
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

He Made You Something Special

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For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us]. Ephesians 2:10 Holy Bible, Amplified Version

Have you ever looked at the life of the majority of movie stars, musicians and TV stars? How many of them are all messed up on drugs and booze? How many of them are involved with sexual promiscuity? How many of their lives are all messed up? How many of them change partners more than you change the tires on your car? Have you noticed how shallow and self centred they are? Then why in the world would desire to emulate them?

The same can be said about the majority of the most popular kids in school when we see them later in life. Most have squandered their lives away on booze, drugs and failed marriages. Being older, it still amazes me when I see this.

Jehovah does not make junk. He made you something special and when you accept Christ as your Savior, He moulds you into an even more beautiful child of God. This is a lifetime endeavor. The longer we walk with Jesus and look back at how far the Holy Spirit has taken us and changed us, it is awesome and amazing.

We forfeit three fourths of ourselves to be like other people. Arthur Schopenhauer


Prayer: Thank you Jehovah Bara (The Lord Creator) for the patience, skill and endurance to continuously mould this difficult lump of clay into a beautiful Heavenly child of Yours. I long to see Your reflection in my daily life become more and more inlaid in my character. I praise You in the name of the most beautiful of all Jesus Christ. Amen

May Gods sunshine always bless you with brightening your day with His love, joy and peace. Joseph a son of Jehovah

Author: ropheka

As Christ is our King, so too are we His free will servants Joseph a son of Jehovah I have been a faithful servant of our Lord for the past forty years. He has led me to move from the farm to the city. It was there I learned natural medicine as well as to serve by doin volunteer work in a hospital. This was preparing me for the next stage of growth and service unto Him. The next phase was to live in a tent in the western provinces of Canada planting trees. It has here in His marvelous creation of nature that He taught me so much of Himself while serving others in camp as a first aid attendant. If anybody got sick or injured they always came to me. As well, I learned to be a big brother and care about their mental health and for most, it was the first time they were ever loved. This caring for others prepared me for the next step which was to be a teacher all over China. Here not only did my example guide many to our Heavenly King but also taught me how to deal with narcissist. This prepared me to come home to take care of a narcissistic mother while dealing with narcissist family members. It was in China that the Lord also guided me to become a Christian writer which has been faithfully done for the past ten years. I know not what will happen tomorrow but I know who holds tomorrow in His hands and it is Him I place my total confidence and trust in. Joseph a son of Jehovah

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