
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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A Reward for The

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to make a recipe for Snowball’s constipation. He seems to go every other day but I think it is healthier for him to go every day. Today was the third day and he went. I pray he goes every day.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to spend cuddle time with Little Smokey when Jezebel is out. He loves it.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to pick some cat nip leaves for a reward for the boys for being so good when it is time to trim their claws.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to trim the boys claws. If they are not, they curl into the paw and then there is an operation which would be painful.

I am grateful for the rain this morning and that it stopped when it was time for Jezebel to go out.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to set up the tents for a portable green house. At night a tarp is place over them to keep the frost out.

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Use the correct GPS

There was a woman in Europe that set out on a ninety mile trip to pick up a friend at a train station. She set her GPS for directions to the train station. Three days later and many countries later she stopped a figured out she was lost. When asked why it took so long to figure out she was lost her reply was she was not paying attention. She was paying more attention to the scenery than listening to the GPS.

How about us?

Do we look around and see all the fun the “In crowd” is having and take their advice to join them in their drinking and partying and where do we end up? With hangovers, empty pockets and in bed with someone we don’t even know. Could that not lead us to addictions and diseases? Could that not destroy our lives?

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12. New International Version

Where as, if we listen and follow to the advice in the Bible we will avoid these problems.

Oh sure we will look like geeks to the in crowd, but in the long run we have a loving relationship with Christ which far out shines anything the in crowd can offer. It may seem crazy to your friends and family but it will be smiled upon by our Heavenly loving wise Father.

The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things John 14:26 New International Version

Prayer: Thank you Jesus Pryyand (Jesus my friend) for blessing us with the best instruction manual there ever was, is or will be. Please open my eyes to the wisdom to understand and follow its instructions for a rich and fulfilling life. I humbly give thanks for this blessing and ask for this blessing in Your wise name. Amen.

These articles were written when I was a teacher in China

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin ) Seleh- stop and think about it. This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2023 Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent

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Maybe I Will get a Unlocked

I am grateful my head stopped swimming. Yesterday afternoon I woke up and my head was swimming like I was drunk. This went on until early this morning

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested giving Snowball cbd oil at noon and 4 pm. He will get some herbal tea with his evening meds

I am grateful this discount electronic store has an mp3 and maybe I will get a unlocked phone for a camera and mp3 player

I am grateful this discount rodent traps. There is a little mouse that falsely believes he is moving in with me.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit reminded me to do my morning work out

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For Idea’s on How To

I am grateful it did not rain out today like it was forecast to

I am grateful for programs to make movies for mom to watch

I am grateful for idea’s on how to make the raised gardens into portable greenhouses for the spring

I am grateful for all the cuddle times with Snowball

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me on how to clean all the unused programs from the computer and free up a huge amount of memory.

I am grateful for all the kind men and women that hold the door open for me when I go into stores. Many times the automatic doors are too small so both door must be open. I can do it but it is just heart warming to see such kindness ( although this is common in small towns ).

I cannot imagine life without The Holy Spirit at centre of it. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah

This article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2023

Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent

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Helped Me to be Firm but Polite

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested putting a back cushion on the scooter, the mirrors are easier to look into now

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested buying a hand warmer, half way to the store the wind picked up and it became bitterly cold.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested buying frozen vegetables instead of the “ fresh” produce. The frozen is so much cheaper

I am grateful The Holy Spirit helped me to be firm but polite with a telephone scammer. They promptly hung up when I informed them the call was tracking where they were calling from and the call was being recorded.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested cutting up potatoes and baking them. They can be added to the frozen vegetables for stir fry.

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There was a Huge Amount Of

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested I go to a different store to get some garden supplies. I saved a lot of money

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested I go to the cemetery. There was a huge amount of potted plants thrown out. All’s they need is to be pruned back and they will come back next year

I am grateful mom went to church even though the care worker did not come to give her a bath.

I am grateful to have been able to duct tape the tarp to the poles for the tabernacle. It prevents them from being blown away in the heavy winds.

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There was a Lot of Potted

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to look in the shoe section at the grocery store, there was a great pair of winter boots on sale.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to look in the garbage bins at the end of the cemetery, there was a lot of potted plants thrown away. The old potting soil is used in the raised garden.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to put the fallen leaves in the bottom of the raised gardens. They will be used for compost.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me to pick ripened cat tails. The seeds were spread all over some low lying areas of our property.


So We can Have Fresh

I am grateful that a store employee informed me I could call in my order and then come and pick it up.

I am grateful that the chicken and potato pancakes turned out so good

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit encouraged me to bring in the herbs so we can have fresh herbs all winter long

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Neat Little Tricks to Save

I am grateful to have spoke with some store employees on neat little tricks to save money at the store

I am grateful that the furnace man came but he was a shyster and tried to con mom into getting unnecessary work done on the furnace. She insists it needs to be done and is stupid and stubborn ,the two go hand and hand. Previous furnace men told her not to fall for the scam but she is stupid. She has a plan in her contract with a company she gets her natural gas with to have the furnace men come and put in new filters, check out the furnace and air conditioner once a year.

I am grateful that the frost did not kill all of my herbs.

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit encouraged me to put some chicken legs in the slow cooker and leave overnight for the flavour to get into the chick and the broth will be made into soup.

I am grateful that The Holy Spirit encouraged me to make a batch to make potato pancakes and leave it overnight to get the flavour of the herbs into the mixture

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Guided Me Down the Aisle With

I am grateful The Holy Spirit guided me down the aisle with adult coloring books and search a word books in large writing for mom.

I am grateful for the two elderly ladies that held the door for me when I entered and left the discount store.

I am grateful the grocery store had the cooked spicy chicken prepared when I got in there.

I am grateful the pita’s were on mark down. It was unbelievable that the pizza increased by two dollars in one week.

I am grateful mom went out today so I could get a lot of work done on the blog.