
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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It Shall be Planted With

I am grateful for the great weather. It was cool so a good portion of the one back garden was hand tilled with a twissler. Tomorrow, by Jehovah’s grace, it shall be planted with potatoes, lavender, clover, basil and chamomile. The rhubarb is coming along great but some manure was mixed in with it.

I am grateful Snowball is feeling better and has his appetite back.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to spend cuddle time with Smokey while Jezebel was playing Christian at church.

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The Four Legged Bandits.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested buying a couple of cheap tents and throwing tarps over them at night. They will be used as green houses. It is more than fifty per cent cheaper than buying the green houses at a store.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit encouraged me to get a load of free fertilizer at the town property and mix it thirty, forty with potting soil and thirty percent dirt for the potting soil to start the vegetable and flowers.

I am grateful for the four legged bandits.

I do not know why but the squirrels in this neighborhood always dig up everyone tulips and daffodils and plant them in our flower garden.

This year three entire gardens are full to the brim with these flowers.

The neighbors have caught them in the act and have surrendered to the squirrels to plant something else.

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Too Bad It

I am grateful it stopped raining during my morning outing on the scooter. Too bad it rained when Jezebel went to and from her doctors appointment.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit had me look up the side effects of Jezebel’s new medicine. The side effects are worse that the condition she was prescribed the meds for. If she would only take responsibility for her behavior she would not need to take any drugs.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested hooking up the rain barrels to the eves troughs to catch the rain water for the garden.

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I am Super Grateful That

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to take cuttings from the chrysanthemums, dip them into honey and put them into potting soil in a flower pot. God willing they will take root by the time planting season begins in June.

I am super grateful that the man at a local electronic store is giving me a new MP3 player that costs twice as much as the one I bought because the one I bought did not work.

I am super grateful that The Holy Spirit encouraged me to keep my mouth shut when Negative Nellie Jezebel did nothing but complain about the raised gardens which prevented a fight. He reminded me the one I am working for is Jesus not a selfish, ungrateful blow hard. She does nothing but put others down while talking as if she were so perfect Jesus Christ would be jealous of her.


Will be a Huge Amount Of

I am grateful The Holy Spirit woke me up at 1A.M because Snowball was having a seizure. I think it was caused because he had constipation. I made his dandelion tea stronger

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested putting in a piece of paper in an old pill bottle with the name of the veggies that were planted so I know what is where

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested cutting off pieces of chrysanthemums, dipping them in honey and putting them in a pot to take root. God willing there will be a huge amount of them. The same thing was done last year with lavender and will be repeated this year.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested using empty egg cartons for starting the carrots

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested drilling holes on the side of rain barrels that are cut in half for gardens so about twenty beets can be grown in it

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The Lay Out of The

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me on the lay out of the big raised garden in the front yard.

The old clothes line pole represents the cross.

A puppet of a lamb will be placed on top of it representing the Lamb of God ( Jesus).

There will be hanging baskets with red hanging flowers representing the blood of Christ.

White flowers at the foot of the cross will represent the pure sacrifice.

Flowers of different colours will be all around the rest of the garden representing men and women of every colour, race, nationality, rich, poor, men women that receive salvation from Christ’s sacrifice.


A Small but Big

I am grateful for a small but big miracle today. I needed to replace my old mp3 because the on off button broke on the other one. The store owner looked everywhere but could not find one. I prayed for him to find one and there was one that seemed to jump out of no where on the display case. I joyfully pointed it out. The man looked at me shocked as if to say where did you get that one from. It is an exact same kind as the old one.

Who says Jehovah does not grant small miracles?

The reason this is important is because of noise sensitivity the annoying screech of the cardinal is like driving spikes in my brain. The mp3 noise of a waterfall drowns it out.

Another thing is that when I wake up early in the morning soft music is played over Bible meditation verses for subconscious learning.

I am grateful Jezebel went to visit a friend in a seniors home. The friend needed it.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested spraying weeds in the garden with vinegar to kill them instead of wasting time pulling them out all the time.

I am grateful for all the garlic leaves growing up as they taste great in meals

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Guided Me to Two New Sites

I am grateful the roast turned out so good after basting in the slow cooker all night.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to two new sites for daily devotionals.

I am grateful it was so easy building the newest raised garden. All the pieces fit together like a hand in a glove.

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It was Easy to Complete

I am grateful the scooters power lasted for two loads of dirt. The dirt being wet was very heavy.

I am grateful it was easy to complete building two raised gardens. Usually it takes hours with the fitting.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested I take the computer upstairs to work on my writing. After our morning loving session, Snowball fell asleep on the couch so I could quietly work beside him. He likes to sleep in my sight.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to a site on a social media site with relaxing flute music to download.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit educated me there was nothing wrong with my idiotic drama queen mother. She was crying because there was blood in her poo. The problem was she drank a cup full of juice that was supposed to be diluted before she drank it. Because she drank a full cup of pure cherry juice she had the diarrhea which she kept on insisting was blood.

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Gotten Rid of All The

I am grateful the septic man can come to empty the tank so soon.

I am grateful for the nice weather so the raised gardens could be painted

I am grateful to have gotten rid of all the wood left over from building raised gardens