
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

Have You Ever Worked For

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Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Colossians 3:23Holy Bible, New Living Translation Version

Have you ever worked for the nit pickers before?

Nit picker are those that no matter how good your work is they can always find something wrong with it. They take all the steam out of your desire to excel at what you are doing. This is a real tragedy when the nit pickers are parents.

It takes a lot of work and therapy to get over their poison they inject into their childrens impressionable minds.

Teachers can have the same short term affect.

When I do work I like to step back and ask my Heavenly Father if He is pleased with what has been done.

Most times He is and there is a warm feeling of satisfaction flowing through me.

When He isn’t there is no scolding. He just redirects my effort and then I step back and marvel at what we have accomplished and gratefully thank Him. There has been numerous times when He guides me to do something that I have no desire to do but do it with great gusto to please Him, which gives immeasurable pleasure to me.                                   

Most times when the project is completed I see what He was doing and the finished project looks fantastic even though it looked stupid and was laughed at by others or looked ugly but was beautiful when completed.

Sometimes we will not see the purpose of His task until we enter our Heavenly home. That is okay though because we take satisfaction in knowing what we did pleased our Heavenly King in the here and now.

Work for Jehovah, not man. It is appreciated so much more. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Helech ‘Olam (The Lord our King Forever) for the esteem of being Your humble, obedient, loyal servant. It is the greatest delight that can be offered to me. I exalt You in the name of the King of Kings Jesus Christ. Amen

May you be blessed with the gift of love, the gift of peace, the gift of joy. May you be blessed with numerous opportunities to share these gifts with others today.  


Author: ropheka

As Christ is our King, so too are we His free will servants Joseph a son of Jehovah I have been a faithful servant of our Lord for the past forty years. He has led me to move from the farm to the city. It was there I learned natural medicine as well as to serve by doin volunteer work in a hospital. This was preparing me for the next stage of growth and service unto Him. The next phase was to live in a tent in the western provinces of Canada planting trees. It has here in His marvelous creation of nature that He taught me so much of Himself while serving others in camp as a first aid attendant. If anybody got sick or injured they always came to me. As well, I learned to be a big brother and care about their mental health and for most, it was the first time they were ever loved. This caring for others prepared me for the next step which was to be a teacher all over China. Here not only did my example guide many to our Heavenly King but also taught me how to deal with narcissist. This prepared me to come home to take care of a narcissistic mother while dealing with narcissist family members. It was in China that the Lord also guided me to become a Christian writer which has been faithfully done for the past ten years. I know not what will happen tomorrow but I know who holds tomorrow in His hands and it is Him I place my total confidence and trust in. Joseph a son of Jehovah

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