
A closer walk with our beloved friend.

Good Shall Come to Thee.



I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken. Psalm37:25 New King James Version

To be a servant of Jesus means we give up a lot of the worlds luxuries and most times just survive, all be it comfortably but frugally.

This is good because we learn to depend upon Jehovah for our daily needs. Because He generously supplies them we grow deeper and deeper in love with Him and develop a deeper respect for Him.


As we age and are no longer able to serve Him as we did when young we have no government pension to fall back on and most times no savings in the bank.

Through His love and grace Jehovah always supplies for us in our old age just as He did in our younger days.


Three times I worked hard, lived frugally and saved.

Three times I was wiped out. Since living for Christ, He has always supplied my every need (not necessarily my every want but definitely my every need).

Now I am getting old and my chance of getting a good work contract is nil.

In fear of my future I prayed to Him about my future with no money and no job.

Each time I did, there was a dream where I was led into an apartment. It was comfortable and spacious but the one thing there always hit me was the cupboards were always full and the lady that led there would look at me and smile and say:” This is yours.” She said it like I was not renting or purchasing the place but rather that is was given for me to live in all the rest of my days. Then I would wake up.

That day while doing Bible reading a verse like the one in this article would jump out at me.

I like Jehovahs retirement plan.

“Live to please God, and He will breathe on thee His peace. Seek His glory, and He will make thy heart His home. Do His will, and thereby good shall come to thee.”  F. B. Meyer

Prayer: Thank You Jehovah Jireh (God our provider) for always providing for Your child in his service to his loving King. Thank you for promising and keeping Your promise to always take care of Your children whom You cherish so deeply. I give thanks for this blessing in the name of He who taught about the birds in the sky Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day

Author: ropheka

As Christ is our King, so too are we His free will servants Joseph a son of Jehovah I have been a faithful servant of our Lord for the past forty years. He has led me to move from the farm to the city. It was there I learned natural medicine as well as to serve by doin volunteer work in a hospital. This was preparing me for the next stage of growth and service unto Him. The next phase was to live in a tent in the western provinces of Canada planting trees. It has here in His marvelous creation of nature that He taught me so much of Himself while serving others in camp as a first aid attendant. If anybody got sick or injured they always came to me. As well, I learned to be a big brother and care about their mental health and for most, it was the first time they were ever loved. This caring for others prepared me for the next step which was to be a teacher all over China. Here not only did my example guide many to our Heavenly King but also taught me how to deal with narcissist. This prepared me to come home to take care of a narcissistic mother while dealing with narcissist family members. It was in China that the Lord also guided me to become a Christian writer which has been faithfully done for the past ten years. I know not what will happen tomorrow but I know who holds tomorrow in His hands and it is Him I place my total confidence and trust in. Joseph a son of Jehovah

5 thoughts on “Good Shall Come to Thee.

  1. Like you Bro. Jiseph, God is also changing my mindset about these things. I read of how persecuted Christians in other countries don’t own homes because it’s taken from them. They learn not to let things like owning land and a house be important to them. They trust God for a roof over their heads. One of my favorite Scripture verses is in Acts 2:44-45 where the believers sold their possessions and shared all things. It shows complete trust in God to provide and just beautiful, generous hearts.

  2. Thank you for this. I have been “retired” for 7 years and your story is much like mine. No matter how deep we are in the pit of despair, God always lifts us out.

    • I am not retired. I am taking care of my stubborn disabled mother, all be it with no pay.

      I know very well what Paul was talking about when he said about living in riches and living in poverty with contentment

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