
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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To be Nothing.

he make priceless art

Even though I am nothing at all.2 Corinthians 12:11 New Living Translation

Saul was a pretty big man in the Jewish community. It was when He met Christ that he learned to be nothing of Himself so that he would be everything for Christ.

Notice I said he “would be” not could be.

It was only when Saul died that Paul began to live.

So too it is with us.

We the individual must die so that we will become children of Jehovah and servants of Christ. It must no longer be me first in our lives but Christ first in everything in our lives that we truly become royal servants.

“Believers have not been distinctly guided to see that nothing is more natural and beautiful and blessed than to be nothing, so that God may be all…” — Andrew Murray

Prayer: Thank you Jesus Hamelech ( Jesus my Lord King ) for the honour of being a humble servant of the most high of King of Kings. It is a great tribute to receive such a high calling. I glorify You in Your highest majestic name. Amen

May love be in your life, may hope be in your heart and may peace be in your every day walk with Christ.


It Comes Naturally.


 “The heart is deceitful above all things And it is extremely sick; Who can understand it fully and know its secret motives? Jeremiah 17;9 The Holy Bible, Amplified Version

Folks see these mass murders, war, rape, unrestrained lust for both sexual pleasure as well as sensual like clothes cars and such. They see disrespect, greed, ungratefulness, lying, manipulating, conniving and deceitfulness. They see wanton destruction of nature, societies and families. They shake their heads and wonder where it come from.

It comes naturally.

Folks try all kinds of remedies which naturally fail, especially from what I see in “safe injection sites” (it is supposed to be a safe place for junkies it get their”fix” but ends up destroying the surrounding neighbourhoods with used needles on their lawns and in playgrounds. They have to endure these stoned creatures walking around their neighbourhoods like raving lunatics. I have seen it in more than one city and it destroys the downtown core which is made up of mostly small business.).

What is needed is not the natural but the super natural power that only comes from Jehovah. We need Him in our personal lives, family lives and societal lives.

Every society down through out the ages that has moved away from Jehovah has moved towards its own self destruction. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Please YAHWEH-Ropheka :God our healer always administer Thy Holy medicine in generous proportion in my mind, spirit and body to remain pure unto Thee. May this healing balm gush forth from me unto the sick in this dark world and guide them to the Supreme Divine Healer, You. I humbly request this in the name of the greatest Healer to ever walk this earth Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love fill your heart today and every day. Joseph a son of Jehovah


It Is Not Natural.


Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything; tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.” Philippians 4:6-7


Worry is natural, faith is not.

When we encounter problems in our lives worry is the natural tendency.

But consider this: how many times has worry solved your problems?

Praying to Jehovah Jireh (God our provider) and having faith that He will answer is not natural, it is spiritual.


From my experience it has taken many years to develop faith so strong as to never doubt and even then doubt still occurs sometimes. It started out with little things that were prayed for and were answered. Gradually over time bigger and bigger challenges are given over to Jehovah and faith grows stronger.


Another help is to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to bless you with the power to have faith.

And of course, do not forget your manners and say thank you.

After all, why should Jehovah give to an ungrateful whining child?

An added bonus in being grateful is that the more grateful you are the more your life is filled with joy at both the smallest and the biggest answered prayers and the more joyous your life is in general.

Oh yeah, another bonus is how amazingly close you become with Jehovah Abba (God our father).


Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Shalom (God of peace) for the blessing of amazing peace You envelope me in as I place my life in Your gracious hands. Please remind me to always humbly give thanks for Your abundant blessings as they come. I give thanks for these blessings and ask for this blessing in the name of He who had faith total in You as he walked amongst us Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.