help you. Not only that, but, you must be obedient unto the advice He gives you in order to conquer the problem, worry or heartache.

Jesus is the best rescuer in the universe and beyond. Joseph a son of Jehovah


Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Yasha (Lord my Savior) Isaiah 49:26 that whenever I am obedient unto Your wise advice, You rescue me from all trouble, sorrows and snares.                                        I praise You in the name of He whose blood rescued me from eternal damnation Jesus Christ. Amen May you be blessed with peace and joy every day. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2019


Come and See

Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people! Psalm 66:5 The  Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Many of us who dedicate our lives to serving our Heavenly King are living hand to mouth. We are living comfortably but far from extravagantly. By the worlds standards we have no pension fund and will be left in abject poverty upon retirement.

Do not believe this lie by satan to discourage you, good servant. The Master of the Universe loves you and has promised to take care of His cherished friends, who are also His free will servants. He will provide for us in miraculous ways to prove to all He takes care of His own.

Jehovah always provides for those who loves and obeys Him. Joseph a son of Jehovah

The same cannot be said of those tumbling around in the darkness.

Prayer: Thank you oh my gracious and generous Jehovah Jireh ( God provides ) Philippians 4:19 for always supplying for this adoring child of Yours through out my life and for providing me with a magnificent home You have lovingly provided for me in Heaven. I thank you in the name of my beloved big brother I look forward to guiding through that home when I arrive there, Jesus Christ. Amen


May love be in your life, may hope be in your heart and may peace be in your every day walk with Christ. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2019

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Good That Goes with Bad.

 The Lord also keeps safe those who suffer. He is a safe place in times of trouble. Those who know Your name will put their trust in You. For You, O Lord, have never left alone those who look for You. Psalm 9:9-10 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

There is always good that goes with bad.

Look at the virus that is snaking around the world right now. Yes it is causing a lot of sickness and death. But, it is also contributing to a lot of good.

Look at how many families are spending time together like they did forty years ago.

Look at how folks are looking out for each other in their communities.

Look at how folks are coming together in creative ways in their church to keep together.

Look at how many folks are having time to read their Bibles, for some, maybe the first time in their life.

Look at how many folks are taking walks on nature trails which is good for their mental, physical and spiritual health.

And, most important of all is look at how many folks are spending quality time with Jehovah, perhaps for the first time in their lives.

It is in the difficult times we come the closest to Jesus. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Immeka (Judges 6:12 The LORD Is with You ) for walking with me through these difficult times.                                                                                                                            May you use me to encourage others and help others under Your guidence as You have helped and encouraged me.                                                                                                                                                I apologize that it took at catastrophe like this for me to come and spend time with You.                             I thank you in the name of He who always fulfills His promise to never leave me nor desert me, Jesus Christ. Amen         

    JEHOVAHS CARE                                                                                                                                                                The gift of love, the gift of joy, the gift of peace, these are the greatest gifts that can be given. They are given in abundance to all those in Christs family by our Heavenly loving  Father. May you be blessed with plentiful opportunities to share these with those around you today. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ 2020 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.


You can Make

 You can make many plans,   but the Lords purpose will prevail. Proverbs 19:21 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation  

Boy do I know this to be true.

In my early twenties I planned on living in a log cabin by a spring fed spring with great trout fishing in central Ontario on two acres of forested land. Events occurred where Jehovah had other plans for me and all those dreams faded like the morning fog on a hot day.

When doing medical missionary work in the Baja Mexico I met a Mexican woman and we fell in love. We intended upon getting married and buying a small house in the little town we were living in. Events occurred where Jehovah had other plans for me and all those dreams faded like the morning fog on a hot day.

While attending a Chinese church while doing missionary work (even though I was teaching English I was also teaching about Jesus to my students) I met a wonderful Christian Chinese woman. We fell in love. I intended upon becoming a landed immigrant and we were going to get married and buy an apartment (they do not have houses but apartments for the most part in China). Events occurred where Jehovah had other plans for me and all those dreams faded like the morning fog on a hot day. The same thing happened in two different cites I taught at.

Each of these events ripped my heart apart as my dreams vanished like waking from a dream. I felt crushed and as if my life was over. I was angry at Jehovah for allowing this.

Now, in my elder years, I can see His plans for me were very different than mine were.

Yes I still love those women and have fond memories of those times but am grateful for Jehovah for the plans He had for me. I firmly believe I shall meet those women I loved so dearly in Heavens home. If those events had of come to fruition I would never have served Him in the capacity He had intended and accomplished the tasks He had prepared for me to accomplish for Him. Because of this many would not have come to Jesus. I am grateful for this blessing He gave me through my obedience to Him.

We make our plans but Jehovah guides the way (even if it is in the opposite direction then we intend to go). Joseph a son of Jehovah


Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Jireth (Genesis 22:14) – The LORD Shall Provide for always providing providence in my life to humble, loyally serve You. This is the greatest of honours of all. I thank you in the name of my Heavenly King which is my greatest delight to serve, Jesus Christ. Amen

Wishing you a house full of sunshine, hearts full of cheer and love that grows deeper each day of the year. Welsh blessing

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2019

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He is Close To

The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him. Nahum 1:7 New Living Translation

trust in God

Those of us that have walked with Christ for a while know full well the difficulty in trusting in Him. There are times it seems as if there is nothing but trouble a woe in our lives. It seems as if the world is crushing down on us and we are going to explode. We cry out unto Jehovah but He is silent. This is the most difficult time to trust in Him. Even those of us that have walked the trail for a long time have at times difficulty trusting in Him during crushing crises.

That is okay though.

As long as we call out unto Him, trusting He will answer (and He always does). For me I have experienced Jehovah delivering me from the tsunami as well as being blessed with His presence during the tornadoes of life. One thing that is the same in each is His Spirit being with me through it all. He encourages, reassures and strengthens me through it all.

No matter the storm, Jesus is right there walking through it with us. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Hoshe’ah – ( The Lord Saves ) – Psalm 20:9 for blessing me with Your salvation from the ravages of the tsunamis and tornadoes of life. In deep awe and appreciation I do thank You in the name of He whose blood saved me from the burning fires of Hell, Jesus Christ. Amen

May you be blessed with abundant joy in your heart filled with love and your life overflowing with laughter every day this year. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2019


In Exchange for You

 Others were given in exchange for you  I traded their lives for yours because you are precious to me.  You are honored, and I love you. Isaiah 43:4  The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation  

Jehovahs most precious son was given in exchange for you and me.   

Read it like this Jesus was exchanged for me. Jehovah traded Jesus, His most precious sons life for mine. Because I am precious to Him. I am honoured and Jehovah (and Jesus) loves me.  

How can I not love one who loves me so deeply as Jesus.  Joseph a son of Jehovah           

That not only sounds nice but should be ingrained in our thoughts before we say or do anything. How could we say or do anything that would not bring glory and honour to them as a gift of appreciation to them for their extravagant gift of love to me.

i love you my lord

Prayer: Thank you Jesus Go’el (The Lord is my Redeemer) – Is. 49:26, 60:16 that through Your precious blood, suffering, death and glorious resurrection You have redeemed me. May my dedicated life unto You always bring You glory, honour and little lost sheep. I pray this in Your merciful name. Amen

The gift of love, the gift of joy, the gift of peace, these are the greatest gifts that can be given. They are given in abundance to all those in Christs family by our Heavenly loving  Father. May you be blessed with plentiful opportunities to share these with those around you today. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2020


We are Still Stewards

 The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it. Genesis 2:15 Holy Bible, New Living Translation

Now, even though we are not in the Garden of Eden we are still stewards of Jehovahs creation.

One day early this spring while riding my bicycle down a country road the Lord guided my attention to how filthy the side of the road was and reminded me that as a Christian I am a caretaker of Jehovahs creation. He inspired me to go midweek with some garbage bags and start to clean up all the rubbish on the side of the road. It was incredible the amount that was collected in a short distance. I made a commitment to return one day a week and continue down the road until it was all cleaned up.

You must not defile the land where you live, for I live there myself. I am the Lord, who lives among the people of Israel.” Numbers 35:34 Holy Bible, New Living Translation

After about a month, it rained out on the scheduled clean up day. A couple of days later when riding down the road to get some supplies for our garden the Lord directed my attention to the side of the road. It was spotless. That means someone or group noticed the work done, how it looked good and how bad the uncleaned part looked. They took the initiative and cleaned it up.

Many times we can lead by example in life with out even realizing it. Joseph a son of Jehovah


You yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Titus 2:7 Holy Bible, New Living Translation

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Bore (Isaiah 40:28) The LORD Creator for blessing me with helpers to restore some of Your creation to the beauty You created to be. I exalt You in the name of He who will restore all of creation to its original beauty upon His victorious return Jesus Christ. Amen

May Gods sunshine always bless you with brightening your day with His love, joy and peace. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2020