
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


Gave Me Renewed Hope and Cheer.

When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer. Psalms 94:19 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Oh boy do I know this to be true.

There have been so many times in my walk with Christ when the whole world seemed to be crashing down around me. With rivers of tears flowing down my cheeks I would call upon our Heavenly Poppa and He would calm my fears and softly, lovingly sooth my sorrows. It was like being washed clean after a hard dirty day at work or after a hard sweaty work out. That was what it was like when He washed away my anxiety and or fears.

Then, snuggling up in a nice warm comforter in a cold room. That was what it felt like when His love and comfort enveloped me like that comforter. I would be filled with joy and appreciation for being blessed with such a wonderful, loving Father.

The world outside could be going to Hell in a hand cart and I did not care. I was in the sanctuary of love with my adoring Poppa, safe, secure and loved.

Wow, what an experience that was and is.

Being a live in care giver has been the most stressful thing I have ever done. I could not go on without my loving Poppa being there with wise advice and loving arms to encourage me on.

Oh my precious brothers and sisters, we all experience stress, exhaustion, confusion, worry fear and sadness. When these dark moments encompass your soul, go to the only One that’s love can, will and does chase away the darkness with His amazing love. His name is Jesus.

Because He has walked amongst us, He understands. He loves you more than we can ever imagine.

Go to Him in prayer. Take shelter from the raging burning storms under His gentle loving arms.

When the storms are raging out side, let Jesus come inside to comfort and soothe the weary heart. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Elohe Mauzi (Psalms 43:2 GOD of My Strength ) for blessing me with You super human strength to continue on serving You by caring for a challenging one in need of care. Thank you for Your peace and comfort to encourage me on. With the greatest of praise I extol Thee in the name of He who endured so much hardship for me, Jesus Christ. Amen

May You always be blessed with the presence and assistance of the truest Super Man. Jesus Christ in your time of need. Joseph a son of Jehovah

This article and photo @ 2021 Joseph a son of Jehovah. All rights reserved. Used only by permission of the author.

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Thank You.

 Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4 The Holy Bible The New Living Translation

Oh my Love, thank you that no matter how strong the storms lash at me whenever I recollect all the blessings You have generously bestowed upon me, my heart cannot but dance with joy. With each stanza of thanks Your bright light of love comes ever more powerful and evaporates the most stubborn of darkness in my heart.

And, of course, there is the greatest gift You bless me with which creates an euphoria in my heart, that is when You bless me with communion with You.

Thank you that whatever the burden is that is heavy upon my shoulders I go into a quiet place to be with You and You bless me with a lightened heart that dances a jig of gratitude for all of Your graciousness You have generously bestowed upon me and this strengthens me to continue on.

I thank you in the name of He who understands what I am going through because He has walked in my shoes, my closest confidant with whom I share all my challenges with because He understand Jesus Christ. Amen

May the light of Christs love shine brightly in your heart today and every day Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2020

Satisfy Us Each Morning With

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Getting Wood Blocks At

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested getting wood blocks at a town site, hollow them out and put flowers in the centre of them. Viola, no weeding or cutting of the grass.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested getting the scooter out at sunrise to get as many wood blocks as possible in the morning. I am grateful the nice weather has caused so many seeds to sprout.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested planting cat nip with the peas to protect them from the aphids

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested using old tomato cages for the peas to climb

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested giving Snowball a teaspoon of aloe vera oil to help his bowels.

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Kiss Each Other


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Because They Foolishly Believe

Because They Foolishly Believe But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. 1 John 4:4 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

The Holy Spirit who dwells with in in us is greater that Satan who dwells in those that dance with Satan.

But we belong to God, and those who know God listen to us. If they do not belong to God, they do not listen to us. That is how we know if someone has the Spirit of truth or the spirit of deception. 1 John 4:6 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

This is why it is a waste of time trying to debate or reach consensus with satan walkers.

They know what they are doing is wrong but refuse to acknowledge it because they foolishly believe doing so will prevent them from taking responsibility for their words and or actions.

Whenever wicked men and or women try to manipulate or verbally abuse us, they are in for a hard slap down compliments of The Holy Spirit who dwells with in us. I have personally experienced this numerous times.

Jesus has a rude awakening for them: Disaster pursues abusive men and women, but prosperity is the reward of the righteous. Proverbs 13:21 Berean Standard Bible

Relationships with psychopaths are always exploitative. They only desire to have a relationship with you when they want something, then discard you after they’ve used you. The Christians saving grace is that Jesus is our Lord and King and protects us from these wicked ones and always punishes them for their abuse towards us . Joseph- Anthony a son of

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Maginnenu (Psalms 89:18 The LORD Our Defence ) for sending The Holy Spirit to defend and protect me from the wicked ones. Thank you Jesus that You shall administer appropriate punishment to them for their wicked deeds. I praise You in the name of the Superior Judge Jesus Christ. Amen

indeovi vas ( may you live with Jesus in Latin )

Seleh- stop and think about it.

This photo and article @ Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah 2024

Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it but it may not be sold without authors consent As you think so too you are. Joseph- Anthony a son of Jehovah.


Answer Me With Your

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To Have Gotten up A

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested going down an old trail I have not been on for many years. There was fields of beautiful wild flowers that were dug up and transplanted in the garden.

I am grateful to have gotten up a steep dirt incline from the trail. A couple of times the scooter had to be pushed up.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested going into this woodworking plant area. The owner gave me huge bags of sawdust to use on the front garden The Holy Spirit is guiding me to build.

I am grateful The Holy Spirit suggested going to a certain quiet place every day with meditation verse to spend quiet time with the Trinity

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Dressed for the New Life

Are you dressed in grave clothes or wedding garments?

Now that we have been saved by grace how then shall we live? How are we to walk in this new life?

The apostle Paul uses an illustration in terms of taking off one set of clothes and putting on another in Colossians 3:9-10. “Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices, and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him.”

The verbs in this passage are in the past tense. “You have taken off your old self . . . and have put on the new.” The aorist tense indicates something that has already taken place. It has already happened, and not something to be done.

The action is to take off completely; to strip off one’s self. If the old self really has been put off, one must not at a critical moment revert to the way one acted before his conversion. The plural describes the deeds, which characterized the former life.

In Colossians 3:10, the idea of “new” is the newness in quality, and it is the continual action “which is ever being renewed.”

We are to take off once for all, definite concluding action. Stripping off is to be done at once, and for good. The old manner of life is to be done with.

“In reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self (Lit. man), which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth” (Ephesians 4:22-24).

The “old man” is your manner of life which Paul described in 2:3. Westcott said, “The whole character representing the former self was not only corrupt but ever growing more and more corrupt.” Every aspect of the old man’s behavior is putrid, crumbling, or bloated like rotting waste or cadavers, stinking, ripe for being buried and forgotten.

The other action is to “put on” one’s self, to cloth one’s self. It is newness in quality that is put on. Paul is not suggesting the restoration of the original state. The old and new is contrasted.

The present tense in Ephesians 4:23 emphasizes the continual renewing. We are to put on in the sense of putting on a garment (v. 24). Thus, the believer puts on, or fulfills the divine demands God places upon men. This is the habitual action that is to characterize the life of the Christian (v. 25).

The “renewing in the spirit of the mind” of which Paul speaks in Eph. 4:23 is to make new again, or to renew. It is also found in Rom. 12:2 when he speaks of “the renewing of the mind.” This renewal is kin to make new, different. It is an adjustment of the moral and spiritual vision and thinking to the mind of God. The stress in Rom. 12:2 is on the continual operation of the indwelling Spirit and the willing response of the believer. “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Paul is speaking of a radical change, “being transformed” which is the same word for “transfiguration” of Jesus in Matthew 17:2. It is “to change into another form,” which is an inner change, a radical renovation. We are changed from the inside out.

Our practical everyday sanctification is the restrained and obedient powers of the personality brought into subjection and submission to God’s will by the Holy Spirit.

Are you responding to the appeal of the Holy Spirit to put off all conduct associated with your former life apart from Christ and put on a new pattern of behavior that looks like Christ? We are to follow Christian standards because God has already made us new creatures in Christ Jesus. The apostle is demanding a high form of behavior on our part because something decisive has already taken place in our lives. We have already been made new in Christ by the new birth. Because that has already taken place, we must live like it.

Old grave clothes are ok for a corpse, but they are completely inappropriate for wedding garments in preparation for the wedding supper of the Lamb. If you are the Bride then dress like one.Selah!

Message by Wil Pounds (c) 2006

Anyone is free to use this material and distribute it, but it may not be sold under any circumstances whatsoever without the author’s written consent.