
A closer walk with our beloved friend.


You can Thank Him For


 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Holy Bible, New Living Translation

Try this every day for a month and see how much your disposition changes:

Every morning thank Jehovah. You can thank Him for the bed you have slept on while many in the world sleep on cold dirt.

You can thank Him for the adobe you are living in while many are living in plastic tents you would be put in jail if you let your dog sleep in it.

Thank Him for the security of your adobe while many are living in war zones where their next moment may be their last or if they are captured they will be tortured and murdered.

You can thank Him for the heart in your adobe while many are shivering with nothing but a blanket to keep them warm.

You can thank Him for the air conditioning while many are in such sweltering heat they can barely breathe.

You can thank Him for the clean water to shower in, drink and cook your food with while many have enough water to cook and drink only.

You can thank Him for the food in your adobe while many are digging their meals out of the garbage dump.

I have seen all of these things and get angered when listening to the whine puppies cry about how hard done they are in the first world countries.

May I suggest going and living in third world countries for three months and then see how grateful you are to be living in the lap of luxury in the industrialized world.

“God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say ‘thank you?'” — William A. Ward

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Jireh ( God provides ) for all of Your wonderful daily provisions for me both great and small, for those I see and for those that are unknown to me. I praise You in the name of Your greatest gift to me Jesus Christ. Amen

May you be blessed with the gift of love, the gift of peace, the gift of joy. May you be blessed with numerous opportunities to share these gifts with others today.

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Everything We Need to Have A

i love you my lord

 And make the Almighty your gold And your precious silver Job 22:25 The Holy Bible Amplified Version 

Before we had this monopoly money (worthless paper money created through the fiat system) gold and silver were the universal standard of trade. The more you had the richer you were.

As appealing as it is to have a life filled with physical luxury it is more important to have the crown of righteousness placed upon our head in our Heavenly home by our Beloved King, Jesus Christ.

One time on a talk show on the idiot box (TV) there was a successful athlete who was rich beyond measure married to a stunning beauty living in a luxurious mansion. At the end of his career on this show he talked about all of his championships and awards and his luxurious lifestyle, looked at the man emceeing the show and asked: “Is this all there is? Now what? There has to be something more.”

Yes there is and He is the fulfillment of everything we need to have a meaningful life. His name is Jesus. Once you are blessed with a relationship with Him, there is nothing to compare in the world and there is nothing more you either want or desire.

“Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.” ― Charles H. Spurgeon

Prayer:Thank you Jehovah Heseh (God is love) for revealing to me the riches wealth of us is that of a loving relationship with You. There is nothing to compare with it. I praise You in the name whose friendship is the most priceless treasure I can ever be blessed with, Jesus Christ. Amen

May your house be filled with joy in the morning and sweet dreams at night. May it be a home where love has come to live. Joseph a son of Jehovah


I Ask For.


 They followed vanity [that is, false gods, idols] and became vain (empty-headed). 2 Kings 17:15 The Holy Bible Amplified Version

The thing I have noticed and numerous studies have confirmed is that the more material wealth you have the more paranoid you become about losing, the less detached you are from reality. The more luxury you have the more you become a slave to the scam of big business.

Take for example the latest mobile phone that comes out from a certain company every year or so. Folks are demented enough to wait in long line to pay idiotic prices for a gadget that they are only going to through away next year anyway. Their lunatic reasoning is that if they do not have the latest they are a no body. That is vanity. The gadget or latest designer clothes are like a god to them and the idolize things rather than nurture love towards others.

For where your treasure is, there your heart [your wishes, your desires; that on which your life centers] will be also. Matthew 6:21 The Holy Bible Amplified Version

I on the other hand seek the truest most valuable treasure of all.

That is: a loving relationship with Jehovah. When we commune together my heart is filled with Divine love, which nothing can compare with.

There is an old saying: what goes around, comes around.

Because I am honest I look forward to what is coming my way.

I nurture a pure heart for what matters to Jehovah and am not swayed by the foolish gibberish spewed by those who are worshiped as Gods like TV certain celebrities. As such there is a lot of peace withing my heart that is only attained by being in the right relationship with Jehovah.

“I do not ask for a life of luxury, nor for material wealth. I ask for a joyful heart, an honest heart, a pure heart. A heart after Jehovah riches” Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Pryyand- God is my friend for blessing me with the most amazing loving friend ever possible. Thank you for blessing me with spiritual blessings that are the most prized of all gifts You have showered upon me. I exalt Thee in the name of the most beautiful jewel of them all Jesus Christ. Amen

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love fill your heart today and every day.


In Their Blind Conceit

Sin whispers to the wicked, deep within their hearts. They have no fear of God at all. In their blind conceit, they cannot see how wicked they really are.” Psalm 36:1-2 Holy Bible Amplified Version

Conceit is described in the dictionary as: an often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one’s situation or achievements

I have met so many that are so full of themselves that it is painful to be around them for more that two minutes. They think the whole world revolves around them. They cannot say a sentence without glorifying themselves. They are the epitome of arrogance.

Of course they only live for themselves.

They lie, steal, cheat and do anything to glorify themselves and bring luxury to themselves.

This is their downfall because they are very lonely (who wants to be around a braggart?).

They are susceptible to alcohol and drug abuse. Because they drool at being with the in crowd they fall for the lies that drug and alcohol abuse is fun. Using drugs and alcohol brings short term pleasure that leads to a life time of hell. Yeah it is fun to start with but becomes addictive and you become its slave. It is a cruel master.

I have done volunteer work with addicts and the same story is repeated with every one of them. It started out as fun with their buddies but soon became addictive. In the end, it destroyed their lives. I have met many that were successful by the worlds standards (doctors, lawyers and such) that had their lives destroyed by alcohol and drugs and were homeless.

We are all one step from the gutter, that is why we need Christ to guide our steps away from it. Joseph a son of Jehovah

“Sin has a diminishing factor to it. It always gives it’s best in the beginning. It never gets better after that … it only gets worse.” — Mark Aulson

Prayer: Please Jehovah Hoshe’ah – ( The Lord Saves ) save me from the deceptive snares of addictions that destroy the body, mind and spirit. I humbly request this in the name of He who is the strongest defense against these whiles Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the gentle assurance of Jesus’ sweet love encompass you today and every day.

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That is Our Golden Years.

For to me, to live is Christ [He is my source of joy, my reason to live] and to die is gain [for I will be with Him in eternity]. Philippians 1:21 Holy Bible Amplified Version

Even though I was living a comfortable life by the worlds standards there was something missing. There was a lot of volunteer work in the community but there was something missing. There was a huge hole in my heart for love, joy and purpose. It stayed that way for many years.

I have lived both the life of worldly luxury and the world of Christly extravagance and I chose Christ’s over the world every time. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Then, slowly after my live was committed unto Christ the hole became smaller and smaller until it was non-exsistant. It was replaced by a meaning in life: being a free will servant of my Heavenly King, Jesus Christ. He was my reason to live. There was Heavenly joy in my heart which is uncomparable to the empty happiness offered by the world. The Divine love between Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and I share is uncombarable to anything the world has to offer. Now I am truly living in my golden years.

When we live moment by moment in Christs love, that is our golden years. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Abba (God our Father) for blessing me with Divine meaning in my life and Your Divine love and joy in my heart. I exalt You in the name of my best friend whose companionship I cherish Jesus Christ. Amen

May the gentle assurance of Jesus’ sweet love encompass you today and every day.