
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

He is Able to Keep.



I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him 2 Timothy 1:12 New King James Version

When we become Christians just as Christ is our King, so too are we servants. As such we make a prayerful commitment to serve where He guides us. Making that commitment we have faith that He will provide the opportunities and tools to complete the task He has assigned for us to do. It need not be a huge commitment to serve as a missionary overseas, it may be a commitment in our communities like volunteering at hospitals or schools or other numerous opportunities.

A commitment to Jehovah is a commitment of service. Joseph- Anthony: Green

Another aspect is the daily commitment to serve in small ways like saying a kind word to a server at a restaurant or giving up your seat to an elderly riser on the bus and multiple other ways throughout the day.

“The stream of spontaneous acts of Godly kindness carries us to the sea of contentment and peace.” Constance Hurst-Howard

The benefit to you of course is the joy it brings to your heart. Of course there are many ingrates out there who will not have the decency to say thank you but keep in mind you are doing it for Christ’s praise, not the praise of others.

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13New King James Version

Prayer: Please Jehovah Chanan (God is gracious) bless me with opportunities to be as gracious to others today as You have been gracious to me. I humbly request this in the name of my beloved gracious king Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day

Author: ropheka

As Christ is our King, so too are we His free will servants Joseph a son of Jehovah I have been a faithful servant of our Lord for the past forty years. He has led me to move from the farm to the city. It was there I learned natural medicine as well as to serve by doin volunteer work in a hospital. This was preparing me for the next stage of growth and service unto Him. The next phase was to live in a tent in the western provinces of Canada planting trees. It has here in His marvelous creation of nature that He taught me so much of Himself while serving others in camp as a first aid attendant. If anybody got sick or injured they always came to me. As well, I learned to be a big brother and care about their mental health and for most, it was the first time they were ever loved. This caring for others prepared me for the next step which was to be a teacher all over China. Here not only did my example guide many to our Heavenly King but also taught me how to deal with narcissist. This prepared me to come home to take care of a narcissistic mother while dealing with narcissist family members. It was in China that the Lord also guided me to become a Christian writer which has been faithfully done for the past ten years. I know not what will happen tomorrow but I know who holds tomorrow in His hands and it is Him I place my total confidence and trust in. Joseph a son of Jehovah

12 thoughts on “He is Able to Keep.

  1. “The stream of spontaneous acts of Godly kindness carries us to the sea of contentment and peace.” Constance Hurst-Howard

    Love that!

  2. Servants at all times we become, wherever we are. Hope you’re having a nice day.

  3. I always love the prayers at the end of your posts! Well done…


    • Thank you. I use them to encourage readers to speak with our Beloved from their heart.

      • My goodness…we can speak to the Lord? (Kidding of course). There isn’t a time of the day nor a day of the year when we can’t pray to the Lord about something!

        May you and yours have a wonderful holiday season and thank you for so much support during this past year!

        God love and keep you,

      • I know. Sometimes people thin I am crazy because I am talking to myslef but in reality I am talking with our Beloved. The laugh is on them.

        May you be blessed with a joyous, peaceful loving holidays as well.

        May you be blessed with many enjoyable conversation with our Beloved every day

      • My thought is that if I’m seen driving and talking, people will just figure I’m talking on my “Bluetooth”…LOL!

        Anyway, just keep praying. It can be habit forming!


      • When I was tree planting we spent twelve hours a day, six days a week working by ourselves

        When I was panning for gold out in the mountains I spent six days a week by myslef

        When I bicycled from Canada to the bottom of the Baja in Mexico I spent six days on the road by myself.

        If I did not talk with myself I would have gone insane.

        Besides, it’s fun to watch people reactions when I pretend to get into an argument with myslef. lol

        Have fun talkig with the fellow you see in the mirror every morning ha ha

      • Thanks so much! Yeah, one can grow very tired of one’s self when we are the only person around…LOL!


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