
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

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The Best Investment.

loving to each other

Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them. Mark 10:16 The Holy Bible, The New Living Translation

Jesus took time out of His busy day to show love to children, should we not imitate Him every day?

How much quality time do you spend with your children?

At meal time (irregardless of whether it is breakfast or dinner) do you sit around the table and talk, cementing your bonds, or do you all sit there with you mugs pasted in front of the idiot box (TV)?

Do you help them with their homework, class projects or go to parent teacher meeting with them?

Do you tuck them into bed and read them bedtime stories them kiss them good night and tell them you love them (that was my personal favorite)?

On the weekend do you do things with them like go to the park or watch a family movie and then talk about it?

You are the potter, they are the mold, what type of vessel are you creating?

Children learn more by watching then listening. What do they see when they see you?

Children learn more by watching then listening. Joseph- Anthony: Green

The same goes for teachers.

At the beginning of each semester I would tell my classes: “I am your teacher. I will work hard for you to be the best teacher for you. You will work hard for me because you love me.” Then I proceeded to prove it. At first they thought I was nuts. After about a month, they were my babies and they knew it. They loved their teacher because they saw their teacher loved them (Kinda like Jesus taught me. We love Him because He loved us first.). I believe what I taught them about love will stay with them all of their lives.

“Children will not remember you for the material things you have provided, but for the feeling that you cherished them.” –Richard L. Evans

Children are Gods gift to you, nurture them properly like you would a garden for you are sowing the seeds of the future. Joseph- Anthony: Green

The same goes for those who are new children in the family of Jehovah. You are to love them as if they were your own children and dedicate yourself to their well being and maturity in Christ as you would your own children.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Emet (God of truth) for blessing me with all the marvelous teachers You have sent my way. Thank you for guiding me to emulate the greatest Teacher, Jesus. May I inspire all those You bring to me to become loving obedient children of Yours so as to enrich Your treasure in Heaven (to be surrounded by even more loving children of Yours). I meekly ask of this in the name of the greatest Teacher Jesus Christ. Amen

May Gods sunshine always bless you with brightening your day with His love, joy and peace. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Photo and article @ Joseph a son of Jehovah 2020


The Value of Prayer.


Let it be [the inner beauty of] the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, [one that is calm and self-controlled, not overanxious, but serene and spiritually mature] which is very precious in the sight of God. 1 Peter 3:4 The Holy Bible Amplified Version

I cannot begin my day without prayer. No matter what other matters are pressing down on me, I do not do anything before my morning prayer (unless the house is on fire of course). It is my special time with my Beloved and is precious beyond all others to me. Once or twice I foolishly did go without morning prayer and it was as if an important part of me was missing. Never again do I want to go through that.

Every night before bed I spend time in prayer with my Beloved. The reward is always a beautiful nights sleep. I cannot close my eyes without it. It is oh so very precious to me. So precious in fact that I cannot get to sleep without having that conversation.

Once a week I spend a day in prayer with my Beloved. It is oh so very precious to me. We talk of the previous weeks events and of our love for each other.

You know the value of prayer: it is precious beyond all price. Never, never neglect it Sir Thomas Buxton

A prayerless Christian is not a Christian Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Pryyand (God is my friend) for blessing me with the opportunity to spend as much valuable time with You. Thank you that You are always there and are always willing to both listen and to speak so freely with this adoring child of Yours. I adore You in the name of my big brother in whom I deeply cherish Jesus Christ. Amen

May your house be filled with joy in the morning and sweet dreams at night. May it be a home where love has come to live. Joseph a son of Jehovah


Where is Your Tabernacle?


The tabernacle is the meeting place with Jehovah. It is a special place with no interruptions and is quiet.

Mine is in my tent in the back yard.

It is here we talk one on one, it is here He speaks to me as I read His holy word.

It is here He listens while I sing love songs unto Him.

It is here that I take shelter from the trials and tribulations, sorrows and snares.

It is here I thank Him in the morning for all His blessings great and small. It is here I say good morning my Love, I love you every morning.

It is here that I thank Him for all blessings great and small that He has abundantly blessed me with throughout the day.

It is here I say good night, I love You my cherished one before going peacefully off to sleep at night.

We all need our own tabernacles where we can be alone with Jehovah every day.

Where is yours?

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Pryyand (God is my friend) for blessing me with a sacred place in which to commune with You. It is one of my most cherished blessings. I exalt You for this holy gift in the name of Your best gift unto me Jesus Christ. Amen. Wishing you a house full of sunshine, hearts full of cheer and love that grows deeper each day of the year. Welsh blessing


My Greatest Gift Ever.


 When I was a boy my grandma would give me a sweater every year for Christmas. Upon opening it there is disappointment, I wanted a toy. After putting it on however, I refused to take it off. Mom would have to fight with me almost every day because I always wanted to wear it. There was just something special about it that made it inseparable. What was unknown to me in my childhood innocence was that grandma would work on knitting that sweater every day for a month or two and what made it so special was the love she put into creating it. When the sweater was worn the love could be felt in it. It was the best gift ever to this child.

It pales in comparison  however to the greatest gift that is given to everyone free of charge. That gifts name is Jesus.

Jehovah loved us so much He allowed His most loved son to lower Himself to our level just so He would teach us about Jehovah and how to nurture a loving obedient relationship with Him. That was my greatest gift ever given to me by the most loving Father. I thank Him ever so deeply for this cherished gift ever day.

Jehovah loved us so much that even though it ripped His tender heart apart He allowed His beloved son to suffer and die for our sins so that we have the opportunity to become His children. That was my greatest gift ever given to me by my best friend Jesus Christ.

I thank Him ever so deeply for this cherished gift ever day. Jesus loved us so much He left His perfect loving home in Heaven to lower Himself to our level to teach us about our Beloved Father in Heaven. He loved us so much He suffered the most horrible death just so we have the most wonderful gift of all, becoming a child of Jehovah. That was my greatest gift ever given to me by my Savior Jesus Christ. I thank Him ever so deeply for this cherished gift ever day.

“For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His[One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 Holy Bible Amplified Version

Children, this gift is available free to all who are willing to accept it. When you do, you enter into the most fabulous loving relationship there ever was, is and will be.

If you are a child of His, be respectful and thank your Heavenly Father Jehovah and your best friend and Savior Jesus Christ for this most treasured gift every day.

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah for blessing me with allowing Your precious Son to become Jesus Christ Go’el (The Lord is my Redeemer) and thank you Jesus for willingly committing Your selfless act of becoming my Holy Redeemer. I praise You in You amazing name. Amen.

May the gentle assurance of Jesus’ sweet love encompass you today and every day.


Why Would He?



If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. Psalm 66:18 New International Version

There was a man with two sons.

One son was obedient and loving with his father. As a consequence the father loved to show his affection and appreciation by showering the son with gifts.

The other son was arrogant, rude and unappreciative of the father. As a result the father gave that son nothing.


The first son is a Christian, the second worldly.

If you cherish the sinful life you are arrogant rude and disobedient to the Father. When you are like that and need His help why should He listen to you when you reject Him?

Prayer: I thank you Jehovah Abba (God our Father) for blessing me with an amazing loving relationship with you. Because of this I know You will always listen to this, Your loving child that You love so much. I praise you in the name of Your most holy son Jesus Christ. Amen.                                                                                                

May the sunshine of Jesus sweet love bless you today and every day