
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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All in One Word.

Today our world is plagued by rage and depression. It oozes into every cranny of society, rich and poor, man and woman, of every colour and nationality.

Everyone is asking why.

It can all be summed up in one word: unforgiveness.

When we refuse to forgive someone for an offense they have committed upon us it seeps into every aspect of our life. That is why there is so much road rage, why there is so much drug abuse, why there is so much failed marriage, why there is so much in fighting in families.

Why do folks refuse to forgive?

Because, we are greedy.

Instead of leaving justice in Jehovahs capable hands we demand the right for blood by our own.

Unforgiveness is a form of selfishness. We demand our pound of flesh.Joseph a son of Jehovah

The cure for this selfishness can only be found by laying our grievances at the feet of Jesus and trusting Him to deliver true justice in His time and in His way.

Speaking from personal experience, Christs justice is far more terrible than anything we could administer to the unrepentant.

The Lord works out everything to its proper end— even the wicked for a day of disaster. The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished. Proverbs 16: 4-5 Holy Bible New Living Translation

In the mean time, we are to pray for the offended to come to repentance for their own good.

If possible stay away from abusive folks and if you have to deal with them do so graciously but firmly. Let them know their attitude and behavior is not welcome nor tolerated. Therefore, the relationship shall remain formal, but, if they repent the door of friendship shall be opened

Prayer: Please Jehovah Elohe Tishuathi (Psalms 18:46&51:14) – GOD of My selfishnessSalvation bless me to always have a forgiving heart towards others as You do towards me. Please bless me with the wisdom, strength and provision to walk away from habitual  abusers and to pray for them to come unto repentance as well. I humbly request this in the name of He whose blood made forgiveness possible Jesus Christ. Amen

Wishing you a house full of sunshine, hearts full of cheer and love that grows deeper each day of the year. Welsh blessing

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It is Impossible To


Those who are in the flesh [living a life that caters to sinful appetites and impulses] cannot please God. Romans 8:8 The Holy Bible Amplified Version 

Because Jehovah is spirit we cannot please Him if we are consistently living a destructive life of fleshly pleasure. He desires you to mature in spirit because that makes you a holy and righteous child of His. In the process of this we become ever closer to Him in spirit.

The Christian creed is Jehovah first, others second, self last. The worldly creed is myself first, others get the leftovers and Jehovah gets nothing. Joseph a son of Jehovah

When we cater to the fleshly desire we are selfish and greedy. We do not care about anybody but ourselves.

Jehovah desires you to have a loving relationship with Him and then to emulate that out to others.

It is impossible to please self and to please God Joseph- Anthony: Green

Prayer: Oh my cherished Jehovah Abba (God our Father) I love to please You above all others because of Your immeasurable love for me.

Please bless me to exhibit Your love towards others so as to guide them to a Heavenly love which none other can compare.

I declare my love for You in the name of He whose love for me led Him all the way to the cross Jesus Christ. Amen

May Gods sunshine always bless you with brightening your day with His love, joy and peace. Joseph a son of Jehovah


We are Most Content When.

 But godliness actually is a source of great gain when accompanied by contentment [that contentment which comes from a sense of inner confidence based on the sufficiency of God]. 1 Timothy 6:6 Holy Bible, Amplified Version

Godliness means that we emulate our treasured Heavenly King. This brings great contentment because we are not bothered by earthly desires nor caught up in worldly cares. We rest in the bosom of He who loves us, cares for us and cares about us. That is all one needs in life to be content.

To be content is described as feeling that one’s needs or desires have been met.

When we walk in harmony with Jehovah it pleases Him to fulfill His cherished childrens desires as long as they are righteous and not greedy.

I am most content when I am in communion with my Heavenly Beloved. Earthly pleasures hold no place in my heart. Therefore my Beloved causes my cup to over run.

As well there is contentment in knowing my cherished one always supplies the daily needs. For this I am immensely grateful and both express it verbally and physically every day.

“We are most content when we are satisfied with what He has given us, grateful for what Jehovah blesses with and generous to those in need.” Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Shalom (The Lord blesses with Peace) for blessing me with peace, contentment and joy through out my life as I walk in harmony with Your sacred choices in my life. I praise Thee in the name of He who guided His disciples unto You Jesus Christ. Amen

May the gentle assurance of Jesus’ sweet love encompass you today and every day.

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The Master of Our Passions

“Oh Lord, become the master of our passions, and the creator of our desires.” R. Marklund

Too many times today I hear elderly parents cry that their children and grandchildren have deserted them. The only time they call is when they want money. They are selfish, arrogant and ungrateful.

Who taught them that?

In Asia they are called Little Emperors and Little Empress’. Their mothers and grandmothers spoiled them rotten when they were children. Now they are lazy, arrogant, ungrateful and selfish. They have nothing to do with their parents and grandparents.

Instead of teaching their children love, respect, caring, sharing, and to be appreciative they taught them to whine until they got what they wanted. That they are so special, that happiness comes only from material things. Then they complain because their children grow up to be disrespectful, greedy, shallow, self centered materialistic brats who shun the parents and grandparents.

Most parents and grandparents spent lavishly on these brats while doing without for themselves.

Now they are poor and in need of help. Their children are cold and cold care less.

The parents and grandparents wail about their fate yet it was they themselves who created these monsters.

I was shocked when I returned to Canada from a ten year hiatus of teaching in China to see with disgust the same scenario repeatedly occurring here.

Being a care giver for my elderly mother I hear the same stories from her friends.

Doing volunteer work in a seniors home it is shocking to see and hear it from the residents the neglect of their children and grandchildren. So many of them have been thrown in there to die and never see their children or grandchildren except on Christmas. Yet, they themselves worshipped their children and grandchildren when they were young and now are abandoned by them. The only time they call is when they want money but if the parents or grandparents want any help the children and grandchildren are “too busy” to help.

Perhaps that is why Jehovah tells us to love Him above all others. It is because He loves us more than anyone could or would. He will never abuse us, leave us nor desert us.                                                          

And Jesus replied to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ Matthew 22:37  The Holy Bible Amplified Version

Idols always break the hearts of their worshippers.” C.S.Lewis

Prayer: Please my wonderful Jehovah Heseh (God is love) bless me to always have a heart that is faithful unto You and to worship only You as You are the only one worthy of praise, worship and stewardship. I humbly request this in the name of He who emulates what it is like to be Your Holy child Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the gentle assurance of Jesus’ sweet love encompass you today and every day.