
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


Why the Bible Thumpers Are Wrong.


Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 New International Version

I have seen and experienced many good intentioned but wrong minded Christians who try to shove their version of the Bible down people’s throats. As a result they do more to drive unbelievers away from Christ than guide them to Christ. Consequently you are serving Satan rather than serving Christ.


I know because that is exactly what happened to me with that Satanic cult Jehovah’s Witnesses and with some people who were recovered alcoholics and drug addicts that became born again Christians. Because of their in your face method they drove me away from reading the Bible, praying or having anything to do with Christianity for many years.

The way that I find to be most productive is to begin with living the Christian life. Then pray that Jehovah arranges for you to encounter someone who is open to receiving Christ’s message.

When they see how you live they will be curious and inquire about why you live a different lifestyle. That is the best opportunity to share the message.

Now of course this includes studying your Bible and carrying it with you every day so that you are prepared.


Prayer: Please Jehovah KalEl (voice of God ) teach me when and how to use the correct opportunities to share You with those who are ready to hear Your Word.

I sincerely ask this in the name of He who waited thirty years before beginning His ministry Jesus Christ. Amen


May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


Be Thankful For Where You Are.


Now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt. Potiphar, an Egyptian who was one of Pharaoh’s officials, the captain of the guard, bought him from the Ishmaelites who had taken him there.  The Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master. When his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant. Potiphar put him in charge of his household, and he entrusted to his care everything he owned Genesis 39:1-4 New International Version

There was a time when I was frustrated and considering giving up on teaching in China. It was very difficult.


However, as time went by there were some students that became interested in Christianity.

Although it was challenging, to say the least, after six months they did accept Christ.

This process was repeated as I each semester the new students repeated the experience.

So, even though it is dirty, noisy, stinky, the people are rude and many times there are no other foreigners to talk with the rewards were great.

The point is, God puts us each where we are to use us in His divine plan of things.

We are not to whine and go about His business niggardly but with joy and love.

Our efforts will be rewarded here and in heaven.

Prayer: Please Jehovah Rohi (God our Sheppard) bless me with a joyful, loving and gracious heart to dutifully obey Your divine guidance in my life to do with gusto the work You have prepared for me to do before I was even born. I sincerely request this in the name of Your obedient son who was followed His duty to You all the way to the cross Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.


How Can You Fill a Full Bucket?


And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever  the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. John 14:16-17 New King James Version   


If you want Gods blessings upon your life how can He if your life is full of pride? Isn’t that trying to fill a bucket with water when it is already full?                                  

And what is in that bucket?                                                                                                       

Is not pride, arrogance and self centeredness filthy in Jehovah’s eyes?                                                                                                                  

So would you drink form a bucket of water that was dunked into a pool of raw sewage?   


Of course the only way to clean that bucket and receive the clean pure spiritual life giving waters of the Holy Spirit is to humbly ask Jehovah to clean that bucket and allow Him to do so.    


It is neither easy nor pleasant, but the end result is well worth it.                                    

The end result of course is being full of the Holy Spirits pure life giving waters.

THEN, you will begin to receive Gods blessings.                                                               

Now of course to continue to receive that spiritual life giving water you must empty your bucket.                                                                                                                      

The way to do that is to be using that spiritual life giving water to share with others. 


That means as Jehovah has freely given to you, you are to freely share with others.

Prayer: Please Jehovah Elohim (God the eternal creator) purge my heart of all the filth of self so that I may be honoured to receive Your beautiful grace in my heart to create a heart of love for You and love for others. In doing this please bless me with the opportunities to share this spiritual spring of life giving waters with others as abundantly as You have given them to me.I humbly ask this in the revered name of he who was a constant spring of spiritual waters during His earthly ministry Jesus Christ. Amen.                                                   


May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.